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Real Hammer | Her husband cheated,.

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 | Huge leakage 3.2 fold collagen essence|

Fan Ye's collagen vial is the same as that of raw collagen, which can be eaten by skin

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The original price of less than one bottle, Now we have 3 bottles

solar system Top class family of collagen The patented technology - triple helix collagen, which is very similar to our skin structure Minimize, most accurate Targeting at skin lacking collagen

Each drop of essence can contain about 4 trillion collagen One bottle contains 2.3 billion living collagen molecules , come Freeze the bottom line of young muscles

Clearly feel The face becomes tender, full and elastic

Soft and tender face Yes, it's as sticky as a big glutinous rice ball

People with sunken and withered faces will love

The advantages are obvious: Make your face plump, plain, wrinkle free, smooth and tender, Suitable for any skin type

Now The price of the previous box is less than that of the previous box. I bought three boxes

Pull it down Equivalent to 3.2% off Ah!

Sisters who want collagen face close their eyes and rush

Ji Quantian, a dish actress, has cheated on her husband.

It is the first time exposed, but the first time is a solid hammer.

Three days ago, the paparazzi launched a live broadcast, releasing three blockbuster videos.

In the first video, Wanxi's husband and a simple woman drive out of the hotel garage. The woman hands the man a room card and they enter the hotel together.

After staying in the hotel room for several hours, they went out to the restaurant together. After dinner, they went home separately.

It's the act of delivering the room card for a few seconds, which was scolded and exploded on the hot search

After a few hours of passion in the hotel, the two also went to dinner very closely, and pedestrians on the street did not shy away.

Maybe he thinks Wanxi is too unpopular. He is a plain person, so he won't be watched by paparazzi

In the second video, the plot is more split.

Early in the morning of the second day, Wanxi's husband appeared in the same hotel with the same plain woman.

That is to say, the two of them returned to the hotel for the night after dinner the day before, and he sent her away the next morning.

More ironically, the day of cheating is Children's Day.

Wan Xi's husband hurried back to take his daughter to the festival.

The third video is even more cruel.

After having a room with a simple woman, Wanxi's husband picks her up and goes home arm in arm, looking very affectionate.

After the derailment was exposed, Wan Qian remained silent.

An iron powder jumped out to wash white and said that it was Wan Xi who went to the hotel with her husband to open a room.

To tell the truth, they are a bit like each other when wearing masks, especially in the eyes

However, it is a pity.

No matter how similar she looks, she is not Wanxi.

Because Wan Qian is filming in the crew of Cloud and Moon on the Eight Thousand Miles Road at this time.

She did not respond within 12 hours of the incident.

Hanging on the hot search for a whole day, she suddenly sent a beautiful photo as if nothing had happened, preparing for the fight on the Magnolia Red Carpet.

Then on the same day, she posted two microblogs, both of which were for the Magnolia Film Festival. The comment area was strangely fake, and none of them cared about her being searched by green people.

More strangely, the day after her husband cheated, she dyed her hair tail green.

For a actress like Wanxi, who is too obsessed with fame and wealth, it is obvious that she values marriage far more than she thinks.

The main character of the infidelity, Wanxi's husband, is an advertising photographer. He is 5 years younger than her.

Before marriage, Wanxi was not married. The children didn't want to have a career.

Love came at once. Suddenly, I met the right person. Not only did I get married quickly, but also had a daughter.

Values changed 180 degrees, suddenly "I want to witness every step of children's growth"

Wan Xi seldom shows her love, and she only shows her husband's perspective on Weibo several times.

When you love someone, the camera will not lie.

In 18 and 19 years, Wan Xishai took pictures with deep feelings.

In the interview, people asked her: Why did she suddenly get married?

Her answer was, "Because I met someone I love."

After saying that, his eyes turned and he smiled in embarrassment.

Before marriage, she competed with roles, stories and people.

But after marriage, she laughed heartlessly and claimed that her biggest dream was to lie at home and do nothing.

It doesn't sound like that from Boss Wan.

