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Ukraine is in trouble, and 20000 troops from four brigades of North Korea have moved to the front line, with strong fighting quality

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According to South Korean media reports, the DPRK decided to send four combat engineering brigades to the eastern region of Ukraine in order to fulfill the terms of military mutual assistance between Russia and the DPRK. Russia has sent an invitation long ago, hoping that North Korea can send personnel to assist the Russian army in the restoration and reconstruction of Russian controlled areas in eastern Ukraine.

North Korea has not officially responded to South Korean media reports.

It is reported that Russia has offered up to 115 million dollars for these Korean soldiers, and this batch of four Korean engineering brigades has about 20000 people in total, which means that the annual remuneration of each person is about 5750 dollars.

Some military experts pointed out that the arrival of these Korean engineers will greatly liberate the hands of the Russian army, and the Russian army can focus more on attacking the Ukrainian army. According to South Korean media, the first batch of North Korean soldiers will arrive in the Donetsk theater in July.

These Korean soldiers will be sent to build fortifications on the flanks and deep areas of the Russian defense line. On the question of whether this part of the Korean army will participate in the war against Ukraine, some analysts pointed out that probably it will.

Originally, the whole region of eastern Uzbekistan was in a state of war, and Korean engineers would be hit even if they were responsible for building fortifications. When they were hit by Ukrainian rockets and drones, Korean soldiers would certainly launch a counterattack.

The previous concern of the United States was that Korean soldiers entered Ukraine as engineers, ostensibly to help the Russian army build fortifications, but secretly they might directly participate in the battle.

Then the question arises. If Korean soldiers are involved in the war, how is their combat effectiveness compared with that of the Ukrainian army? Will these Korean soldiers be more effective than the Russian army?

Let's first take a look at the basic situation of the Korean army. Influenced by the Soviet Union, the weapons, equipment, organization and tactics of the Korean army are highly consistent with those of the Soviet army.

At the same time, the Korean army also has a characteristic of being able to bear hardships, not afraid of sacrifice, and having a strong will to fight and loyalty.

In recent years, the Korean army has also paid special attention to the improvement of army combat effectiveness, especially tanks and artillery. At this stage of the Russian Ukrainian war, it has been proved that artillery and tanks are still the key factors to determine the victory and defeat of modern wars as long as they are fought on land.

Therefore, once the Korean army gets involved in the war, Russia will be even more powerful.

What is more noteworthy is that most Korean conscripts have served in the military for more than five years. This time is terrible in the whole world, which means that Korean soldiers can receive more military training. On the contrary, Ukrainian soldiers have only been recruited to the front line for two months. From this point of view, the Ukrainian army has been completely defeated.

Even in the face of the Russian army, some military experts believe that the fighting quality of the Korean army has exceeded that of most of the second and third class motorized infantry units of the Russian army.

However, the Korean army also faces a crisis when it enters Ukraine to fight, that is, the Ukrainian plains are the majority, while the Korean army is mainly mountainous, and the Korean army usually trains mountain warfare.

On the plain, especially when Russia and Ukraine have used a large number of drones as a high-tech weapon on the vast front, the first problem faced by the 20000 engineers of North Korea is how to avoid the attack of Ukrainian drones.

However, the Korean army suffered relatively in electronic warfare jamming and anti UAV air defense operations. At this time, it is necessary to rely on the assistance of the Russian army. However, due to the differences in operational concepts and languages between Russia and North Korea, it is very difficult for the two armies to integrate and improve their combat effectiveness in a short time.

However, since North Korea agreed to send engineers to Ukraine, it has already expressed its position and attitude in the Russia Ukraine war. North Korea stood in Russia, and Russia's biggest gain should be that it can get support from North Korea's military industrial production capacity and supplement its military strength.

Even if the war lasts forever, the DPRK has up to 980000 troops, which can continuously reinforce the Russian army. At the same time, as long as the Korean military industry gets the Russian raw material supply, it can continue to produce weapons that the Russian army wants, which is what the United States is most afraid of.

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