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It turns out that some children don't like eating at home for a reason! Every dish in the comment area is shocking

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In other words, some children don't like to eat at home, which has distressed many parents. Some parents complain that their children have a bad appetite and don't like eating. However, have you ever thought that it may not be that children really don't like eating, but that their food is really... a bit hard to swallow!

A few days ago, talking with a friend, she said that her little girl always doesn't like eating at home, and her appetite is very poor. I wonder, when this little girl came to my house, she ate very well. Until one day, I went to her house to play, only to find the problem.

When the noodles are boiled in water, there is little soup. The vegetables are also boiled directly, and then sprinkle some salt. This is regarded as a seasoning? I swallowed my saliva silently. Who can eat it?

It's hard to laugh or cry after watching the sharing of netizens!

Or you'd better go out and eat. Don't spoil the food [cover your face]

It's like this when I saw a video. One pot can cook about ten dishes [cover face]

So don't you put oil in the loin?

I haven't eaten it. What kind of "immortal delicacy" is it? [Covering his face]

This soup looks very Du [laughs]

Ha ha, if you don't tell me, I thought it was Laba garlic. How did it get this color?

At a glance, it's OK. Isn't it normal to stew ribs with corn? Another look is corn candy [covers his face]

Ha ha, I guess I'm not so particular about food

It's very good. It's hard to eat. Hurry to eat a plum [laughs]

Ha ha, it seems that bad cooking also has "benefits" [face covering]

So, do you want egg juice or pepper?

It means that I have married to your family and enjoyed a good life. [Praise]

This is the first time to see Gaifan

It's cracked. How does it taste? Is it delicious?

What kind of food is this? Haven't seen it

To tell the truth, it's really hard for your son to show off his face

So, children don't like eating for no reason. Parents should stop complaining that children don't like eating. Maybe you should reflect on whether your cooking skills still need to be improved? Should we pay more attention to the food at home.

After all, you can grow well only if you eat well!

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