No matter how smart a woman is, she will become stupid once she falls in love.

She claimed that she had done the most senseless act of showing love, which was to set her husband's background of friends circle as her own photo.

The photo shows her making a mask, staring at the inscription:

"Let me see who it is

I'm looking at my husband's circle of friends. "

Can you believe that such a stupid thing in love brain could be done by the independent boss Wan?

She even vowed during the interview:

I hope my husband

Always doting on me

Female stars marry ordinary men, and there are too few happy endings.

The combination of strong women and weak men, with high probability, will not escape the curse of being married and eating shit.

Under the great contrast of fame, interests and professional aura, the energy resonance of both sides will soon be out of balance.

For most straight men, the stronger a woman is, the less attractive she is.

Straight men enjoy their desire to conquer the weak. Contrary to women, they are not a species of strong admirers in their feelings.

In this marriage with unbalanced energy, Wanxi is obviously the one who sacrificed more.

At the age of 35, she suddenly announced that she had a daughter.

People were surprised that she was already five months pregnant when she was photographed by the hot crew.

Before marriage, she was determined not to have children, but only wanted a career. After giving birth to her children, she would take them with her wherever she went.

Two months after delivery, she returned to work.

A large family goes wherever she goes.

Every time she goes out, the child is like her human shape accessory. The army is neat, and it is like moving out of the door. Aunt, nanny, and childcare sister-in-law are all indispensable.

The helplessness of working mothers finally realized that the balance between family and career is a false proposition.

When she participated in Sister Lang, she was asked how to balance her career and family?

Her answer is:

"There is no way to balance,

One side is bound to make sacrifices.

The beautiful love I can feel,

This beautiful love is what my husband said to me,

Baby, do it with confidence

What you want to do. "

After the derailment gate broke out, beautiful love became a joke.

The camera doesn't lie

The post natal # he takes # is still going on, but the smart literary and artistic girl has become a mother with a heavy sense of motherhood.

You can't blame Wanxi, who is not cool after becoming a mother.

She is still herself, but she has a soft place in her heart.

Similarly, you can't deny that her face has changed.

You can't say without conscience that she is not beautiful.

She is still beautiful, but her beauty, especially her eyebrows and eyes, is beginning to show greasy, mixed with a sense of fatigue.

It is totally different from the cold, thin and green

Compared with her peers, she is still well maintained.

The excellent bone appearance supports her beauty, but this beauty is already the beauty of a middle-aged woman.

Even she said that it was true that she had been pregnant for three years.

Pregnancy - childbirth - lactation - rearing is like a devastating hormone earthquake for women.

If the same magnitude had happened to a man, he would have been unable to carry it.

Women who have given birth know that even if most of the post natal work-related injuries are healed within three years, only you know that the skin bag that has experienced the hormone storm can not go back.

A woman's two life, love and sacrifice, in return for a calm acceptance of the second half of life traces of time.

Do you still remember what Wanxi looked like at the peak of her beauty?

However, in just seven years, at the age of 42, she has finally passed the necessary path of hormonal aging.

Men do not know that the reason why women are radiant during pregnancy is not because of the so-called halo of maternal love, but because of the high hormone state during pregnancy. The secretion of estriol in the body is more than 1000 times higher than usual.

Hormone levels control our beauty and youth in life.

In the high hormone state, the skin, hair and complexion will be in the peak state of radiance.

Once the hormone level collapses, the whole person will age ten years overnight.

This is generally recognized as the most lethal to the sense of age - hormonal aging.

The biggest inducement to induce hormone type aging is to have children and menopause.

In the years of 18-25 years old, the hormone level of women is maintained at a high level, which is the most vigorous stage of youth.

After the age of 30, hormone levels began to decline.

After the age of 35, he entered a precipitous decline.

This is why 35 years old will be judged by the medical community as a watershed for elderly mothers.

Age, fertility, menopause Is the top 3 culprit of hormonal aging.

Compared with gradual aging caused by gravity, hormonal aging will give people a Overnight ten years old The sense of collapse.

This is not your illusion.

