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A large number of illegal seconded staff of the provincial Youth League Committee in the name of "temporary duty" were notified

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On July 1, the "Yunnan Release" was announced. A few days ago, with the consent of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government, the Provincial Special Working Mechanism Office for Formalism Rectification at the Grassroots Level, together with the General Office of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, reported two typical problems of Formalism Rectification at the Grassroots Level. The relevant information is as follows:

1. The Yunnan Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League seconded a large number of illegal staff in the name of "temporary duty"

By the end of May 2024, the number of "temporary" members of the Communist Youth League Provincial Committee far exceeded the specified number, and basically did not record as required. According to the regulations, "the secondment period shall not exceed 6 months generally", However, the Communist Youth League Provincial Party Committee has specified that the time for cadres to "hold a temporary post" is one year, and they can "continue to hold a temporary post" after the expiration. According to regulations, it is not allowed to temporarily transfer "newly employed (employed) township staff who have not reached the minimum service life of 5 years (including probation period) in the township", However, the provincial Communist Youth League Committee is still on secondment. According to the work arrangement, all departments at all levels should fully complete the removal of seconded county and township cadres and primary and secondary school teachers by the end of May. After repeated reminders, the provincial Communist Youth League Committee will only remove county and township cadres in mid June, and the two primary school teachers transferred in September 2023 have not been removed. As of June 25, the Provincial Youth League Committee still had a large number of "temporary" personnel, of which four were newly transferred in the middle of June. The seconded cadres of the Communist Youth League Provincial Committee have a wide range, a long time and a large number of personnel. The situation of "extracorporeal circulation" is prominent, and the seconded cadres are "working" and "watching".

2. Yunnan Rural Credit Cooperatives Association frequently carries out festival commendation activities to increase the burden of grassroots

In 2023, the provincial rural credit cooperatives union will carry out 13 celebration and commendation activities, with high expenditure. These activities focus on form and ostentation, and frequently require the provincial system to participate. More than half of these activities have nothing to do with business work, and require shooting and producing various style display videos. Grass roots workers have a strong response. In the 2023 peak season marketing commendation meeting and the 18th anniversary of the founding of Yunnan Rural Credit Cooperatives Association, state (city) offices, the first cooperatives, advanced individuals, etc. are required to shoot various videos and display them in the event, In order to prepare these videos, employees are forced to spend a lot of rest time. Similar situations are common in other activities.

The above typical problems reflect that some units do not pay enough attention to and implement the decision and deployment of the CPC Central Committee on rectifying formalism to reduce the burden at the grass-roots level and the work requirements of the provincial party committee, A large number of staff are seconded in violation of regulations, which affects the work at the grass-roots level and breeds laziness; The celebration and commendation activities were poorly planned and frequently carried out. In order to pursue the surface effect, they made "introspection" on video shooting and display, wasting time and energy and money. The units named in the notice should improve their political standing, deeply analyze the existing problems, and make timely and serious rectification. All regions and departments should thoroughly study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and important instructions on fighting against formalistic bureaucracy, faithfully implement the requirements for reducing the burden on the grass-roots level, draw inferences from other cases, carefully review and rectify, and resolutely prevent formalism from being punished by formalism, Take practical actions to promote the work of reducing the burden at the grass-roots level and achieve tangible results.

On April 10 this year, the Yunnan Provincial Work Conference on Rectifying Formalism and Reducing Burden at the Grassroots Level was held in Kunming, where we thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the deployment requirements of the CPC Central Committee, Party members and cadres across the province are called on to start from the moment, from themselves, and from the leadership, take measures and boldness to declare war on formalism and bureaucracy, effectively reduce the burden on the grass-roots level, let the grass-roots level have more time and energy to implement, and encourage the majority of party members and cadres to take better responsibilities and work harder to start businesses.

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