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The eagle "sells" Murray at a low price, and the lone ranger wants Tang Shen

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Pelican gets Dezhangtai Murray

Hawk won the first round of the Lakers in 2025, the first round of 2027 (Pelican and Buck ranked lower), Dyson Daniels, Little Nans, EJ Liddell

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Murray is one of the most cost-effective main attacker contracts in the trading market. His salary will be more than 25 million next season, and he will be able to jump out in the summer of 2027. Even considering 15% of the transaction margin, Murray is still too fresh in the environment of 30 million yuan flying all over the sky.

Superstars don't talk. The market's recognition of the value of top 3D vanguard is quite in place. The Knicks 3D, OG show people the signing price, and the bridge show people the transaction value. But there is also a very expensive type of point guard that is easy to be ignored in the market. In particular, qualified point guards that can defend - pay attention to keywords, qualified point guards, and Kilian Hayes can also defend. He is a point guard, but he is not qualified - are also appropriate scarce resources. If a point guard meets the following conditions at the same time, he is a strategic resource:

Qualified transmission and control contributions;

Qualified projection capability;

Certain scoring means;

Able to receive and defend;

Able to change defense;

It can help prevent.

If Holliday and White are the crouching dragons in this kind of point guards (original meaning), then Dezhangtai Murray and Van Fulit can be said to be filial. The latter two are limited by confrontation (Mu) and height (Fan), and their bulletproof performance is inferior, making their versatility as a pure puzzle inferior to the first two. However, Murray is currently the strongest player among the four in terms of development and attack ability, and the dry pulling middle distance technology mastered is particularly critical in the stage of leading the team alone. For teams with poor core endurance or insufficient development resources, Dezhangtai Murray has a higher cost performance ratio.

We can take a look at the players whose contract price is higher than Murray's:

CJ McCullham. Current team-mates have no collar defense attribute;

Middleton. When the wounded veteran recovers, the defense declines;

Randall. Poor defense, difficult to evaluate in the playoffs;

Holliday. Nothing to say, the big brother of this track;

Chris Paul. If the contract is executed, he is at this price. Unfortunately, I am old;

Jeremy Grant. Under the background of the market, the quality of the contract has gradually improved;

Jordan Poole. Nothing to say.

Pelican gave Hawk these two first rounds. The value of the first round of the Lakers in the past 25 years can refer to the regular season ranking of the Lakers in the past two years. It is probably the middle ranking. In 27 years, the first round of the lower ranking of the Pelican and the Buck will not be higher. Even if the Bucks rebuild at that time, the Pelican is unlikely to completely rebuild. There will always be a playoff interval. On the contrary, the first round package of 3+1 that the eagle chased Murray to give to the Spurs, and the unprotected first round of 25-27 years (two sent out and one exchanged) were all owned by the eagle. It is hard to say the value of your first round to your next round, but it must be the most expensive for your own, because it means the right to put on a bad show. You can refer to the cost of the Nets to get your first round back from the Rockets.

3 players in the deal package:

Nance is a good substitute center, and the market price can not exceed several rounds;

Dyson Daniels is the most variable part of this transaction. As the eighth highest point guard, he is still in the stage of selling potential. Daniels has excellent defense, full of sports small data, and the steals rate ranks first in the Pelican Grand Theft Auto team. Unfortunately, his shooting is too poor, let's just not shoot three points. It's hard not to worry if his free throw shooting rate is less than 65%. The development of Daniels will become an important indicator for the future evaluation of Eagle's transaction;

EJ Liddell, no value.

After getting Murray, the Pelican has a real point guard. As the leader and defender, Murray has a better attack than Jones and Alvarado, which can alleviate the compatibility problem of the Pelican starting lineup to a certain extent. Fat Tiger, Murray, CJ, Ingram, the four main attackers seem to have insufficient ball power, but one thing is certain. The Pelican operation is not over yet. They have several problems:

First of all, the Pelican triggered the first local luxury line by taking back more wages in the transaction. This is not the key point, because the Pelican's usual high-voltage line is not a hard hat, but a luxury tax line lower than the hard hat, and the Pelican now has some risks of crossing the line. Of course, this is not difficult to solve. Pelicans can avoid it if they pay attention to it;

The problem is that both Trey Murphy and Ingram need to renew their contracts. The Pelican can handle them in the 24-25 season. What should we do in the future? Pelicans made a small change, which means that they will have five highly paid players in the 25-26 season after the renewal of Murphy and Ingram. You know how stingy Pelicans are;

Although Pelican used No. 21 to sign Mickey, the center, but under the condition that Nans was sent away and Wallan would not stay, Pelican position 5 was still close to vacuum.

