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How chaotic is the underground sperm donation? The female reporter was invited to the hotel. Donor: only 800 yuan for direct pregnancy

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In recent years, sperm donation has become a hot topic. Due to the high cost of obtaining other people's sperm and realizing their own pregnancy through hospital, and the low success rate, some criminals saw the business opportunity and began to engage in "underground sperm donation" activities.

This kind of "underground sperm donation" is now widely publicized. Sometimes, advertisements can be seen on street poles, and many people realize their desire to become pregnant through this way.

So why would anyone want to get pregnant by donating sperm? How big is the problem of underground sperm donation industry?

Secret Interviews by Female Journalists

The rise of "underground sperm donation" has attracted the attention of journalists. So Xiaofang, a female journalist, prepared to make an unannounced visit to the "underground sperm donation" activity, so as to understand the legitimacy and safety of this sperm donation method.

In order to find out more about the situation, Xiaofang first contacted a man engaged in "underground sperm donation" through the Internet and decided to meet him. Xiao Fang took a male colleague to the place designated by the sperm donor and waited for his arrival.

As time went by, Xiao Fang and her husband noticed a man coming slowly. Maybe the man doubted Xiaofang's identity, or maybe he was shy, so he didn't talk to them when he passed Xiaofang. After about ten meters, he turned around and asked Xiaofang if she had contacted him for sperm. Xiaofang nodded.

Xiao Fang and his wife communicated with this "underground sperm donor". Through the communication, they learned that he was once a doctor. They saw that the "underground sperm donor" industry had great profit margins, so he decided to engage in this industry.

The man who donated sperm claimed that he had professional knowledge and was more competitive than other donors, and introduced his previous successful cases of helping many women get pregnant. These women had a particularly high success rate in giving birth, which was also among the best in the industry.

The price of sperm donation is shocking

Hearing this, Xiao Fang and her husband asked the donor further: "Sir, please ask what the cost of sperm donation is." Then the donor said the price was 20000 yuan. Xiao Fang was shocked to hear that the price was so high.

Then Xiaofang replied that it was too expensive. The man who donated sperm looked around and continued to say that there was a cheaper way, but the way to conceive was different. Hearing this, Xiao Fang and his wife were curious and wanted to know what kind of way it was.

At first, the "underground sperm donor" felt a little embarrassed about the presence of male journalists, but for the sake of business, he finally said the questions they asked: "Both parties can find a hotel where they can have a direct relationship to achieve pregnancy. This is the simplest way, and the price is cheap."

Hearing this, Xiaofang and her husband were very surprised. Xiaofang said, "Isn't this way illegal? What's the difference between prostitution and whoring?" Later, the "underground sperm donor" also admitted that this method was indeed illegal, but he said to Xiao Fang that this method was cheaper, only 800 yuan.

Then Xiao Fang and her husband asked how the 20000 yuan plan was carried out. The donor explained: "I will put my own semen into a syringe and finally achieve pregnancy by injecting it into the body, but the cost is 20000 yuan."

Hearing this, Xiao Fang and her husband also understood the situation of "underground sperm donation". The so-called "underground sperm donation" is not legal, and there are also big problems in security. Through propaganda and rhetoric, these outlaws violated the law and made profits in this informal way. This private trading mode not only violates moral ethics, but also brings risks and hazards to participants.

Deep search for clues

So Xiaofang communicated with the man who donated sperm: "Where are we going to do it, to find a place or what?"

The sperm donor pretended to think, and then replied: "Well, wait for me to tell you. I will tell you the specific time and location later, and then we will continue to talk in detail. However, this male compatriot should not go with you. We will ensure your safety, but it is too secretive, so it is not appropriate for him to go. "

Therefore, in order to better expose their crimes, Xiao Fang agreed to the request of the sperm donor. Almost 10 minutes later, the female journalist Xiao Fang received a phone call from the same underground donor. He provided an address to the female reporter and told Xiao Fang where to find him.

Xiao Fang's brave investigation revealed part of the truth of this shocking industry. By reporting such events, she hopes to strengthen supervision and legal provisions, protect the rights and interests of participants, and prevent this potentially dangerous behavior from continuing.

The man who donated semen proposed a method of 20000 yuan to put his semen into a syringe and achieve pregnancy by injecting it into the body. This is suspected to be illegal, because according to the current understanding, most countries regard the sale of human organs, tissues and germ cells as illegal unless it is carried out under strict supervision and legal framework.

In addition, the man also mentioned a cheaper way to achieve pregnancy by having sex in the hotel, which cost 800 yuan. However, this way is illegal because it involves sex trade, prostitution and whoring.

In response to these two ways, Xiao Fang correctly pointed out the illegality of these acts and had a further dialogue with the sperm donor. At the same time, the man also admitted the illegality of these methods. As it involves private transactions and violates ethics, this "underground sperm donation" not only violates legal provisions, but also may bring risks and hazards to participants.

From the legal point of view, sperm donation activities should be carried out in legal medical institutions or professional institutions, and comply with laws, regulations and ethical principles. In many countries, sperm donation procedures are strictly supervised and managed to ensure the safety and legitimate rights and interests of donors and recipients.

For illegal "underground sperm donation", the relevant legal institutions should strengthen supervision, formulate or update relevant laws and regulations, clarify the illegality of the act, and severely punish the illegal act. This can protect the rights and interests of the public, prevent this illegal act from continuing, and send a message to the society to deal with such illegal acts seriously.

Finally, let's think about a question. If we are faced with such a situation, will we calmly treat this illegal act instead of being eager to try?

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