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In 2013, Wei Yanzheng, an executive of Huawei, was fired after suffering from cancer and left his son four pieces of advice before he died

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June 2013 was a happy day for the 36 year old Wei Yanzheng, but the arrival of a letter gave him another "surprise".

I was struck by incurable cancer, but I received a letter of resignation from the company on my birthday.

Under these two double strikes, Wei Yanzheng was depressed all day long. This state lasted for a long time before he died, but before he died, he left his son four thought-provoking advice, which even made his son unforgettable.

So what did Wei Yanzheng leave for his son? Why was he dismissed by Huawei?

Wei Yanzheng's Life Experience

Wei Yanzheng was born in Urumqi. He was born in a family of workers. The workers' wages are not high, but they are willing to spend money on their children's studies. Wei Yanzheng is also very eager to learn from childhood to adulthood.

Just at the turning point of his fate, an accident broke his life, Wei Yanzheng had several children in his family, but he and his brother were the only two boys.

In the most critical year of high school, Wei Yanzheng's brother died unfortunately. Wei Yanzheng's parents, who had experienced the pain of losing their son, were extremely valuable to him. They were afraid that his son would have an accident when he left his vision.

However, Wei Yanzheng was in high school at that time and was about to decide which university to go to. His parents proposed to find a university at home.

Wei Yanzheng, who was extremely filial to his parents, naturally obeyed his parents' arrangements until an unexpected happiness came along and his parents changed their original ideas.

Wei Yanzheng often participated in the competition because of his hobbies, but he got a great chance after this competition. Wei Yanzheng participated in a national competition, which has always attracted the attention of many people. In this way, Wei Yanzheng's outstanding performance attracted the attention of Peking University.

For such a genius, Peking University, which loves talents very much, naturally wanted to receive them on campus, so it directly threw an olive branch to Wei Yanzheng, As long as Wei Yanzheng is willing to come to Peking University, he can directly skip the college entrance examination and accept him exceptionally.

In the face of such temptation, Wei Yanzheng could not help but began to waver. How many people at Peking University, which is recognized as a high school, rushed to get in. Even he, who had made up his mind to go to college in his province, hesitated.

For him who wants to learn more knowledge, it is indeed the best choice. After thinking for a long time, Wei Yanzheng still cannot make a choice. He decides to ask his parents for their opinions. He is also very surprised that the parents of Wei Yanzheng invited by Peking University.

In consideration of their son's future, they finally decided to let Wei Yanzheng leave his hometown and go to Peking University. After entering Peking University, Wei Yanzheng was not arrogant and impetuous. He still studied hard in this place full of talents and even completed all his studies a full year ahead of schedule.

Because Wei Yanzheng had excellent grades in school, he was informed by the Singapore government, which was looking for talents in various universities, that Singapore directly invited him to study in the national university of his country with full scholarship free treatment.

This is also the beginning of Wei Yanzheng's relationship with Huawei. After graduating from the National University, Wei Yanzheng went to work in the Telecommunications Institute in the UK. He heard the name of Huawei during the work negotiation. After learning that Huawei is a Chinese company, Some of Wei Yanzheng, who missed his motherland, asked his colleagues to introduce Huawei managers to him.

After an interview, the manager agreed to introduce Wei Yanzheng to China, so once he entered Huawei, he became the assistant to the president of the wireless marketing department.

Wei Yanzheng's first global market research when he just entered the department to contact this business was highly praised by the company. Even when he got this document, the company's executives were eager to meet the sales genius.

But his talent goes beyond that, During his tenure in the company, Wei Yanzheng received worldwide recognition for his first research and development , and even many companies specifically found him to request a public performance to impart experience.

Unfortunately, the good times are not long. No matter how conscientious Wei Yanzheng was during his service, the company still gave him a "big gift" on his birthday.

Wei Yanzheng Finds Symptoms

Birth in Japan is the happiest day of the year. A group of people celebrate the birthday of the birthday in this world. Unfortunately, this birthday was hit a second time.

On June 6, 2013, the year of Wei Yanzheng's birthday, he had just reached the age of 38. In his prime of life, he received a letter of resignation from Huawei. Huawei, which had originally thought that he would renew his contract with him after he was discharged from hospital, reversed course.

A letter of dismissal completely ended Wei Yanzheng's working time in Huawei. Thus, the executive who had made many legends in Huawei and had no merit but also had to work hard was completely removed from Huawei.

The reason for his dismissal was that Wei Yanzheng had cancer and needed treatment, and he had been treated for too long. Although he had never taken a leave since he came to work in Huawei, he always worked hard in the company, and even returned to work just one day after he married his wife.

When he asked for leave, he used the leave he had saved before. However, Wei Yanzheng asked for leave during treatment for several years. In order to deal with the company's related affairs in a timely manner, although the company signed a temporary contract for sick leave when Wei Yanzheng asked for leave, He also promised to renew his contract and let him go back to work.

Huawei decided to dismiss Wei Yanzheng, but it paid him enough compensation during his treatment.

In 2011, Wei Yanzheng suddenly found that the originally normal little pimple on his feet suddenly produced bursts of stinging pain. At the beginning, he did not care about its existence, but regarded it as an ordinary disease.

However, with the increase of time, the pain that could have been tolerated became more intense. The pimples that were deliberately ignored emphasized their sense of existence again and again. The pain that originally only appeared on the feet directly spread to the toes, which led to the impact of these pain on Wei Yanzheng's walking.

