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This time, Wang Sicong has a big event!

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Huang Yiming "Take your child to ask for salary" The drama is more wonderful than the palace drama.

Since sending a video on June 11 to admit that the child is the son of Wang Sicong.

After going through the process of marking children with scallions ↓

Give onion ornaments to another ex girlfriend of Wang Sicong ↓

Meet and dance with spring onion ↓

Now "Take your child to ask for salary"

Everything Huang Yiming does, he steps on the curiosity of netizens.

For example, the screenshots of the chat between two people seem to be few words, but in fact, the amount of information is huge, which can be said to be short and pithy.

Ask Wang Sicong for money. According to everyone's impression of Wang Sicong, it must be a big wave of hand. Several cards were thrown over and said: "Brush casually"

But the reality is: "No money."

Wang Sicong has no money? This sentence is still said from my own population, and I think it is incredible.

After all, Wang Sicong was famous for his words, "I don't care whether he has money or not when I make friends. I don't have money anyway", which has been mentioned by many people so far.

Some netizens also exclaimed: "Even Wang Sicong said he had no money, so I can understand that I had no money."

But I didn't expect that Wang Sicong, who was rich and powerful, would one day make a woman endure. Now the sewing machine has been used perfectly.

However, some netizens thought that Huang Yiming was inconsistent. He had previously sent a video saying that he had not received a penny from Wang Sicong. At that time, many people praised her as an independent mother.

The result is not that he didn't get a penny from Wang Sicong, but that he didn't get a penny from Wang Sicong!

He is truly a master of contemporary language. The meaning of a word has completely changed.

In the face of netizens' doubts, Huang Yiming explained that he only wanted to chat with Wang Sicong ↓

This logic is nobody!

Many people have not noticed that Huang Yiming's personal profile seems to have given the answer to her frequent tricks ↓

With the addition of MC organization, it seems that all this is reasonable.

In addition, she also applied for a short video account for her daughter, called Shanshan Jam.

It was stated in the introduction that she would give her account to her daughter when she grew up. It seemed that she was preparing for a rainy day, but everyone knew that she was afraid that her account would be blocked and wanted to use her daughter to drain.

But I have to admit that the effect of this is really good, and tens of thousands of fans will be attracted by several videos.

This account has also become a place for netizens to play their talents.

On second thought, Huang Yiming said no money, but he was honest.

At the beginning, they exposed the identity of their children when they were drunk, and even now, they are just trying to use public opinion to put pressure on Wang Sicong.

Therefore, Wang Sicong kicked the iron plate this time.

As for what Huang Yiming has done, Wang Sicong must also know that there may be other reasons why he has not paid yet, but surely the following points are indispensable

It's easy to understand. Given this, my girlfriend will be pregnant for no reason. It's really impossible to prevent.

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