The man known as the most beautiful Guo Xiang once blew his own horn, as if he had been sucked dry overnight.

Hormone type aging is not the aging of a certain target, a wrinkle, or a white hair, but is fully launched from every cell of the body.

If you are over 30 years old, then it is time to seriously recognize the greatest enemy of human youth - hormonal aging.

Hormone induced aging (I)

Cause: 30+estrogen begins to naturally lose,

Rapid decline in reproductive stage and menopause stage

Performance: loose and shriveled skin, poor mental state

Osteoporosis, premature ovarian failure, decreased fertility

Coping method: supplement estrogen

According to the multi-dimensional aging clock, there are two peak periods of aging for women in their 30s and 50s. These two peaks are precisely the time points of fertility history and menopause status, and are closely related to estrogen.

Speaking of common sense, the estrogen and progesterone (mainly progesterone) secreted by our bodies gradually decrease after the age of 30.

Figure 1: Changes of female estrogen and progesterone [1]

Lower estrogen levels can cause a variety of aging symptoms.

① Skin aging.

The content of collagen and elastin, the ability of hyaluronic acid and mucopolysaccharide in the skin to combine with water, and the ability of sebum to retain water are all related to estrogen.

So when the secretion of estrogen reaches its peak at the age of 20-30, our skin is at its peak. It is tender, elastic and almost wrinkle free. After the age of 30, estrogen levels began to decline, and relaxation, dryness and wrinkles came.

② Estrogen reduction leads to weight gain, In particular, the increase in abdominal fat is related because estrogen can inhibit fat redistribution.

③ Poor mental state, Fatigue, insomnia, difficulty concentrating.

④ Brittle bones, Estrogen can help maintain bone density.

Figure 4: Signs of decreased estrogen levels

⑤ Low estrogen secretion is likely to cause premature ovarian failure

Premature ovarian failure, whose scientific name is POF, the collapse of AMH value is a core indicator, but it does not represent your ovarian reserve. It should be seen in combination with six sex hormones.

Usually IVF clinic, AMH More than 3 Ovaries of 1-3 yes Ovarian function is declining Below 1 yes Severe recession

Premature ovarian failure leads to abnormal menstrual cycle, decreased fertility, weakened digestive system and respiratory system, and early menopause.

Menopause is a female star's nightmare, which will be accompanied by physical pain, palpitations, shortness of breath, insomnia and night sweats, and lead to Emotions are flammable and explosive, and the face suddenly collapses, as if 10 years old overnight And so on.

Li Qihong, a 53 year old Hong Kong woman mentioned above, is suffering from a sudden drop of hormone during menopause and aging overnight.

Hormone type aging is destructive to people, but don't worry.

I helped my sisters sort out an effective way to deal with hormonal aging: internal therapy—— Properly supplement estrogen and maintain ovaries.

The principle of estrogen supplementation is either not to supplement or to supplement early.

Generally, estrogen supplementation should be started at the age of 35, and the latest is within 10 years of menopause or before the age of 60.

In this way, the body can always be under the protection of estrogen, thus delaying the speed of natural aging.

Old owners know that 40+Gugu pregnancy requires a second child, and the ovarian function is far inferior to that of young people. On January 21 this year, her AMH fell to 0.88. Note Below 1 yes Severe recession.

She had not yet entered the week to promote ovulation, and had just started to take active sheep placenta extract.

In February, Gugu checked again and the AMH was 0.93

By the middle of March, before ovulation, it is about 1.

After the discharge, we pushed it down again, and it fell back to 0.89. To be honest, it fell very little

Gugu discussed with the test tube group sisters and doctors, and everyone agreed that after Gugu's promotion of ovulation, AMH value doesn't drop too much In addition to dragon deer With active sheep placenta extract It matters.

We have a close test colleague to further confirm this conclusion. She ate Two month sheep placenta extract capsule The amh value rises from 1.46 to 3.

Another colleague also ate Two capsules of sheep placenta extract

Hormones that stimulate follicles from 2.19 to 4.31,

Luteinizing hormone 1.64 refers to 6.37 How awesome!