If nothing unexpected happens, there must be another deal for Pelican. Ingram and CJ are not safe. From a financial point of view, it should be the first choice for Pelicans to keep one of the two (Yingge will stay if her salary is reduced, and CJ will stay if her salary is not reduced), send the other away, and get a starting center and an expired contract that will not increase the future burden from the transaction. In this way, Pelicans can maintain an affordable payroll and enjoy luxury tax dividends while striving for playoff tickets.

However, from the perspective of Pelican fans, no one wants to hear about the sustainable development of the team. Pelicans are like playing WAR3 and have already saved enough gold, wood and moon wells. It's time to choose whether to kill 50/80 people or explode soldiers.

What about the eagle?

Once Murray enters and exits, the eagle will lose money. This transaction has reduced some wage burdens and provided flexibility for subsequent operations. Another center (Xiao Nans) also means that Hawk will become a center seller in the market in any case.

Now let's see which one is the next lucky one to trade with Eagle.


Transaction content

The lone ranger gets Grimes

The piston gets Hathaway, 3 secondary wheels

Xia Guan, you've really got through Ren and Du in the past two years. This transaction has two meanings:

We sent away Hardway's contract of 16.2 million yuan and got Grimes's contract of 4.3 million yuan, reducing their total wages by nearly 12 million yuan, making them far away from the luxury tax line and the first local tyrant line, which increased flexibility for subsequent operations;

Start with a flank 3D. Regardless of the cost performance and potential of the contract, Grimes also has immediate combat value. Although his performance in the third grade was relatively low, he was quite amazing when he rose up in the second grade, averaging 11.3 points per game, making 6.9 three-point shots every 36 minutes, with a three-point hit rate of 38.6%, a real hit rate of 61.9%, a help loss ratio of 2.17, and a reliable leader, which is a very qualified low play puzzle. With Grimes with the same positioning, the Lone Ranger will be more confident in sending Josh Green away from the contract in the transaction.

After this operation, the lone ranger can make many choices.

First of all, there is no pressure to renew Jones. As the lone ranger only has the non bird right of little Jones, and little Jones' play in the Western playoffs undoubtedly made him valuable, the lone ranger can only split the middle class if he wants to keep him. After clearing the space, the Lone Ranger broke up the middle class and left little Jones without salary pressure.

However, it would be too conservative for a lone ranger to just use the space cleared up here. They have entered the championship window period, and the results of the western qualifying season undoubtedly have the confidence to expand investment. A small forward who pursues Grant as a real starter should still be the first choice of the lone ranger.

In addition, let's talk about the rumor that the lone ranger pursues Thompson. Compared with Nuggets' interest in Thompson, I think the lone ranger should be more cautious:

The operation of the introduction of Thompson by Nuggets almost certainly includes the multi-party transactions of Little Porter, as well as the flank shooter and 3D leader. This is the logic of changing the whole amount of money for zero under the pressure of salary. To put it bluntly, the 60 million Porter Pope can't afford it. Although the combat effectiveness has not improved, the team can still maintain on the whole. For example, Denver can match the electric fan+Thompson's wing combination, which is reasonable in terms of leadership, defense and space;

The situation of the lone ranger is different. Owen+Doncic has already occupied two backcourt places. Although Owen has shown excellent match flexibility in the playoffs and can help the team complete some leadership and defense, he is not too old to take on too heavy a task in the regular season. Thompson has been unable to play the role of the first leader and defender, while Dongqi obviously does not play the role of leader and defender. This means that it is inappropriate for three players to start at the same time.

If the lone ranger wants to chase Thompson, he needs to make sure that Tang Shen agrees to play a replacement role. If this matter is not well explained, then don't chase Thompson.

For piston, three sentences:

Grimes is not as important to the piston with space constipation and insufficient development ability as the lone ranger;

On the contrary, Hardaway, who can throw the ball all the time, is relatively useful for the piston. Because the Pistons really lack shooters.

Of course, when I think of the bumblebee eating Reggie's 5 million yuan for three rounds The piston is hard to keep away from acid. It's all gold digging.

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