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South China Agricultural University found 183 abnormalities in rectification of such behaviors as subletting of teaching staff turnover houses

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To renovate the school Faculty Turnover room In the evening of May 31, South China Agricultural University (hereinafter referred to as "South China Agricultural University") checked the 481 revolving houses in Block 28, East District, which had "abnormal personnel access records in the past month".

On June 2, the official website of South China Agricultural University announced the results of the inspection, saying that "there are 481 turnover houses in 28 buildings in the east area, and 183 rooms were abnormal in this inspection, including 78 rooms without recorded information, 52 rooms with abnormal entry and exit records, etc. During the inspection, it was found that there were 111 homes without people (many were idle), and 19 were suspected of subletting (refused to open the door, the residents were not themselves or their immediate relatives)."

Among them, the assets and laboratory management office of South China Agricultural University required its residents to "check out before June 10, 2021" for the 19 rooms suspected of sublease with room numbers of 224, 632, 710, 717, 729, 823, 828, 831, 907, 1031, 1112, 1115, 1127, 1215, 1220, 1318, 1322, 1425 and 1433; If it is not a sublease, please provide a written explanation of the situation, and report to the school to forcibly take back the house after the deadline.

The notice stressed that the school will continue to carry out the inspection of rooms with abnormal access records in the near future, on the one hand, continue to seriously punish illegal sublease behavior, on the other hand lessee Persuade.

According to the Management Measures for the Staff Turnover Housing of South China Agricultural University (Huanan Agricultural Office (2014) No. 77), the school staff turnover housing is a temporary and short-term housing provided to solve the housing difficulties of newly enrolled staff before they purchase housing. New faculty and workers who rent the school's revolving houses will enjoy a preferential policy of five years' revolving period. If they have difficulties and meet the relevant provisions of these Measures after the expiry of the revolving period, they can continue to rent for another five years.

The management measures clearly require that the lessee shall not change the purpose of the house, nor sublease, transfer, lend to others or exchange the leased house (bed). Among them, "the school will circulate a notice of criticism to anyone who is found to have subleased, transferred or lent, and the school will not accept his housing application within three years."

As a functional department for the management of staff turnover housing, the Assets and Laboratory Management Office of South China Agricultural University also emphasized in the notice that "if this affects their qualification for talent apartment selection, the consequences will be borne by themselves".

Pengpai News ( noted that since September last year, the Asset and Laboratory Management Office of South China Agricultural University has issued several notices stating that it is strictly prohibited to sublet or lend the revolving houses of teachers and staff.

In October 2020, in order to put an end to the sublease and lending of the revolving houses, the Assets and Laboratory Management Office of South China Agricultural University announced that it would apply for the building pass for the revolving house residents and their immediate family members (only parents, spouses and children) living together, and dynamically check the identity of the residents for a long time.

In April 2021, South China Agricultural University decided to implement face access management in the faculty turnover room. From April 20 to 30, the Asset and Laboratory Management Office has collected on-site information in each building.

In May, the Assets and Laboratory Management Office of South China Agricultural University issued a notice that it is planned to start the trial operation of the face access control system from Building 28 in the east area on May 8, and other buildings will be opened in succession.

The notice emphasized that "after opening the face access control, the original card swiping access control will be disabled; the lessee will enter the building through the face recognition of the gate and manually unlock the door; visitors will enter and leave with the lessee; other miscellaneous personnel are not allowed to enter the building."

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