Active sheep placenta extract Save estrogen

Curing ovaries

Buy sheep placenta extract capsules in 6 boxes

Vertical deduction 595 Re delivery

12 pieces of 183 yuan Manyisheng female probiotics

Super low price fast group snapped up

@ Keke, who is sick and causes amenorrhea,

After eating a box of sheep placenta extract capsules, my menstruation came back and my acne disappeared

Keke became ill and thin at the beginning of the year, and her menstruation stopped for two months Estrogen is only 31 Before normal menstruation, it should be normal at 50-80.

she Endometrium is too thin naturally, which should be 8-10mm normally , and she Only 6.5mm after two months of amenorrhea

The doctor prescribed the medicine for her to menstruate after taking it for ten days

My menstruation is coming after eating, but The amount is extremely small, dry and dark, and the uterus has been suffocated for two months , I can only hold this out, I have tried my best

At that time, her face was not very good. She was yellow and had acne. Her body was weak, her breath was short, her head was dizzy, and she always felt sleepy

Urgent Ke Ke cried in her circle of friends and suggested online in Gugu: "Eat sheep foetus quickly, and you can make up for low estrogen."

After eating for a week in a row, she felt her skin was better. The pimples no longer came out in succession. The pimples that came out were also dry and flat. The main reason was that she felt that the whole body seemed to be working. It was not as good as sleeping and eating before

After eating a box, it is delicious until the aunt period. This cycle is very regular, Bright red and smooth , feel the blood circulating and flowing, very energetic

Estrogen also rose from 31 to 67 , basically within the normal range

Active sheep placenta extract Save estrogen

Maintenance egg

Buy sheep placenta extract capsules in 6 boxes

Vertical deduction 595 Re delivery

12 pieces of 183 yuan Manyisheng female probiotics

Super low price fast group snapped up

Colleagues preparing for pregnancy and baby building take sheep placenta extract for two months,

Estradiol and progesterone return to normal values

We have a naturally low female colleague, who is only 31 years old, but always looks like being sucked dry. His face is withered and sallow. He went to the hospital to check six hormones, Estradiol is only 22

For premenopausal women, the normal range of follicular phase is 24.5~195ng/l, and when she is examined, she is approaching ovulation, which should be higher than this value, but she only has 22, which is the only value for menopausal women

Progesterone is only 0.17 (At least 0.6~1.9 nmol/L in normal follicular phase)

She didn't care much about it before, but now she has been married for a year and has been pregnant. There has been no movement, so she went to check for problems

She took active sheep placenta extract for two months from January to March this year, and checked again in March

The overall value has rebounded, estradiol has risen from 22 to 82, and progesterone has recovered from 0.17 to 0.98, Ready to make a baby

Sister Li, who has entered menopause, takes sheep placenta extract for two months,

Spiritual spirit has been raised, and you look better

Our company's Sister Li is also 54 years old. She has already entered menopause, and her physique is also weak. She has clocked in with her for two months, from March 18 to May 21.

Because of the decrease of estrogen, she obviously felt that she was often tired, weak, and had poor sleep at night. After all, estrogen is associated with our life

After six hormone tests, estradiol did rise

And look at Sister Li. Is she much more energetic and rosy than before

Active sheep placenta extract Save estrogen

Curing ovaries

Buy sheep placenta extract capsules in 6 boxes

Vertical deduction 595 Re delivery

12 pieces of 183 yuan Manyisheng female probiotics

Super low price fast group snapped up

There is also a colleague's mother, who is replenishing at a fixed point every day. She feels energetic. She didn't sleep much before and slept very light, but now she sleeps very deeply. After getting up, she feels refreshed and has no fatigue at all

Later, it was discovered that many old owners also felt it in the process of eating Skin and mental changes Ah!

