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Liu Jipeng: A share has formed a complete food chain! The food chain does not cut off A shares

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Today, the three major A-share indexes collectively counterattacked in the afternoon, and ended up and down at different levels. By the end of the day, the Shanghai Composite Index had risen 0.92%, the Shenzhen Composite Index had risen 0.57%, and the GEM Index had fallen 0.04% slightly. At one point, it had fallen nearly 2% during the session. Individual stocks in both cities rose more than fell, with nearly 3600 stocks rising; The total turnover of the two cities was 658.1 billion yuan, 45.2 billion yuan lower than the previous day, and the net outflow of major domestic capital was 7.172 billion yuan.

A few days ago, Liu Jipeng said: A share has formed a complete food chain! The food chain does not cut off the A-share cattle...... A has formed a complete food chain for more than 30 years. The top of the food chain is the size of listed companies. These non tradable shares, especially small non tradable shares, are beyond the reach of ordinary shareholders. Their original intention is to reduce their holdings at high prices after listing.
The second in the food chain is the parties involved in securities lending and refinancing. They don't need much capital. They just need to borrow stocks at a high level and sell them, buy them at a low level and return them. They can get huge profits in a continuous and easy way.
The third in the food chain is fund companies and various funds. They use the money of the basic people, receive orders from high positions, and deliver benefits for their own personal interests. They are willing to sacrifice the interests of the basic people to make their own pots full. The investors and the base people are the bottom of the food chain. Even if they lie flat, they will lose a lot of money. Many people are even cleared!

A stock market that has not risen for more than ten years has a huge financing scale. The head talked about the amount of financing, and took pride in it, and made achievements in the amount of financing. The price paid by the investors in the secondary market behind the financing: losses, silence.
The basic function of the stock market: investment and financing. Throughout the world's stock markets, investment is the main form of financing supplemented. Investors will get returns in the stock market, and financing will come naturally. On the contrary, focusing on the financing function, regardless of the investment function, any junk company can get financing, and investors have lost a lot of money. Who can they ask for financing?
In addition, refinancing and high-frequency trading are serious problems. Refinancing goes round and round, and high-frequency trading is like a closed door network, even small fry are not spared. These problems exacerbate the unhealthy market.
To improve the current situation, we must attach importance to the investment function, so that investors can make money, form a profitable effect, and attract more funds into the market. In this way, good company financing will not be a problem. After investors make money, their consumption ability will be enhanced, which will help expand domestic demand and promote stable economic growth~!

See the data, said that the total market value of A shares at the beginning of the year was 83.71 trillion, and today it closed at 80.95 trillion, less than 3 trillion! According to the calculation of 220 million shareholders, the per capita loss in the first half of the year was only about 12600 yuan.
The median number of individual shares is -23.65%, but the per capita loss is not much. Why? It is those central enterprises whose high dividend increases too sharply, which strongly "averages" the money loss effect of the market.
But the craziness of big ticket means that small and medium-sized tickets are abandoned! For example, only 5 stocks doubled in the first half of the year, 114 last year and 51 in 2018. This is enough to show how difficult it is to do high standard and play board this year.
The Chinese characters of central enterprises in Latin America look beautiful, but the trillions of giants such as PetroChina and China Mobile have real circulation of tens of billions, because major shareholders hold up to 50%~90% of the shares, and these market values are basically illiquid! So, how much does their big rise have to do with retail investors? After all, there are only a few people who take these things.

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