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A big melon with fresh meat!

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In 2005, the elder sister's husband held a glamorous actress on the red carpet "Best Female Owner of Chinese Media".

Soon after, the elder sister's husband had an affair with the actress.

It is said that:

In order to be able to participate in this play, the actress carried a bag into the group. The bag contained small underpants of various colors, pink, white, large, small

When the scandal first came out, the elder sister tried her best to clarify for her husband. A few years later, she played more colorful.

This year, a "fresh meat" was admitted to university;

The restless heart of a fresh meat was filled with emptiness by the appearance of a girl, making him feel that love is "delicious and juicy".

In college, they tried everything about their boyfriend and girlfriend.

A fresh meat usually looks good, but his People who lack a sense of security and "satisfaction" in their hearts, in plain words, are just hypocritical.

In 2006, a major director put chrysanthemums on the screen, but the best thing to see was not chrysanthemums, but Wangzai steamed buns full of screens.

To this end, the director found his ex girlfriend who had been abandoned for many years to help him.

Some fresh meat went to the audition and was directly given a male number three by the big director, but changed roles temporarily before starting up.

Fresh meat thumped his chest.

"God wants to kill me"?

This year, the married elder sister served as the judge of xx International Film Festival, and got closer to fresh meat.

Xianrou knew that "if you want to succeed, you should go crazy first. If you can't go crazy, you should start from bit by bit." So he started his career as a dragon trap.

If not, he would not meet his elder sister.

In 2007, his film remuneration was only 5000 yuan, but he dreamed of being Jobs in the "film and television industry".

However, the reality told him that Jobs did not know whether he could do it or not, but it was not true.

This year, the new version of "XX Dream" recruited actors, and the fresh meat audition was successful. It also cooperated with the unknown "xm";

Later, they also touched their legs and felt each other very much.

Often filming, the relationship between Xianrou and his girlfriend "changed from a potential relationship to a deep relationship to a shallow relationship. On the eve of graduation, the two broke up.

After breaking up, he immediately entered the effective range of "Big Sister".

In 2009, fresh meat graduation;

We urgently need a work to prove our existence, just in time to shoot "XX Driving" and cooperate with a group of seniors;

When I saw xxx's "peerless style", I wanted to play for myself, but xx played it again and again first.

Just then, the married elder sister came to visit her friends and saw Xiao Xianrou. She liked his understanding and capriciousness in acting.

Under the director's introduction, the two met.

It was also at this time that the elder sister's backyard caught fire.

The "brother-in-law" came to a car crash with his mistress, and the paparazzi caught him in the act. Therefore, the elder sister could not care so much.

The elder sister signed the fresh meat under her own company for training at any time. In the future, they really made a lot of noise.

With the help of the elder sister, the little fresh meat quickly became hot.

When shooting "xxx", the director was very dissatisfied with the fresh meat, saying: he had no acting skills;

I want to exchange fresh meat even if I lose some money;

However, the elder sister used all kinds of relationships to finally make the director compromise. It is said that at that time, the elder sister called the director and released a cruel remark, "Don't use him, you also don't need".

In this way, the relationship between fresh meat and elder sister is getting closer and closer.

When the eldest sister was filming "xxxxx", fresh meat came to Dalian to visit the crew, and the love between sister and brother has changed.

Later, they went to France for a holiday.

They were also photographed by paparazzi. They not only stayed in the same hotel, but also were reported to have had a "car crash" on the streets of France. This scene was familiar, but also unknown.

Fresh meat has repeatedly denied taking into account its image, saying that "love between sister and brother" is not "love".

The elder sister was also afraid of "provoking anger", so she published a "letter of refuting rumors" and sued the "rumormongers" to the court.

But this has not dispelled the public's doubts;

Since then, the elder sister has been asked about her relationship with fresh meat in interviews. She has a shy face to refute the rumor, but also a happy face to praise.

"He likes Chinese traditional culture and exudes the temperament of a literary youth".

With the help of this scandal, the elder sister cooperated with fresh meat in a play of "sister brother love", and the two were together in a dignified way.

After "acting in a natural way", the two people do not owe each other.

Under the guidance of the elder sister, "every day, every opportunity", fresh meat has changed from tender to stylish, and its position in the circle has gradually risen.

After Xianrou became a man of style, he continued his relationship with an unknown sister M who had worked with him earlier.

In the play, fresh meat is very devoted to touching the thigh of m, and is very warm with the dry wood of fresh meat and the fire of m

I want to die,

The front of the screen looked contemptuous.

After friction with M, it was revealed that his girlfriend was Korean artist XX Yun, and the two were photographed "kissing and holding high" on the street.

"Reluctantly" at the airport, like a Korean drama, "brilliant".

It's a pity that they broke up with fresh meat unilaterally.

It is said that the elder sister disagrees.

Xianrou's "sexual bliss" was delayed by her elder sister. In the interview, Xianrou said: "I haven't been in love for four years, and I enjoy being single very much.

2020, fresh meat will finally be free;

The chat screenshot "You took a picture of your girlfriend" was posted on Weibo, and the expression package of "love" and "give you a little heart" was added to admit the love.

The next year, he won the title of xx Movie Maker.

After his success, he has received many praise from industry leaders, but has never received praise from his elder sister. Maybe he has already said all the words of praise;

You... great

I'm Wen Daowan.

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