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Wu Xiubo, 55 years old, became an old Lai and was executed for more than 750 million yuan! Last year, he said he was bankrupted by the establishment of a bureau

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No. 1 Cinema Miss Understanding (original by topcinema, reprinting prohibited)

Wu Xiubo, 55, has the latest news:
The company "Horgos Buer Cultural Media Co., Ltd.", in which he holds 99% shares, was listed as the dishonest executor, that is to say, he became "the old rascal".

In November of last year, # Wu Xiubo and his company were forced to hold 466 million # topics and hit the Internet hot search.

In January this year, the company was forced to execute 290 million yuan because of this case; In February, the company and its legal representative were restricted from high consumption.

The current risk information shows that the executed amount of the company exceeds 750 million yuan!

For Wu Xiubo and his company, which have not filmed for a long time, this is astronomical.

The cause of everything, About the TV play "Major Military Adviser Sima Yi's Military Alliance" starring Wu Xiubo.

After its hit in 2017, the play has achieved considerable economic benefits. According to media reports, it has generated nearly 1 billion yuan in total. However, there have been many disputes around income distribution. Wu Xiubo is mainly involved in commission contract disputes.

On November 24 last year, after the hot search of # Wu Xiubo and his company were forcibly held 466 million #, Wu Xiubo, who had not published a document for many years, repeatedly posted several messages on his social account, claiming that he had been set up to bankruptcy.

In a video released earlier, Wu Xiubo said that Jin, together with the producer of "The Great Military Master Sima Yi," Zhang, "has been able to embezzle tens of millions of yuan from the crew, but still get away with it.".

Wu Xiubo later sent a paper to complain, saying that "those who can work deserve to be robbed! They worked hard to film for the management, and were set up with fake seals and contracts by two fraudsters with a case on their backs!"

The next day, on November 25, Wu Xiubo forwarded the content of the official account of a TV play "Tiger Roaring and Dragon Singing", describing in detail the case involving the dispute over the entrustment contract.

The accompanying picture is the stills of Wu Xiubo in the play. He looks like an old man with a haggard heart, and seems to be telling his own experience in reality.

Wu Xiubo's life is full of twists and turns.

Before the contract dispute, Wu Xiubo had experienced two major disturbances in his life——

The first is the well-known "affair of cheating and being extorted".

On September 24, 2018, actress Chen Yulin revealed that she had an extramarital affair with Wu Xiubo, 25 years her senior.

She said that she gave up filming for Wu Xiubo to wash clothes and cook for him and take care of his life, but she was finally abandoned by Wu Xiubo, who also said that there were other women.

On November 5, 2018, Chen Yulin was taken away by the public security bureau at the airport and arrested and detained on suspicion of extortion. Later, Chen Yulin's parents issued an open letter saying that after his daughter exposed her love with Wu Xiubo, he was arrested by the man under the name of "exposing privacy and extorting money". Subsequently, Wu Xiubo issued a statement by his lawyer that the content of the open letter was untrue and that the legal responsibility of the issuer would be investigated.

On February 18, 2021, Wu Xiubo was exposed in the judgment of Chen Yulin's extortion case. According to the verdict, Chen Yulin was sentenced to three years' imprisonment, suspended for three years and fined 100000 yuan. More than two years after being held in custody, Chen has been released from prison.

Because of this incident, Wu Xiubo, whose private life was disorderly and who lost his moral bottom line, could not continue filming and paid the price for his derailment.

Second, it happened earlier and fewer people knew about Wu Xiubo's body.

According to Ma Weidu, Wu Xiubo graduated from Chinese Opera in his early years and joined the China Railway Arts and Crafts Troupe to work in the Drama Troupe. However, after working for one year, his stomach was uncomfortable and he was misdiagnosed as colon cancer, and his colon was cut 40 cm.

At that time, when Ma Weidu was telling the story, he said, "I think it's terrible.".

It is reported that Wu Xiubo, who was still a poor boy, only paid 130000 yuan in medical expenses with the help of his unit.

On the day when it was supposed to be filmed, Wu Xiubo stayed in the bar and survived the low point of life. Later, he filmed in obscurity for many years, until a spy war drama "Before Dawn" in 2010, when he starred in undercover Liu Xinjie, making him famous overnight.

Once from the low to the peak, now from the peak fell heavily.

One error after another.

Get, lose.

Some people attribute this to fate, as well as the argument about Wu Xiubo's face to face discussion. But whatever it is, he is no longer Wu Xiubo who can continue acting.

For a person who loves acting, Wu Xiubo is the biggest person because he lost his status as an actor forever by making mistakes living Losses.

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