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The three giants of the Kuomintang joined hands to fight against Han Guoyu, Hou Youyi or Cheng! Is Zhu Lilun out by default?

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On June 28, Taiwan's political arena ushered in a giant gathering. Hou Youyi, the mayor of Taichung, met with Jiang Wan'an, the mayor of Taipei, and Lu Xiuyan, the mayor of Taichung. In the words of these three people, they were all for business. Among them, Hou Jianghui was for the prosperity of the two northern dynasties, and Hou Luhui was to observe the development of urban governance in New Taipei and Taichung. However, this excuse is not tenable at all. It is generally believed that the alliance of the three warlords is paving the way for the election of the chairman of the Kuomintang. Hou Youyi seems to have been promoted as a representative to directly fight with Han Guoyu, the head of the legislature.

In fact, the alliance of Hou, Lu and Jiang not only shocked the Kuomintang, but also the whole Taiwan Province, because Taipei City has 2.5 million people, Xinbei City has 4.04 million people, and Taichung City has 2.8 million people. In addition to some resident outsiders, it has almost reached the 10 million population mark, which is almost half of Taiwan's "rivers and mountains". Its influence is significant. Once the three people united the front and jointly promoted one person to act as the representative, the position of the Kuomintang chairman may be uncertain. Before that, the potential candidates for KMT chairman were Zhu Lilun, Han Guoyu, Lu Xiuyan and Hou Youyi. For the moment, Hou Youyi is able to convene a tripartite alliance, probably by announcing that he will become the representative of Jiang and Lu.

In terms of the current situation, Hou Youyi will become the biggest rival of Han Guoyu. The two men have recently made great efforts to fight for the KMT presidency. Among them, Han Guoyu has been reported to encourage his former subordinate, Li Chuan, vice mayor of Taipei, to fight for the position of mayor of Xinbei, squeezing out Liu Heran, Hou Youyi's deputy. This move not only offended Hou Youyi, but also stimulated Jiang Wan'an, the "great grandson" of the Kuomintang. After all, Jiang Wan'an was just a popular online student studying in the United States. His ability to manage municipal affairs was very limited, and Li Sichuan's help was badly needed. Now that Han Guoyu has dug into his own corner, it is unbearable. Han Guoyu must be taught a lesson, Now I come out to Hou Youyi's platform with this consideration.

Before that, Hou Youyi's relationship with Han Guoyu also fell to the freezing point. Before the 2024 election, Hou Youyi confirmed that he had tried to unite with Han Guoyu. He asked Han Guoyu to be his deputy, but Han Guoyu refused directly. Since then, there has been a great competition between the two. At that time, Han Guoyu had not yet emerged from the shadow of recall and defeat, and Hou Youyi could not win over him, let alone Han Guoyu, who is now in the ascendant.

As for Lu Xiuyan's coming out to Hou Youyi's platform, it's not really that she has no idea about the position of KMT chairman. She is actually Han Guoyu's number one competitor, but just as the saying goes, "The gun is the first bird to shoot", Lu Xiuyan estimates that she wants Hou Youyi to fight with Han Guoyu first, and it's better to lose both sides. Neither side can fight again, and then go down the mountain to pick peaches. Hou Youyi and Han Guoyu both knew that this move was Yang Mou, but considering that they needed Lu Xiuyan's support, they endured it.

But then again, in this open and secret struggle, the Chairman of the Kuomintang, Zhu Lilun, did not exist at all. Some people said that Zhu Lilun could not check and balance these people, and he was out by default. In fact, we can't say that it's all right. After all, it's just foreplay now. Before the cards are revealed, this fight between Hou and Han may be just a simple appetizer.

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