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Let men chase you to give you a sense of security. Don't bother. Just move your mouth

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I don't know how many young men and women have long wanted to go bald with their loved ones. But when it really comes, some people will choose to retreat.

It's not that you don't love, only that you can't get over it, mixed with excitement, even a little tension and fear.

Happy people say that marriage is as sweet as honey; Unfortunately, people say that marriage is a tomb. But what is really terrible about marriage is playing dumb.

The most terrible thing is that one party ignores the other party's efforts and does not give back. All the feelings of giving are like sinking into the sea, and they do not want to improve this state.

In marriage, one party ignores all the efforts of the other party, and the final result is to bring great harm to the marriage. But the quarrel, infidelity or cold violence in the relationship are just the behaviors of ignoring the other party.

The antidote to neglect in marriage is communication, which is undoubtedly the simplest and most effective way. So what kinds of bad communication methods in marriage will make men who have avoided this more reluctant.

The first is straight through

In emotional relationships, there will always be some people who simply want to use the most direct and simple way of communication to solve problems.

However, the simpler the opening remarks, the more tense the atmosphere immediately becomes. Men will automatically become alert. Then no matter how we talk about it, we are just fighting, not communicating.

The straightforward way of talking makes men have an illusion at the first time. If you think about it, you can forget about it. On the contrary, it makes men lose interest in conversation.

Your way of communication is not to solve problems through alliance, but to become enemies. At the beginning of the conversation, each of them had his own ideas.

Second, over guessing

Women are naive enough to think that the other person can read the mind, can clearly guess the meaning you want to express, or feel that they can touch the other person's mind.

But this is not communication, but projective destruction. You are destroying feelings, not building them. A man's idea is the simplest. He can only understand the superficial meaning. He never too much goes into depth to interpret your "internal" meaning.

The excessive speculation of each other's inner thoughts in the relationship makes the relationship between two people unpredictable. In marriage, we might as well tell each other's inner thoughts directly.

Tell the other party what they hope the other party can do, so as to avoid conflicts between partners. Only through good communication can we truly understand each other and become soul mates.

Third, false understanding

When in marriage, once there is a problem, don't use false lies to solve the problem. Instead, we should use sincere words to deal with it, so as to avoid the wrong understanding of the other party.

When the other party says that he has something to do, he should not speculate on the other party's meaning behind his back. He should make false understanding and have full trust in men.

If there is no trust in a marriage, no amount of communication will help. It is just a lie to cover up another lie.

In marriage, not only women, but also men are eager to be seen and understood. When problems arise, it is not that he does not understand, but that he is unwilling to understand.

Men clearly know that even if they express their will. If women can't see it, it's no use saying more, just adding arguments to each other.

Good communication is not about telling, but about listening. When there is silence or refusal to communicate in the relationship, it reminds us that the relationship has already gone wrong.

If you want a man to chase you and give you a sense of security, you can learn to listen attentively to what the other person really wants to express, rather than talk about it on your own.

Wen/Chen Fei's Heart Language

Pay attention to my words and walk into your heart.

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