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Virtue to official propaganda! Xia Chuang of Taishan Team signed a new contract with the Portuguese Super League ace and has signed up for him to play Guoan

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Fernando's mood must be very complicated during this period, because his contract with Taishan will expire at the end of this year. Now, half a year has passed since 2024, and the club has not yet taken action to sign a new contract with him, so Fernando is worried. You should know that Wang Dalei, whose contract with Fernando expires at the end of the year, has got a big contract from the club some time ago. So Fernando was worried.

Fernando was still injured at the critical moment, so he could not play on behalf of Taishan Team. Therefore, Fernando has no confidence in whether he can renew his contract with Taishan. However, judging from the attitude of Taishan's coaching team and senior management, as long as Fernando is not injured, the club will sign a big contract with him for more than two years in advance. Fernando is in the golden period of his career, and he is also the main player of the national football team.

Cui Kangxi, the head coach of Taishan Team, admired this national football player very much and tailored a set of techniques and tactics for him. In this case, Fernando played in the Asian Championship knockout on behalf of Taishan Team, and he had a commendable performance. Whenever the Taishan team gets bogged down in the game, Fernando can always stand up at the first time and turn the tide. Fernando had a good performance at the beginning of his career. He once played in the Portuguese Super League.

Later, Fernando caught up with the double bonus period of CSL Golden Dollar Football and Domestication, and got the high salary he wanted. Therefore, Fernando has achieved financial freedom in CSL for a long time. Fernando hopes to enjoy football in the last five years of his career. At the same time, Fernando hopes to help Taishan Team and the National Football Team achieve good results. It is worth mentioning that Fernando has signed up for the game of Taishan team playing Guoan away. He is expected to return.

Fernando has made great contributions to the national football team's promotion to the last 18. He should take more responsibility after the team is assigned to the death group. The coach of the national football team, Ivankovic, admired Fernando's ability and became the main force of the team. I hope Fernando can prove himself with his excellent performance after he renews his contract with Taishan Team. I believe that the performance of this Feng Ba will not disappoint the fans.

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