The old owner said in the group that he had been working for a little month, and his face fell down badly. After eating for a while, he obviously felt The trend of looseness stops Has

And say Stable physiological period, increased blood volume Of

also Become good tempered Of

Active sheep placenta extract Save estrogen

Curing ovaries

Buy sheep placenta extract capsules in 6 boxes

Vertical deduction 595 Re delivery

12 pieces of 183 yuan Manyisheng female probiotics

Super low price fast group snapped up

Sheep T For whom?

Not just Pregnancy preparation To eat active sheep T vegetable, in a word——

Women with plummeting hormone levels

Active sheep placenta extract Save estrogen

Who is in urgent need Raise hormone levels?

1、 Low estrogen, hormone disorder Ovarian Z senescence is more dangerous

Phenomenon: Irregular and delayed menstruation, less menstruation, amenorrhea, blackened menstruation, menopause, and the eve of menopause, postpartum estrogen decline and hormone collapse have not recovered for a long time

2. Thin endometrium, difficult to conceive people, elderly pregnancy preparation

When preparing for pregnancy at an advanced age, it is necessary to supplement natural estrogen, whether it is natural pregnancy or test tube

You all need strong hormone levels, so that your ovaries, like a fertile land, can grow strong eggs

In the medical field, the definition of an elderly puerpera is 35 years old. But if you want to take active sheep T, you can measure estradiol and progesterone. If they are low, you should make up

If your AMH value is still above 3, and the six hormone indicators are excellent, there is no need to make up

3、 Postpartum hormone collapse

The core reason for the high incidence of postpartum depression is the collapse of postpartum hormones

The reason why people are beautiful and radiant during pregnancy is that the body is in a high hormone state, and the skin, hair, complexion and other aspects will be good

But once the baby is born, The hormone will dive This is the culprit of postpartum depression

The most direct consequence of the postpartum hormone plunge is crazy hair loss, chest sagging like a shrunken loofah, and the amount of essence applied to the face is too dry to work, and I want to cry for no reason

4. Genetically low female

The hormone level of normal people under 30 years old is very high, and there is no need for additional supplementation

But like Yu, her family has a low female inheritance. Her mother has no big aunt since she was 39 years old, which is a typical low female family gene. In fact, people with low estrogen are easy to identify, probably all of them are frigid.

For the low female people, it is very difficult to pay public food.

Therefore, the wisest thing for low female people is to have children early. If they survive to 35+or even 40+, it will be 100 times more difficult than ordinary people

People born with low female will grow old very quickly if they don't make up in time

In particular, the skin will be drier, looser, more prone to yellowing and wrinkles than its peers. No matter how powerful the beauty gene is, it will age faster than its peers, and the skin will be dry and loose.

5. 35+skin condition starts to burst and goes downhill

Phenomenon: With rough skin, dark spots, fine lines, flabby face, poor mental state, unstable mood, difficulty in sleeping, poor sleep quality, fatigue and irritability, it is likely to enter a recession period

Active sheep placenta extract Save estrogen

Curing ovaries

Buy sheep placenta extract capsules in 6 boxes

Vertical deduction 595 Re delivery

12 pieces of 183 yuan Manyisheng female probiotics

Super low price fast group snapped up

Sheep T, What nutrients are there?

Although in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, placentas have long been used as medicine, sheep T is not metaphysics in western medicine, but belongs to the Cell Therapy system in Europe and America, Cellular immunotherapy

The outstanding effect is to activate the activity of cell mitochondria, especially the young function of ovarian cells

The core components of Sheep T are:

Natural food level hormone

Growth factors, stem cells

Nucleotides amino acid ...

Say something reasonable. Sheep T element is mainly used to fight against aging. The cells of the whole body fight against aging, including reproductive fight against aging

What is the difference between active sheep T and normal sheep T?

In the market, sheep T is very disordered. A pile of sheep T with low content for egg free use comes out to play with the concept, mmmj this is 200mg, 1:100 high concentration concentration Four times the content difference

It is different from sheep source, variety, technology and other aspects

Speaking simply and rudely, the absorption rate, safety, purity and activity are very poor

Even if they are the highest grade Swiss snow mountain Ngaden sheep, the active sheep T is 2-3 times higher in nutritional value than the freeze-dried sheep embryo.

