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Magnolia Award is too stingy! Fan Wei, who would rather see Hu Ge as the emperor again than become a god of acting

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The 29th Magnolia Award Ceremony came to an end. Hu Ge defeated Fan Wei, Wang Yang, Ding Yongdai, and Wang Renjun by virtue of his exquisite performance in "Flowers" and won the best actor (Shidi), which caused a heated discussion about acting skills. Although Hu Ge's performance in Fanhua has been praised by many people as exquisite and emotional. However, some voices pointed out that the performances of other candidates for Emperor Observance were also convincing.

Fan Wei, in particular, won the hearts of a large number of audiences with his deep acting skills in The Long Season. Wang Xiang, played by Fan Wei in the play, is a taxi driver who has gone through many vicissitudes. This role has spanned 18 years, from a hot blooded youth to a calm middle-aged person. Through subtle expression changes and body language, Fan Wei shows the psychological and emotional changes of the character in different life stages, so that the audience can see a real and three-dimensional character image.

In the play, Fan Wei can use his superb acting skills to show the character's inner world vividly, whether facing the hardships of life or the pain in the bottom of his heart. His performance not only made the audience feel the same, but also let the audience see the deep foundation and artistic charm of an actor. Fan Wei's performance in The Long Season undoubtedly won him more respect and applause. However, "Long Season" is not as famous as "Flowers", so Fan Wei lost to Hu Ge.

The background of Fanhua was set in Shanghai in the 1990s. With its unique charm and profound understanding of the role, Hu Ge successfully created an image of Bao Zong that is both in line with the background of the times and full of personality. This work is not only attractive in narrative, but also reflects a deep insight into life in details. Hu Ge's performance is undoubtedly an indispensable part of its success. However, the popularity of Hu Ge's works is not always in direct proportion to his acting skills. Some people think that Hu Ge's acting skills are average.

But there is no way: the place where the Magnolia Award is hosted is Shanghai, while "Flowers" tells the story of Shanghai, and Hu Ge is also from Shanghai. Hu Ge occupied the right time and place, while Fan Wei only occupied the right people. Fan Wei's loss to Hu Ge is understandable. The Magnolia Award will be awarded to Hu Ge at the risk of being scolded as "stingy". And it was awarded to Hu Ge again. In 2016, Hu Ge once won the Magnolia Award as the Emperor by virtue of Langya List, but Fan Wei never won it once.

However, Fan Wei has won the Golden Horse Award, Golden Eagle Award, and Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actor. His acting skills have long been sealed. In his absence, Fan Weisheng met the "annual drama king", "Flowers". "Flowers" makes Shanghai, an international metropolis, more desirable, let alone the organizing committee of the Magnolia Award. Even the mayor of Shanghai hopes to award the Emperor Shidi to Hu Ge. It is worth mentioning that the honor of "Best Chinese TV Drama" was also awarded to Fanhua.

Wu Qinggong, a non famous entertainment critic, pointed out that Hu Ge's award not only recognized his performance in Fanhua, but also his many years of acting career. From the acerbity of "The Legend of Wonderful Swords" to the calm of "Langya List", from the forbearance of "The Disguiser" to the introversion of "Fanhua", each role of Hu Ge is full of emotion, which is still fresh in people's memory. Therefore, Hu Ge's acting skills are not bad, and he has made progress, so winning prizes is not a problem.

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