Reluctantly, Wei Yanzheng, who was a workaholic, went to the hospital for examination for the first time. He didn't know about the examination, but was shocked by the examination. This ordinary lump was actually a sign of tumor. After a long delay, it has even reached the late stage. This kind of tumor was originally the most difficult to cure, The probability of its deterioration is extremely high, and the current medical level is inextricable for this disease What's more, it is still in the late stage, and Wei Yanzheng's hope for treatment is even more bleak.

The tumor was called clear cell sarcoma. It was only three years since he got the disease and died. When Wei Yanzheng heard the news, he cried bitterly because his wife was just pregnant a few months ago. He was about to enjoy the happiness of his family. He fell directly from the sky to the bottom of the valley.

What should my wife do if I die? Especially his unborn child, when he thought that his child might be teased and bullied by others because he didn't have a father, he felt sad.

However, Wei Yanzheng was not knocked down by the frightening tumor. The couple went to many hospitals to find a place to cure the disease. Unfortunately, the situation was not successful. People would like most hospitals to express their difficulties about the disease.

Until the end, there was still only the conservative treatment after amputation. Fortunately, this treatment only removed the skin tissue with pimples and preserved the feet, which allowed Wei Yanzheng to walk normally. After the treatment, he went to the company to continue working diligently.

Before Wei Yanzheng was relieved, after reexamination, the bad news came again. This time, it directly spread to the whole body. This time, it must be amputated.

After amputation, Wei Yanzheng has to undergo chemotherapy, but in order to live to witness the growth of the child, he has been suffering from chemotherapy. During the chemotherapy process, his weight has shrunk from 83 kg to 53 kg.

After chemotherapy, Wei Yanzheng put on the matching artificial limb. After a period of adaptation, Wei Yanzheng returned to the company to work based on the mentality of wanting to work more and leave more money for his wife and children.

Unfortunately, Wei Yanzheng's situation at this time is really not suitable for continuing to work. Considering various factors, Huawei decided to dismiss him and make room for other talented people.

Wei Yanzheng gives advice to his son

Wei Yanzheng, who was dismissed by the company, did not complain about this. In order to subsidize his family, he often went to some universities to issue seminars. Because of his high reputation, he came to his schools in an endless stream.

During this period, Wei Yanzheng also published many books, including his own views on the relevant fields, and many people were very useful after reading these books.

In the process of making money, Wei Yanzheng did not forget to accompany his family, but his son was still young. He was not willing to tell his son the fact that he would not live long.

So he gave his son insightful guidance. First, he asked his son if he knew the meaning of death. The son said, "Yes, just like a small fish in an aquarium, it will never be seen." He gritted his teeth and said to his son, "I will die soon, just like a small dead fish."

With this saying, Wei Yanzheng couldn't stop sobbing. His son was afraid that he would never see his father again. The father and son hugged each other and cried.

Wei Yanzheng decided to teach his son the advice he got from life before he died.

First, the first advice is intelligence and perseverance Wei Yanzheng told his son that learning is really important for people. When you have enough knowledge, you can deal with most things in the world.

A smart person is popular wherever he goes. In addition, persistence was also extremely important at the beginning. There is an old saying that three minutes is doomed, and seven minutes is determined by hard work.

It is not enough for a person to have a smart mind. If there is a great opportunity in front of you, even if you can grasp it, how can you gain if you don't persevere in doing this?

The second is friends and help It is essential for a person to move around the society. Friends are your help. They will help you when you are down.

For example, when I was dismissed by the company, my friends introduced me to teach courses to the university. Thanks to their help, I could get this job again. It was this job that eased my financial strain.

The money for chemotherapy was raised by friends for themselves. Although it was only about 400000, it was better than nothing. When a follow-up friend mentioned that he donated money for himself again, he was rejected.

The third vision and concentration, A person should have a broad vision, not limited to one mu of land. It is after studying abroad that he broadened his vision, learned a lot from foreign countries, and saw a lot of scenery.

It can even be said that it is the study abroad that has created the current self, and the determination is to calm down, work must be cold and calm down, too impetuous will lead to many mistakes.

When you are immersed in something, you will find that you can do it twice with half the effort. When you encounter a bottleneck period, you can calm down and let yourself go, which will help you solve problems.

The last one is to fear life and grasp the love of life Human life is extremely fragile. Once a disaster occurs, life will pass away. We must really love life and stay away from some dangerous places to take precautions.

To grasp the love of life, we must seize the opportunity to get along with our relatives, or it will become extravagant to want to continue living with our families after suffering from incurable diseases like ourselves.

We must cherish the time when we are still together, otherwise it will be too late to regret.

Huawei's compensation

According to the information released by Huawei, Wei Yanzheng's salary during his cancer leave was still paid by his normal salary at work.

In addition, Huawei thought that Wei Yanzheng had brought various benefits to the company, and provided Wei Yanzheng with a compensation of at least 1.2 million yuan.

In this way, even if Wei Yanzheng did not work full time in the company, he still got nearly a million dollars. In this respect, it is better than other private enterprises Huawei.

The reason why Wei Yanzheng felt that the compensation was not enough was that most parents had the mentality of saving more money to prepare for their children's growth.

After all, he can continue to work under the pain of cancer in order to make more money for his children.


The incident of Wei Yanzheng is regrettable. Fortunately, Wei Yanzheng is not afraid of hardship. He still works hard even though the reality gives him a beating. Even though he knows he will not live long, he still helps the society like sunshine.

Even if he has cancer, his active and progressive life is still emitting his own waste heat. He never complains and never wants to give up his life.

We should learn from him, learn from his attitude towards life of fearing difficulties and living hard.

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