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great! The latest report of Xinhua News Agency caused controversy, and Chinese women's volleyball fans complained that they had lost their face

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On June 30, Beijing time, the latest news came from the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team. According to the authoritative domestic media Xinhua News Agency, the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team has announced the name list of the Paris Olympic Games, which has also caused great controversy and discussion.

The Xinhua News Agency wrote: "The list of Chinese women's volleyball teams announced this time totals 13 people, including Yuan Xinyue, Zhu Ting, Diao Linyu, Gao Yi, Gong Xiangyu, Wang Yuanyuan, Zhang Changning, Li Yingying, Zheng Yixin, Ding Xia, Wang Mengjie, Wu Mengjie and Zhuang Yushan, of whom Zhuang Yushan is a substitute.

The public list of the Chinese women's sand queue is Xue Chen and Xia Xinyi. This pair won the only qualification for the Paris Olympic Games for the Chinese women's sand queue with high FIVB points. "

It can be seen from the report of the Xinhua News Agency that the Chinese women's volleyball team is still dominated by veteran players, including Zhu Ting, Zhang Changning, Ding Xia and other Olympic champions. Although the media did not disclose more information, the arrangement of the Olympic team attracted many Chinese women's volleyball fans' complaints.

Some fans said, "Look at this list, I really don't want to look at my face." Another fan said, "FIVB used to have only 12 people, but now it has p1 people. Personally, I think the free people need to be strengthened. After all, Wang was controversial in Tokyo. If it happens again, it will be troublesome!"

Of course, some fans said: "Ding Xia is 35. It's meaningless to bring her, but she missed the opportunity to give new players. Even in the past three years, no new players have been cultivated. This is the end of the Chinese women's volleyball team. After playing the Olympic Games, Cai Bin should take his team G with him, and stop harming the women's volleyball team."

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