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China is in full control, and the United States is defeated in the South China Sea electronic warfare!

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Recently, a news broke into our view. The timing was fixed on June 27. The official spokesman's response to the incident of the US military aircraft breaking into the South China Sea and dropping unknown objects firmly expressed our opposition to the US warships and aircraft challenging in the South China Sea. Our maritime actions, such as the legitimate protection of rights and identification and verification in the waters near Ren'ai Reef, are entirely based on law and reason.

At first glance, it seems that we have suffered no small challenge. The US surveillance tentacles extend to our doorstep, pointing directly to our underwater defense. But from another perspective, the real loser in this game may not be us, but the superpower with high self-esteem.

Moreover, the underwater detector, the submarine's invisible tracker, whose signal is hidden, needs to be sent out to transmit data. Although the encryption is high, it falls into our hands. With today's scientific research strength and reverse engineering ability, it is very possible to decrypt those encrypted signals. This means that the United States may have opened its own Pandora's box of secrets, and the loss is more serious than the detector or military aircraft itself.

In the electronic contest over the South China Sea, every move of the Americans was fully observed by us. The leakage of their strategic intentions and technical details made this confrontation particularly one-sided. In this invisible war, the United States lost completely and at a high price.

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