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The grand finale of the spot screening of Jin Yong's Knight errant World: All star lineup, with mixed praise and criticism

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Mr. Jin Yong should be the origin of many friends' swordsman dreams. He has written many wonderful swordsman novels to everyone, and there are many vivid characters in his writing. Some of them are Yang Guo, who will miss his life at first sight, Guo Jing, who is heroic and righteous, and Huang Rong, who is clever and eccentric. Each character can be listed separately to write a biography.

Many of his martial arts novels have been remade for many times, and each film and television will also cause great controversy, among which the most classic is the 83 version of The Legend of the Carving Hero.

Maybe many people did not expect that there is already a classic that is hard to surpass, and another remake of the play is online: Jin Yong's Swordsman World. This play is an all-star cast. There are 60 episodes in this play, and five directors direct the creation. The cast is even more wonderful. Even the supporting actors are familiar actors.

Because it is a remake of a classic, many characters in the play are familiar to everyone. Guo Jing is still the protagonist, connecting the forces of all parties. Guo Jing was originally just an ordinary teenager, but because of her talent and great sense of righteousness, she met many distinguished people in the process of wandering the Jianghu, among whom Huang Rong is the most influential person.

Guo Jing in this play is played by Shi Sha. He should be a hot actor in the past two years. Previously, the film "Feng Shen" directed by Wu Ershan was a hit. Many actors in the film became more and more popular. Yang Jian, played by Shi Sha in the film, also left a very deep impression on everyone. Later, he also cooperated with many excellent predecessors and directors.

In fact, Guo Jing is a difficult character to shape, and the changes before and after are relatively large. In addition, there have been many examples of excellent seniors before. I believe that this sand is under great pressure when shaping this role.

The interaction between Guo Jing and Huang Rong in the play is also a great highlight. Huang Rong is a very classic role and also very popular, which can be called the representative role of the spirit of the ancients. Huang Rong, played by Weng Meiling in the 83 version of "Legend of Heroes in Carving Shooting", has directly become a national role, and has a very good reputation until now.

Bao Shang'en, a new generation flower, plays Huang Rong in the new play. In fact, she is the same as this Sha. As a newcomer, playing a classic role will be under great pressure. After all, many netizens and audiences can't help but want to make a comparison. From the current updated content, Bao Shang'en's performance is relatively good. Bao Shang'en plays Huang Rong's nimbleness very vividly, It really makes the character come alive.

In addition to Guo Jing and Huang Rong, there are four very important characters in this story, namely, the Northern Beggar, the Southern Emperor of Eastern Evil and Western Poison. The actors who play these four characters in the play are also well-known actors.

Zhou Yiwei plays Dongxie Huang Yaoshi, the father of Huang Rong. Zhou Yiwei has been challenging himself in recent years, and has really tried many different types of roles. His acting skills are obvious to all.

Gao Weiguang plays Ouyang Feng, a Western drug in the drama. A few years ago, Gao Weiguang was also called the "affectionate Gao Weiguang" in the romantic idol drama. In recent years, he began to play middle-aged people and even old men. This time, he was also called the most handsome Ouyang Feng.

To everyone's surprise, Mingdao, widely recognized as the male god of the TV drama and the synonym of the overbearing president, played the role of the Northern Beggar in the play. Even though he challenged such a role, Mingdao still retained some of his characteristics as the overbearing president, and his acting skills in the play were really outstanding, especially when playing against Huang Rong, I could feel that his throat knot was very interesting.

Master Yideng of Nandi was played by He Rundong. Like Mingdao, He Rundong is an idol god with a strong aura. In recent years, they have begun to play supporting roles willingly, and it is difficult for them to break through this barrier when they have really achieved what kind of role to shape at what age. These four middle-aged male actors are actually the backbone of the play, and it is very enjoyable to see them competing in acting skills.

In addition, Yang Kang is also a very important role in this story. Wang Hongyi plays Yang Kang, and his Chishui Fenglong in "Long term Love" is also very popular. The role is a remake, so the controversy is still relatively large, but Wang Hongyi's appearance is relatively high, which also let some audiences follow the five senses.

Meng Ziyi has also made a great breakthrough in this play. She plays Mei Chaofeng. As we all know, this role is very difficult. She has lived with hatred and frustration all her life, and has been used as a chess piece again and again. Meng Ziyi's appearance is really high. Maybe Mei Chaofeng she portrays doesn't quite match the role in everyone's impression, but the overall acting skill is quite powerful.

In addition to the actors introduced above, there are also some well-known actors in the play, such as Chen Turin, Ye Zuxin, and Hannikang. Because the work is really classic, there must be many actors who want to win a role in this TV play.

The first 30 episodes of Jin Yong's Swordsman World of Iron and Blood have been shown at the grand finale, and friends who like it can catch up at one go.

Editor: Rugu Film Review

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