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The latest progress of Guangxi security homicide! The identity of the victim was exposed, and the reason for the killing was revealed.

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On June 28, a security guard in a community in Fangchenggang, Guangxi, had a conflict with a couple, and the security guard brutalized the couple.

According to the insider, the couple was engaged in decoration, and the car was locked by the security guard on the previous shift due to random parking.

By the time they found out that the security guard had changed his shift to another person, the two men began to beat the security guard who had just changed his shift.

They chased to the security hall and threw stones at the security hall. Finally, the security guard couldn't bear to pick up a knife and kill them.

From the original concession to the later unbearable mood, he was out of control and attacked people with a knife. Later, he became panic when he realized that he had caused a disaster, but it was too late.

At present, the police have caught the suspect on the spot, waiting for his legal trial.

Hot discussion among netizens

Some netizens said: Why bother to be a security guard! Every day when I go back to the community, I greet the security guard with a smile. Cigarettes and wine for the Spring Festival are all small money! But the security guard is really good to my family. I really help you if you need help.

Another netizen said, "Really don't bully honest people. Honest people are stupid or not. If they are on the line, they can't always do stupid things.". I can't help it. Do you expect others to become saints? Endure everything.

Finally, in general, people should not bully people. No matter what occupation they are, they are all human beings. They should not do things too much, let alone look at people according to their occupation. After all, they are just trying to make a living.

At that time, both sides stepped back, and the couple said a good word to the security guard to unlock the lock. The security guard showed consideration for the couple, which would not prevent tragedy.

What do you think? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area.

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