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Yu Zheng angrily denounced Wang Xingyue's studio for blaspheming art, and dismissed relevant personnel. The studio apologized overnight

Wang Xingyue Studio apologizes

Wang Xingyue Studio

Yu Zhenghui dismissed a cadre of people

The studio sent Wang Yuan's video of changing scene

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Although "Ink Rain and Cloud" ended, related topics outside the drama continued to ferment, especially the male leader Wang Xingyue, who was recently involved in the purification storm.

The reason is that after the end of the ceremony, the main creator sent a farewell message, and Wang Xingyue himself also sent a farewell microblog. But compared with the dignity of the female leader Wu Jingyan, the male leader Wang Xingyue seemed to only focus on himself, with a large number of his own solo photos, which caused dissatisfaction among drama fans. Wang Xingyue's studio not only did not appease, but also sent a highlight shot that Wang Xingyue had not broadcast, It indicates that the male leader died in the end.

You should know that "Ink Rain and Cloud" is a play that the director, producer and leading actor all admit to be the ending of he, while the video clip of the studio is the ending of be. And the end of be naturally looks like the hero is solemn and stirring, which can even cause drama fans' heartache. The result was just the opposite. Many netizens angrily accused Wang Xingyue of being eager to purify and completely ignoring the feelings of other creators, especially Yu Zheng, who made an emergency supplement in order to make it more clear that the outcome was successful. However, all this was disturbed by Wang Xingyue's studio, and the remedy could not be recovered.

At this moment, Yu Zheng himself praised another piece of content on Wang Xingyue's microblog, which was poured oil by the whole network, making the storm escalate. Yu Zheng himself had to speak out.

Yu Zheng said frankly that he was confused about the storm. I also waited for netizens' comments to ferment, only to find that the video sent by the studio included the details of his death. Yu Zheng said that he did not understand pink circles at all, and that he also had a chat record with Wang Xingyue. He seemed very angry about it.

Yu Zheng ordered Wang Xingyue to immediately delete the video and angrily scolded the studio: "You dare to desecrate my art, I will never allow it. My outside world has been destroyed by you."

The netizens didn't buy it. His comments were divided into two groups. One group questioned why Wei Fen knew in advance that the studio was going to be stabbed under pressure. One group held Wu Jingyan's grievances.

In order to calm netizens' emotions, Yu Zheng directly opened a microphone in the comment area, saying that he would seriously deal with it. He immediately fired Wang Xingyue, the editor of Wang Xingyue's studio who made random videos, and also fired 1000 people.

Yu Zheng finally spoke for Wang Xingyue, saying that Wang Xingyue was a child and didn't understand anything, but he also admitted that the studio did this to purify Wei Fen.

Yu Zheng's practice of giving Wang Xingyue a clear relationship also caused netizens to laugh at him and lament that he has come again. How can an actor in his 20s act as a innocent baby again? How can a child become a 208w and a hot sister-in-law? Some netizens even jokingly nicknamed Wang Xingyue "Old Boy".

Among them, the statement of "purification" directly tore up the utopia of drama fans and cp fans. When watching the play, the passion of knocking on the TV show is just a means for the drama party to hype and the man to increase his popularity?

Some things are not known to everyone, but once they are exposed, they will certainly be criticized.

Want to know that Wang Xingyue has gained millions of fans by relying on "Ink Rain and Cloud", and has eaten enough of the benefits of CP powder, so he will open the table and stab the hostess and the playwright? Want wheat and unique beauty, even if you want to purify it, you are too anxious!

Seeing the public opinion fermenting, Wang Xingyue's studio finally made a response and deleted the video, but the simple response was a little pale, which could not make up for the hurt fans.

The success of a TV play depends not only on the performance of the actors and the setting of the plot, but also on the efforts of the entire production team. Wang Xingyue Studio's desperate approach to purification will obviously hurt the cast and fans. I still hope that the entertainment industry will have less hype and controversy, and acting in a down-to-earth manner is better than anything else!

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