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Ignore the development of new people? Chen Meng has some secrets in his position. Ma Lin has a new idea of employing people, and Wang Yidi understands it

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How to view Ma Lin's employment ideas? The preparation of the women's national table tennis team is still in full swing. As the last closed training before the Paris Olympic Games, what kind of training effect is crucial to the achievements of the women's national table tennis team, and of course, it will also affect the future development of players. After all, only good performance can win the recognition of the training team, and it may also change the attitude of Ma Lin, the head of the women's team. Among them, Chen Meng, as a key player, has already set a good example for other players. This time, it is surprising that the Olympic team has achieved curve overtaking again and won the Olympic singles qualification.

As the oldest player of the women's national table tennis team, the prospect of competing for the Olympic quota was not optimistic because of the ups and downs of the state during the Olympic cycle. In addition, the women's national table tennis team also needed to be updated at that time. All kinds of signs indicate that Chen Meng has been difficult to get the important position, but finally not only won the Olympic qualification again, It was also my second Olympic singles tour.

If the champion can be reached again in the Paris Olympic Games, Chen Meng, the defending Olympic gold medal winner, will also create a new record. This is exactly what Ma Lin, the head of the women's team, is looking forward to most. As another helmsman of the women's team, Ma Lin is full of controversy after taking office. It is even more doubtful that she took such an important position because of the once existing master apprentice relationship with Liu Guoliang,

In addition, the teaching results obtained after taking office are not ideal, which further deepens the doubts of the outside world. In this case, if Chen Meng, his former lover, can create a new record and end his achievements, it will undoubtedly be a powerful response to the criticism of the outside world, and will also add a strong touch of color to his teaching experience, Especially for the competition for the position of national table tennis head coach, the competitive capital can be increased.

Therefore, the most realistic goal is to pay more attention to the cultivation and development of young players, maintain their current position and lead the women's national table tennis team to achieve brilliant achievements. Chen Meng has even more strengthened Ma Lin's employment ideas by virtue of his excellent performance, and compared with Wang Yidi, another beloved apprentice, his status is good and bad, Chen Meng can be said to show his strong comprehensive strength again at the last moment,

The Saudi Grand Slam tournament defeated three Japanese table tennis players Zhang Benmeihe in a row, and Ishikawa Jiachun and Ito Meicheng reached the final. In the match with Sun Yingsha, they won the championship once again. The excellent performance in foreign competitions and rich points rewards made Chen Meng step onto the stage of Olympic singles again.

Of course, this has also provided an example and sounded the alarm bell for Wang Yidi. In the next Olympic cycle, although the age is getting older, this will not become a factor hindering his ascendancy. As long as we can improve our state and level, there is still the possibility of being on top. Chen Meng has set an example for himself. So how to view Ma Lin's current employment ideas? Do you support the reuse of young players or veteran players? Welcome to leave a message for discussion?

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