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Dong Qi, President of Beijing Normal University, sent a message to the 2021 graduates: aim high and have a big pattern

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Beijing Normal University principal Dong Qi Sentiment of 2021 graduate

Dear 2021 graduates,

Dear teachers, parents and friends

Good morning, everyone!

Today, we are here to solemnly hold the graduation ceremony of 2021 to witness the students' successful completion of their studies! First of all, on behalf of all teachers and students, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to the students! Let's also express our heartfelt thanks to the teachers, parents and friends who have worked hard for your growth and success!

Students, during your years of study and life at Beijing Normal University, you witnessed major celebrations such as the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up and the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, witnessed China's brilliant achievements in building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, participated in the great struggle against the COVID-19 epidemic, and also promoted the school's "double first-class" construction with practical actions to make new progress. Over the past few years, you have increased your talents and skills in professional learning, honed your character and style in social practice, and worked hard to win glory in various competitions, fully demonstrating the era and youth of Beijing Normal University.

You are the "younger generation" with fire in your heart and light in your eyes, and the "later wave" with a promising future. The school is proud of you and proud of you!

Students, today's ceremony coincides with the 100th anniversary of the Party. Graduation at such a special node has special significance of the times and life enlightenment for you. History is the best teacher. Looking back at the hundred years of history, the reason why the Chinese nation can walk out of the trough of modern history and achieve the great leap from standing up, becoming rich to becoming strong,

An extremely important secret is that the Chinese people have always maintained their spiritual initiative under the leadership of the Party.

As General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, since the founding of the Communist Party of China in 1921, the Chinese people have had a backbone in their struggle for national independence, people's liberation, national prosperity and people's happiness, and the Chinese people have turned from passivity to initiative in spirit. This spiritual initiative is extremely important for the development and growth of a political party, a country and a nation, as well as for the growth and success of each of us. Therefore, at today's graduation ceremony, I would like to talk with my classmates about the important topic of "how to maintain mental initiative" in the future work, study and life.

1、 To keep the initiative in spirit, we must aim high and have a big pattern

If you have an ideal in your heart and a direction in your eyes, you will have strength at your feet. General Secretary Xi Jinping once pointed out profoundly: "Why can the Chinese revolution succeed? The secret is that the revolutionary ideal is higher than the sky." The ideal becomes an ideal because of its grandeur, and once the fire of ideal and belief is ignited, it will produce huge spiritual power. To seek happiness for the people and rejuvenation for the nation, the centennial history of the Party is a history of serving the people with unchanged original intention. The Communist Party of China has always been in the mind of "the biggest man in the country", stood out from many political forces, rose and grew, and achieved great cause with a great pattern. Generations of Communists, taking the cause of the country and the nation as their own responsibility, have gained the inexhaustible power to overcome difficulties and forge ahead bravely on the road of life, and have fulfilled their original intention and mission.

Students of Beijing Normal University have always been concerned about their family and country and have lofty ambitions. No matter what kind of life goals you choose in the future, or what kind of career choices you have, I hope you can guide your life direction with lofty ambitions, keep pace with the times, share the destiny with the people, not be disturbed by numerous temptations, not yield to difficult challenges, always take the initiative in life choices in your own hands, and strive for a higher level, a higher level More valuable life.

2、 To keep the initiative in spirit, we must be down-to-earth and work hard

Only when ideals are rooted in the earth and turned into action can they blossom and bear fruitful results. Chairman Mao once said that in the world, the word "conscientiousness" is feared, and Communists are the most serious. Comrade Deng Xiaoping also said that everything in the world is done, and if not done, there is no Marxism at all. All Communists are doers, and every development achievement is achieved. They have made a step by step and done everything. The Party has grown from a small red ship in the past to a giant ship of 90 million Party members. From this perspective, the country has gone from being broken and destitute to becoming the second largest economy in the world, building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and the nation has gone from saving the nation from subjugation to great rejuvenation, The centennial history of the Party is also a history of hard work of the Party in leading the people.

