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Recent photos of Zheng Shuang expose suspicion of plastic surgery! His mouth was crooked, his hair was purple, and he said he didn't owe anyone!

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Since the "surrogacy" and "tax evasion" doors were closed down, Zheng Shuang has lost a lot of spotlight and traffic, which makes her obtain a rare purity.

Recently, because of a hot search, Zheng Shuang, who has disappeared for a long time, returned to the public view again.

A few days ago, a news about the cancellation of the last company under Zheng Shuang's father's name came out, at the same time, it was revealed that Zheng Shuang himself had no property to implement at present, and might face the dilemma of not being able to recover the money owed to the investor.

In this regard, Zheng Shuang's studio quickly responded, not only showing the suspected recent photos.

In the photo, she has short straight purple hair and red lips, which is full of fashion. However, her eyes are slightly dull, her face is haggard, and her face is full of vicissitudes and fatigue.

Seen from recent photos, Zheng Shuang seems to have undergone another facelift. Does it mean to start again?

It also indicates that:

Shuang doesn't owe anyone, nor does he owe the country a penny.

Many fans left messages saying "too bad".

When Zheng Shuanggang was banned, he reviewed a microblog to celebrate the 100th anniversary, and received nearly 30000 comments, and the years were quiet.

Many people hope that she will take good care of herself, as if she is the victim of surrogacy, yin-yang contract, tax evasion.

I'm afraid she has no way to go and can't live.

Is it really a pity? I just want to say wake up everyone.

After Song Dongye was "banned" due to the drug abuse scandal, his staff still kept a large number of bar businesses, and his private life was very happy.

In May, taste a cup of wine from Hulunbeier Prairie, and in June, watch the tides of Qinhuangdao.

I drank and talked about life with my friends when I had nothing to do, which was much more nourishing than the ordinary 996 community animals.

Weiya disappeared from the screen and turned into a successful investor.

He is only 38 years old, and has two IPOs in the business domain, earning more than those years when he was an anchor.

So even if they were banned, the rate of these legal professionals would probably not be too bad.

When fans sympathize with their love for beans, they might as well ask themselves whether they have worked hard and whether their wages have increased over the years.

When you are calculating for 79, your fans may be living with 208.

So don't feel sorry for them.

What is even more chilling is some comments made by the fans below:

"Now that the tax bureau has nothing to do with it, can we appeal the cool thing?"

"People are XXXX, XXXX (the defamation part of the tax authority should not be sent out later, otherwise it will be harmonious)

"Since the income from filming should be recovered, the tax paid before can also be returned".

And so on, there are many more.

It is understandable that fans are bent on defending their idols, but it is wrong to openly ridicule or even spread rumors about the fairness and justice of state organs.

No matter how much you like her, she deserved the heavy punishment for tax evasion that year.

Many fans will say:

Everyone has the freedom to choose his own life as long as he does not affect others.

However, as a public figure, will their words and deeds really affect others?

Do you remember Liu Zhoucheng who was nailed to the stigma column of domestic violence because of domestic violence?

A few days ago, he simply broke the jar and broke it. He made his debut again with the help of "Master Liu" and "Domestic Violence Fist".

Kick and punch at the camera, so that the audience can experience the perspective of the victim and constantly refresh everyone's three views.

Even took the new girlfriend to the comment area to leave a message:

"Hello everyone, I'm New Sandbag."

The boundary between violence and entertainment becomes blurred and the lower limit is lowered under the "heavy punch".

Sun Xiaomei, a professor at China Women's University, had been fighting against domestic violence for more than 30 years.

Since the 1990s, the successful implementation of the anti domestic violence law has been promoted step by step by visiting grass-roots victims and putting forward proposals in the National People's Congress for many times.

This heavy and difficult narrative was dispelled by a funny "domestic violence fist" of a star.

Even worse, on Ke Zhendong's birthday, Lian Mai and Zuming apologized to the audience for taking drugs, but they didn't show any sincerity.

Laughing to the camera, he said: "We broke the law, we were wrong, we need to do a better demonstration, sorry everyone."

Turning around, he added: "The audience loves to watch and TM is blind. They just want to see us apologize together."

If you don't care, you just have to write "I just killing" on your face.

What's more, these unrepentant apologies become affectionate in the eyes of fans.

There are always people who come out every other time to cry out for their "brother", and feel that it is unnecessary to be too harsh.

Is this really just a joke?

We all know that "every penny spent on drugs is a bullet hit the anti drug police."

This sentence has been engraved in our hearts for a long time, but the story about the anti drug police is far more bloody than one line or two sentences.

Their average life expectancy is only 41 years old, and their sacrifice is not intended to help these drug addicts play.

Similarly, why should tax evasion be resolutely resisted and must not be reversed?

You should know that a strong country cannot be separated from an efficient "financial system" and "financial allocation".

To take a simple example, in February 2020, the Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission decided to grant a subsidy of 300 yuan per person per day for direct contact with cases to be screened or confirmed, as well as relevant staff.

Deng Lun evaded taxes of 61.6514 million yuan, which can subsidize 200000 medical workers.

As for Zheng Shuang, tax evasion was 45.2696 million yuan, and other underpaid taxes were 26.5207 million yuan, which added up to more than 70 million yuan. You can calculate how many poor families can be helped by these funds.

In a larger sense, the exciting military parade, the fireworks at the Olympic Games, and the railway transportation covering the whole country

Whether it is a strong national defense force or a thriving social culture, it is inseparable from taxpayers to pay taxes.

So when the war between Palestine and Israel broke out and countless people were killed, we can be on the other side of the mobile phone and celebrate that we were born in a peaceful country.

So in all kinds of international activities, we don't have to rely on people's noses, look at people's faces, and be pushed around by others.

As a public figure, if "knowing one's mistakes can be corrected" can erase one's bad deeds, then the public's moral sense will be gradually lowered, and crime will become more and more irrelevant.

The butterfly effect caused by stars' violation of law and discipline is borne by the society and harms everyone.

As the People's Daily said, the arts should follow the law.

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