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Li Haichao: Reflection on Social Harmonious Coexistence from the Case of Fangchenggang Community

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At about 16:00 on June 28, 2024, a case of intentional injury and death occurred in a community in Gangkou District, Fangchenggang City, Guangxi, which was like a thunderbolt, shocked all sectors of society and hurt people's hearts.
According to the police report issued by the Port Branch of Fangchenggang Public Security Bureau, the suspect Chen had a fierce quarrel with the victims Li and Wang due to conflicts, and then Chen impulsively injured the two victims to death with a knife. This sudden tragedy pushed several families into the abyss of pain in an instant, and caused a great stir in the society.
The cause of this case was a common trivial contradiction in life. The relationship between people is very subtle. Sometimes seemingly insignificant conflicts may become the last straw to crush each other. Nowadays, life is under great pressure, and everyone's psychological endurance is being tested. Perhaps in this case, the parties have accumulated a lot of pressure and negative emotions, and this conflict just became the trigger for extreme behavior.
In our society today, the intersection between people is increasingly frequent and diverse. Whether in communities, schools or workplaces, all kinds of minor contradictions and differences are everywhere. An inadvertent look, an inadvertent remark, or a daily problem such as the parking of electric vehicles in this case may lead to conflict. However, these conflicts should not have escalated into violence and crime.
When the conflict begins to appear, if both parties can keep calm, think in terms of each other, and try to understand the problem from the other's perspective, many conflicts may be resolved in the bud. However, in this case, both parties were obviously influenced by their emotions and lost their sense and due restraint.
This tragedy profoundly reminds us that in our daily life, whenever we have differences and contradictions with others, we must learn to effectively control our emotions. Anger and impulse often only make things worse, and peaceful and rational communication and negotiation is the right way to solve problems. We should take respect as the premise, listen to each other's opinions and demands, and avoid being stubborn.
At the same time, it also puts forward new thinking for social governance. Relevant departments and communities should strengthen the education and guidance of the public, improve people's ability and skills to deal with contradictions and conflicts, pay attention to people's mental health, and help them relieve the pressure of life through various training and publicity activities. We should vigorously advocate civilized and harmonious values in the whole society, and create a good atmosphere of mutual understanding and tolerance.
In addition, the community property management should also learn from it, improve the management system, and strengthen communication with owners. For violations, education and guidance should be given priority to avoid more conflicts caused by simple and crude handling methods.
It is hoped that this distressing case can become a mirror, allowing each of us to deeply reflect on our words, deeds and attitude towards life. Let's work together to resolve conflicts with understanding and tolerance, build relationships with civilization and friendship, and work together to create a more harmonious, warm and safe social environment, so as to ensure that similar tragedies will not recur.

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