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The Korean army will go to the Russian Ukrainian battlefield? Ukraine intercepts important information, US Major General: it is the cannon fodder of the Russian army

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Will the Korean Army Start a New Task of Resisting US Aggression and Aiding Russia? Joining the war in Uzbekistan? Ukraine intercepted important information, and the US Major General responded to the incident by saying that the Korean People's Army entering Russia would be the cannon fodder of the Russian army.

The Korean army will go to the Russian Ukrainian battlefield? Ukrainian media said they had intercepted important information

According to the Kiev Post of Ukraine, the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty signed between Putin's visit to North Korea and North Korea clearly stipulates that "when any party is in a state of war due to the armed invasion of a country or countries, the other party should provide military and other assistance by all means it has without delay." In fact, this is to remove all obstacles for North Korea to send troops to Ukraine.

Uzbek media said that the Uzbek side has intercepted important information, and the DPRK will send a military engineering unit, mainly the engineering unit of the Korean People's Army, to Ukraine to aid Russia and carry out military operations in Donetsk. It is expected that these troops will arrive on the battlefield next month.

Ukraine said that North Korea has provided Russia with nearly two million artillery shells, rockets and even ballistic missiles. The active participation of the Korean combat forces has made the escalation of the conflict more obvious.

US Major General: North Korea is the cannon fodder of the Russian army

Major General Pat Ryder, spokesman for the Pentagon of the US military, said in response to this issue that the sending of troops by North Korea is absolutely a matter of concern. If he is a senior officer of the Korean army, he will doubt that his troops were sent to participate in the "illegal war" against Ukraine and were used as cannon fodder. Now the US military has seen the casualties of Russian troops - but this is something the US military will continue to pay attention to.

The meaning of the American Major General's words is very clear. If the Korean People's Army enters Ukraine to fight, it will be meaningless cannon fodder. Now that the Russian army has suffered so many casualties, the participation of the Korean People's Army will not help the war situation, it can only be death.

There was also speculation in the western media that the Korean People's Army has a scale of one million troops, but its equipment is far from that of Russia or even Ukraine, and its command system is very backward. On the battlefield, it will face a series of problems of coordinated combat with the Russian army. The Korean army's campaign theory and combat system do not match the Russian army, If North Korea rashly sends troops to Ukraine, it may "self defeating".

Of course, compared with the Russian army, North Korea also has other advantages, that is, the artillery force, especially the rockets. In recent years, North Korea has developed a series of long-range rockets, ranging from 300 mm to 600 mm, with a range of hundreds of kilometers away. Moreover, it has precision guidance capability, which is farther and more powerful than the long-range rockets equipped by Russia.

The United States and Ukraine have repeatedly hyped related topics. In fact, Russia can win the war alone

However, the fact that the Korean People's Army is sending troops is just the hype of the US and Ukraine. However, Russia and North Korea have no relevant information about North Korea's sending troops to Russia at present, which is probably untrue. Western media often come to this story. Previously, they had been hyping the news that North Korea was about to send troops to Russia, and even hyping the false news that China was providing weapons to Russia. As a result, the US Defense Department rebuffed the rumor.

In fact, based on the overall situation of the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the Russian army simply cannot use the army of any other country. The war has been going on for more than two years now, and Russia has entered the comprehensive wartime mobilization system. The problem of shortage of troops and weapons and ammunition in the initial stage has long since disappeared.

Although Russia's industrial capacity is far less powerful than that of the Soviet Union, its emaciated camel is bigger than Ma's. Once Russia's military industrial capacity is fully started, few major countries in the world can compare with it. As a result, Russia was able to produce a steady stream of artillery, ammunition, tanks and fighter planes to the front.

In terms of military strength, the Russian army has increased its front-line forces through two years of comprehensive expansion. Compared with the early military action launched at the beginning of 2022, the current military strength of the Russian army in the front is 3-3.5 times that of the Russian army, and it has sufficient combat forces and reserve forces on the front. After the mobilization of 300000 people by the end of 2022, there are still 70000 to 80000 additional troops in the Russian army every quarter. It is expected that the number of front-line troops of the Russian army will exceed 900000 by the end of this year.

The situation is extremely bad in Ukraine. Ukraine has no weapons and no troops, so it is difficult to continue fighting. In terms of weapons, we can only ask the West for them. How much the West can give him depending on its own ability determines Ukraine's ability to continue fighting. There was no large-scale military industry, but it was nearly destroyed by the Russian army. All of it had to rely on foreign countries excessively.

In terms of personnel gap, Ukraine has fallen into a systemic crisis on the front line, with its peak frontline troop strength falling from 801 million to 1 million in September 2022 to the current scale of 450000 to 600000.

There are two main reasons. First, the cruelty of the Russian Ukrainian battlefield is far greater than that of other wars in this century. The Russian army, with its huge firepower advantage and military strength advantage, has caused several times more casualties to the Ukrainian army. The battlefield force of the Ukrainian army has dropped from 800000 in 2023 to 640000 by the end of 2023, and the total casualties since the war began have exceeded 650000.

Secondly, Ukraine's manpower pool has dried up, and there are no soldiers to recruit. Since the beginning of the war, a large number of people have flowed out, and there are not enough young people suitable for military service. The huge casualties also ensure that the rear of Ukraine needs to recruit young people and strong labor to fill in the army. The personnel gap is huge, and women soldiers and men aged 40-60 have to be recruited to fight on the front.

According to the current intensity of the war and the lack of troops, by the end of this year, the strength of the front line of the Urumqi army will further decline to the scale of 45-500000, which is far from enough for the Urumqi army to maintain the current front.

The total number of battlefield casualties of the Russian army is between 250000 and 400000, but only 100000 to 160000 of them are irrecoverable (killed, captured and disabled). The Russian army has sufficient population than Ukraine, and the casualties are smaller than Ukraine.

In this regard, the Zerensky regime had to "kill the goose that lays the golden egg", and recruited police and medical personnel from some parts of the country into brigade level combat units to deploy to the front line and the Russian army to grind meat, which was just a drop in the bucket.

The population situation of Ukraine determines that there is no hope to fight a protracted war of attrition with Russia. With the difficulty in replenishing troops and huge casualties, the Ukrainian army has no ability to maintain the war until the end of 2025. It is a matter of time before it can survive.

In this case, the defeat of Ukraine is a matter of time. It is obvious that the news of the Korean People's Army joining Ukraine to assist Russia, which is hyped by the US side of Ukraine, is unnecessary and will not be done by Russia.

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