Who can't eat it?

1、 High female can't eat

2. Patients with malignant tumor L cannot eat, You have to knock a blackboard

People with more than 3 breast nodules are not recommended to eat it, because more than 3 breast nodules have a risk of breast cancer

3. Children can't eat

4. If you are under 30 years old and have no family inheritance, don't join in the fun. Eat when you are old

Active sheep placenta extract Save estrogen

Curing ovaries

Buy sheep placenta extract capsules in 6 boxes

Vertical deduction 595 Re delivery

12 pieces of 183 yuan Manyisheng female probiotics

Super low price fast group snapped up

Hormonal Aging (II)

Cause: insomnia, poor sleep and Cortisol hormone

Thyroid stimulating hormone and sex hormone ratio change

Effects: decreased immunity, edema, constipation

Dark yellow, rough skin, irregular menstruation

Countermeasures: improve sleep quality

Insomnia and poor sleep are related to hormone secretion.

The principle is that the hormone secretion of the human body has certain regularity, such as the secretion of gonadotropin, thyroid stimulating hormone and other related hormones. Generally, the secretion reaches its peak during sleep and will last until the whole night.

Hormone secretion disorder

Poor sleep may lead to hormone secretion disorder, such as growth hormone, thyroid hormone, etc.

Growth hormone can promote bone growth and control height. If the secretion of growth hormone is reduced, the body may be stunted and stunted.

Thyroid hormone can promote the development of the nervous system. If thyroid hormone is secreted too much, it may lead to increased excitability of the nervous system and symptoms such as irritability, insomnia, and palpitations.

Decreased immunity

Insufficient sleep will lead to insufficient rest of various organs of the body, decreased immunity, susceptibility to bacterial, viral and other infections, upper respiratory tract infections, bronchitis and other diseases.


Lack of sleep leads to excessive fatigue of the brain, which leads to neurasthenia symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue and inattention. This is also the reason why many people break down when they stay up late.

Endocrine disorder

Lack of sleep will cause the secretion of various hormones in the body to be disordered, leading to endocrine disorders. Women may have irregular menstruation, dark yellow skin and other symptoms, while men may have irritability, lack of energy and other symptoms.

Insufficient sleep will lead to increased levels of inflammation in the body, thus promoting the skin's saccharification reaction Therefore, maintaining high-quality sleep is one of the important measures to reduce skin glycosylation.

Shu Qi had insomnia for two months and added a filter to take a selfie, which could not cover the dark yellow skin.

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

The heart can not get enough rest, which will affect the pumping function of the heart, thus causing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

The average adult needs 7-8 hours of sleep every day to keep his body and skin healthy.

I couldn't sleep well because of the noise of two clown cats at home the other day. I woke up naturally at more than 4 o'clock every day. I was in a trance at 8 or 9 o'clock in the morning, and I was asleep when writing. I didn't know what I was doing.

Annie directly recommended a night of peace for me. Don't tell me. After drinking for a week, I slept until I couldn't wake up. The next day, I felt like I had chicken blood and was full of energy.

No wonder many stars bring Good Night to the production team to ensure that they stay up all night shooting every day and are full of spirit the next day.

This new upgrade Evening Tranquility 2.0

Poor sleep+stay up late+not sleep well Can drink

Simple and efficient The non addictive sleep artifact

one main Sleep deeply, soundly and with high quality

2.0 On the basis of 1.0 promote sleep quality , can also fight Saccharification reaction

The brand is promoting day by day:

10 boxes of Good Night Ningli minus 800 yuan Low to 35% off

Re delivery of 9 pieces of the same type with a value of 207 yuan

1 as low as 11.5!

The price is too low, let's join the crowd!

The brand side found an experimenter and conducted a 30 day test. I selected several examples to show you.

Tested by (1): dy

Test cycle: 30 days

Her sleep problems: difficulty in falling asleep, shallow sleep, easy to wake up

30 days after taking it, you can fall asleep faster, sleep more reliably, and sleep more deeply.

