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Hu Xijin said: Give the nightclub proper space, and don't be too strict

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Hu Xijin, the "King of Mud", sometimes speaks nonsense that can make people dumbfounded. He doubts his outlook on life, whether his party spirit principles are hidden or not at all, and how his political consciousness of working as the official media and editor in chief of the official media all his life suddenly disappeared.


Advocate and suggest that the "nightclub" should be open to corruption, pornography, gambling and drugs, and not be severely punished. It can be said that Hu Xijin, the "king of mud", has the largest scale and the highest level of mud since he started his career!

Hu Xijin can speak, speak and write, which is acknowledged by everyone. But there is another side of his tact, flexibility and hypocrisy.

I believe that Lao Hu is not a corrupt cadre who is extravagant and greedy. Otherwise, he would not say everything to earn traffic. He is unprincipled and has no bottom line. He is so humble and ugly.

At the same time, I also believe that Lao Hu really wants to make money. If he makes more money, he will not always slap Hu Xijin in the face today.

Making money does not mean being short of money. Lao Hu's articles cost hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of yuan, which is not a problem. So he would spare no effort to write, not to worry about the quantity but the quality. He would spare no effort to take chicken feather to brush and ask for trouble.

But Lao Hu is definitely not stupid. He knows how to turn bad things into good ones, ugly women into flower girls, and nightclubs into restaurants and tea houses that eat, drink, and drink.

For example, in this post of Lao Hu, in order to say that the nightclub is good, he put a modifier on the nightclub and changed it into "nightclub economy", which makes the invention look great!


The ladies served in the nightclub were immediately promoted to "social workers" by Hu Xijin, who were not so dark, ugly and dirty.

The title of Hu Xijin's article is also very "legal" and eye-catching: "Our attitude to the nightclub economy cannot be too strict, we should give it moderate space". Here is Laohu's cunning: I said "nightclub economy", not nightclub content. Making money should be legal. I am not against the public security organs' law enforcement and inspection, but it should not affect the normal operation of nightclubs.

Lao Hu confused the concept, first talking about "night economy", then changing the concept, changing the night economy into "nightclub economy".


Night economy is definitely not nightclub economy. Night economy is a broad aspect, and nightclub economy is actually nightclub operation, which is only one point of many broad contents of night economy!

The government terms of Beijing Municipal Government have a clear explanation of "night economy": Night economy refers to the economic and cultural activities from 6pm to 6am of the next day, including shopping, catering, tourism, entertainment, learning, film and television, leisure, etc. It also formulated and issued the Measures of Beijing on Further Prospering the Night Economy and Promoting Consumption Growth, which is different from Hu Xijin's statement that "the night economy is the nightclub economy, and the nightclub economy is the night economy"!


This just shows that Hu Xijin does not understand the night economy at all, let alone the relationship between night economy and nightclub economy, and the theory of "nightclub economy" is a nonsense of Hu Xijin.
That is to say, Hu Xijin didn't have to wait for the next day to slap his face. This article was just slapping himself on the spot that day!

Hu Xijin set up a memorial archway for nightclubs. He said that in most countries and regions, nightclub economy plays a catalytic role in the night economy regardless of its proportion. It not only brings about direct consumption, promotes employment in places such as nightclubs, but also greatly promotes the prosperity of associated services such as renting, driving, night snacks, and expands the total consumption of urban nights.

Looking further down, it is even more revealing, which makes people blush and heartbeat, and is unsightly:“ To manage the nightclub economy well, especially to prevent it from becoming a corrupt place, officials should be forbidden to enter. ”It is estimated that many people will understand what Hu Xijin is trying to express!

I have to say: Hu Xijin, Hu Xijin, you are either sick or crazy, and your symptoms are very serious!

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