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Official announcement! Summer window of Chinese football has welcomed the long lost famous champion coach, who has officially appeared in his new club

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A few days ago, the first famous coach in Chinese football, Andre, was the best coach of K League. Andre's new club has officially confirmed that it is Guangxi Pingguo, a Chinese top team, and he will lead the team to the top. Andre has played in Chinese football since he was a player. Many Qingdao fans should be familiar with him. Because Andre played for Qingdao Zhongneng Team and Qu Bo were teammates. Andre has played for two years and has made great contributions to the team.

Later, Andre became a coach when he retired, and he had great success in the Korean League. Andre led the team to win the Korean Football Association Cup and won the award of the best coach of the season. Judging from Andre's resume, he came to Guangxi Pingguo Team to coach and play in the first place, which should be more than enough. Guangxi team has a clear goal in this season, which is to hope to win the championship.

For this reason, the Guangxi team asked for the adjustment of the position of the head coach, and invited Andre to be the new coach. The overall strength of the Guangxi team is good, and the team's big star should be Hu Rentian. Hu Rentian is a young and famous player in Chinese football. He has made remarkable achievements when he first started, and is known as the successor of Hao Junmin. Later, Hu Rentian became the main player in Teda and was selected into the national football team.

Hu Rentian scored in the first game on behalf of the national football team. At the same time, Hu Rentian caught up with the golden football period of the Chinese Super League, and obtained tens of millions of annual salary in China. The highlight of Hu Rentian's career is that he was selected into the first China Cup national football team and became the No. 10 core of the team. In the late years of his career, the player chose to come to the Guangxi team and became the team soul.

Whenever the Guangxi team gets bogged down in the competition, he always stands out in the first place to turn the tide. It is hoped that Andre and Hu Rentian can combine the beads and curtains in the game to help the team complete the task of surpassing. I believe that as long as the Guangxi team performs well in the Chinese league, it should be a matter of time for the team to realize its dream of winning the league.

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