Sleep score improvement: 59 to 92 points, 29 years old drink 26 sleep quality!

Previously It takes only 35 minutes to get into sleep. Now it takes only 3 minutes , basically sleep on the head.

Deep sleep time from the original 47min increased 1h39min , nearly an hour higher.

Don't underestimate this hour of deep sleep , it can let our brain get more full rest and further Repair damaged cells, improve immunity, and become agile The most obvious feeling is that you will feel refreshed the next day.

Tested by (2): hyq

Test cycle: 30 days

Sleep problems: shallow sleep, dreamy, easy to wake up

Feeling after taking it: sleep more reliably and dream less

After 30 days of continuous administration, the sleep score of the tester improved: from 58 to 92.

Deep sleep time improvement: 50min-1h34min, increased by 40 minutes every day, one month more than one day of deep sleep, physical recovery, neurological status has significantly improved.

Sleep time: 120min-3min, directly shorten 2 hours, People who can't sleep know how rare it is and how serious the problem is, awesome!

Tested by (3): hz

Test cycle: 30 days

Sleep problems: difficult to fall asleep, shallow sleep, easy to wake up

Feeling after taking: falling asleep faster, sleeping more reliably, and deep sleep longer

In the same 30 day cycle, the sleep score of tester 3 improved from 47 to 91, and her improvement was the largest.

Sleep time improvement: 120min-3min, which is the same as that of test subject 2, shortening by 2 hours.

Deep sleep time improvement: 37min-1h56min, Increased 1 hour and 20 minutes!

An extra half hour of deep sleep every day not only makes you feel comfortable, but also makes you feel better when you get up every day, because your body functions have been well rested, adjusted and recovered.

The brand is promoting day by day:

10 boxes of Good Night Ningli minus 800 yuan Low to 35% off

Re delivery of 9 pieces of the same type with a value of 207 yuan

1 as low as 11.5!

The price is too low, let's join the crowd!

@Big Eyed Anchor Big Monkey:

The old owners all know how hard Big Monkey works as the anchor. Each time, the live broadcast lasts for 6 hours until 12 o'clock at night!

Normal people can't stand it, but she can go on the live broadcast with energy the next day.

She told me that it was Gugu who taught her to go home and do nothing but drink and sleep in peace!

Indeed, such needs as Gugu or anchor Highly concentrated, physical and mental work The quality of sleep is very important.

Late tranquility is a lifesaving straw for those who stay up late. They sleep at 3 p.m. and wake up at 7 a.m. the next day. They are not tired of staying up late.

To sum up, the difference between drinking and not drinking is:

I drank it and didn't seem to survive the next day,

No hangover, dizziness, headache or discomfort, just like Sleep soundly 8 hours.

No, the next day I feel uncomfortable all over , I have a terrible headache.

The brand is promoting day by day:

10 boxes of Good Night Ningli minus 800 yuan Low to 35% off

Re delivery of 9 pieces of the same type with a value of 207 yuan

1 as low as 11.5!

The price is too low, let's join the crowd!

This evening, the brand made a rigorous test of Anning 2.0.

Everyone's physique and the depth of sleep problems are different. Through the description of everyone's sense of synthesis and data support, it is found that:

It is expected to improve sleep quality in one week;

It is expected to improve sleep difficulty in 2 weeks;

It is expected that after getting up in the morning in 4 weeks, your skin will be more radiant and you will have a beauty sleep

The reason why it is so powerful is, of course, due to its composition.

1. GABA: Suppresses nerve excitation, improves stress and sleep.

GABA is a non protein amino acid in the human body and a major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. It can help calm and relax the body, reduce stress and anxiety reactions by reducing excitatory neural activities in the brain.

And can Reduce the frequency of waking up halfway, reduce the possibility of waking up late at night, and extend the duration of deep sleep.

At night, when the body is ready to sleep, the brain will increase the release of GABA to reduce anxiety and excitement and promote sleep.

Oral administration of GABA for 30 minutes can increase the concentration of GABA in the blood, significantly shorten the sleep latency and increase the total non REM sleep time.