Students, after you graduate, you may go to the society or continue to study. Please remember that there are thousands of paths in life, and the first one is to work hard. There is no glory from equality, only brilliance from struggle. In the era of thousands of sails competing and hundreds of competitors competing for the current, we should not wait until all conditions are ripe to do so, which will miss many opportunities for development. I hope that you will always take the initiative of opportunities in your own hands, adhere to down-to-earth and take the initiative, constantly enhance your knowledge reserves and abilities, take the responsibility by doing, and realize your dreams with hard work.

3、 Keep the initiative in spirit, you will not be afraid of wind and rain, and will persevere

"In ancient times, people who made great achievements not only had extraordinary talents, but also had perseverance." From a political party to a team and everyone, if they want to succeed, they must have strong willpower. In the course of a hundred years of struggle, our party has gone through trials and hardships, and has overcome difficulties. It has encountered the white terror after the failure of the Great Revolution and the defeat of the fifth anti "encirclement and suppression" campaign, has been blocked and suppressed by foreign hostile forces in the early days of New China, has experienced tortuous exploration on the road of socialist construction, and has also suffered the Wenchuan earthquake, COVID-19 and other disasters. Faced with the most severe tests again and again, the Communists never fear to bow down, never shrink back and escape, rely on perseverance and indomitable struggle, and have achieved victory again and again, created one after another world miracle that has been shining in the annals of history, and achieved today's national prosperity and people's well-being. Therefore, the centennial history of the Party is a history of continuous self-improvement and never giving up.

Students, hard work, you can succeed. In the future, life is not always sunny and smooth. There will always be some difficulties, difficulties and even setbacks. I hope that you will not be afraid to retreat in the face of difficulties and obstacles, do not feel sorry for yourself when you are at a low point in life, and do not abandon yourself. You should have confidence and courage to overcome difficulties, always take the initiative to overcome difficulties in your own hands, and gain growth and success in constantly overcoming difficulties and setbacks.

4、 To keep the initiative in spirit, we must be bold in exploration and innovation

Every day, every day, every day. Innovation is the power source to lead the development of the cause. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that our Party is still in its prime after a hundred years of vicissitudes. The secret lies in its strong ability to self purify, self improve, self innovate and self improve. Over the past century, the Communist Party of China has always stood at the forefront of the times. No matter how the times change, it always keeps pace with the times, and continues to promote theoretical innovation based on practice and practical innovation under the guidance of theory, creating a better life for the people with each passing day. From this perspective, the centennial history of the Party is still a history of ideological emancipation, pioneering and innovative entrepreneurship.

Students, every generation of young people has its own opportunities and opportunities. You are entering the era of intelligent connection of all things in the triple integration of "man, machine and things". Emerging technologies such as information technology and artificial intelligence are refreshing people's understanding of time, space and the whole world. Your generation is facing unprecedented new opportunities, challenges and new formats. We hope that you will draw wisdom from the centennial history of the Party, always maintain the spirit of keeping pace with the times and the courage to innovate, firmly hold the initiative of innovation in your own hands, and become the leader of innovation in the era and the leader of grasping the future.

Students, more than one hundred years ago, Mr. Li Dazhao wrote the article "Youth": "With youth as me, create a youth family, a youth country, a youth nation, a youth human being, a youth earth, and a youth universe." On the occasion of graduation, I would like to send this article "Youth" to you as the expectation and blessing of the school for students. I hope you will always take the initiative in spirit, walk with the new era, shoulder the heavy responsibility in the prosperous times, and create your wonderful life in the struggle!

Students, next year the school will celebrate its 120th anniversary. Welcome back to your alma mater to participate in the celebration activities. Please remember, your alma mater will always be your home!

Students, today's graduation ceremony has an innovative link. Before the commencement of the graduation ceremony, I was really happy to see all of you singing happily about graduation.

Finally, I wish you a happy graduation, a bright future, and peace and happiness! Thank you!

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