2. Later Shengyuan - Naqu 4580: More than 100 kinds of beneficial metabolites promote the generation of endogenous GABA in vivo.

Promote the generation of endogenous GABA from the metagene Naqu 4580, 4580 meters above sea level in Naqu, Tibet. The strain comes from the quiet plateau and can produce more than 100 kinds of beneficial metabolites: GABA, L-serine, choline, tryptophan and other functional active molecules that help sleep and alleviate depression and anxiety, as well as a variety of functional active molecules such as glutamine, proline, betaine, caffeine, NAD+ Succinic acid, valine, propionic acid, bergamot lactone (5-methoxypsoralen), etc Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substances

Patent ingredients, rich in a variety of active small molecules to help sleep, Taking it for 3-4 days can effectively improve the difficulty of falling asleep and prolong the sleep time.

Naqu 4580 is selected from GABA producing strains, which helps to promote endogenous GABA production in vivo.

3. Tea theanine: an anti anxiety supplement to shorten sleep latency

After theanine intake, the frequency of alpha waves in EEG increased.

Alpha waves are usually associated with relaxation and alertness, which indicates that theanine may promote an alert but not tense state, thus Relax the brain To improve the quality of sleep.

Reduce difficulty in falling asleep, improve deep sleep, But it will not lead to dreamy or unstable sleep.

4. Grape concentrated powder: rich in resveratrol, inhibiting early saccharification reaction.

It is the best time to resist sugar at night. High quality sleep can help prevent sugar.

sleep debt It can also cause Hormone imbalance increases sugar metabolism Adverse effects. Adequate sleep can reduce the level of inflammation in the body, maintain the balance of metabolism and endocrine, thus helping to reduce the skin's saccharification reaction.

Resveratrol, olive extract+sage extract, and mangosteen extract+egcg of grape concentrated powder can reduce the content of reducing sugar in fat cells under high glucose environment.

The brand is promoting day by day:

10 boxes of Good Night Ningli minus 800 yuan Low to 35% off

Re delivery of 9 pieces of the same type with a value of 207 yuan

1 as low as 11.5!

The price is too low, let's join the crowd!

Finally, let's talk about how to drink at night?

Occasionally stay up late, unable to sleep:

Once in a while, half an hour before going to bed 1-2 pieces of warm water , which is enough to save the night.

Senior stay up party, difficult to sleep households:

Like Gugu, he sprints crazily before going to bed, gets up earlier than the chicken in the daytime, or does not stay up late, but is likely to lose his spirit the next day, and warm water before going to bed Direct punching 2 pieces

The taste is still light grape lactic acid bacteria, very delicious~

But please remember: use 40 ° warm water to brew or eat directly Don't wash it with hot water, it will kill the active bacteria.

Summary of Evening Tranquility 2.0:

1. Stay up late and get up early, Improve the efficiency of deep sleep

It will make you sleep for 5 or 6 hours, which is about the same as 7-8 hours when you don't drink

2、 Light sleep People who are sensitive to light and sound obviously sleep deeply

3. Sleep during lactation is intermittent and fragmented. It's hard to fall asleep quickly without drinking Accelerate to sleep

4、 Get up early without headache , not confused, not top heavy

5、 Sleep anxiety and stress ease

6. Older, menopause, aunt period, short head, strong body feeling will ease

The brand is promoting day by day:

10 boxes of Good Night Ningli minus 800 yuan Low to 35% off

Re delivery of 9 pieces of the same type with a value of 207 yuan

1 as low as 11.5!

The price is too low, let's join the crowd!

Mature skin essential hormone mask|

35+mature skin, like taking natural estrogen orally

The pores become thinner and the skin becomes smooth

It looks fresh and withered

Internal filling of concave face

Let the "concave face turn over"

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The face is aging and sunken

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Time limited low price four hundred and thirty-nine element

5 free random experience packs

Special statement: The above content (including pictures or videos, if any) is uploaded and released by users of "Netease" on our media platform, and this platform only provides information storage services.

Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

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