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Foreign media: Zelensky said that he would prepare a "comprehensive plan" this year to explain how to end the conflict between Russia and Ukraine

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Source: Global Network

[Global Network reporter Li Ziyu] According to the report of Al Jazeera Television and Ukrainian State News Agency on the 28th, Ukrainian President Zelensky said on the 27th that he would prepare a "comprehensive plan" this year to explain how Kiev ended the Russian Ukrainian conflict.

On the 27th local time, Zelensky and Slovenian President Musar held a press conference in Kiev

It is reported that Zerenski said at a press conference held with Slovenian President Musar in Kiev on the 27th, "It is very important for us to put forward a plan to end the war (the Russian Ukrainian conflict) that can be supported by most countries in the world. This is the diplomatic way we (Ukraine) are studying".

According to the Ukrainian state news agency, Zerensky also said that Ukraine will work in two aspects at the same time, on the one hand, it will "become stronger on the battlefield", on the other hand, it will develop a "clear and detailed" plan, and this plan "will be ready this year".

Al Jazeera TV said that Russia and Ukraine are not negotiating at present. According to the public statements of Zelensky and Russian President Putin, the two sides still seem to have differences on the terms of the potential peaceful solution.

According to previous media reports, Russian President Putin said on the 7th that Russia is willing to negotiate on the Ukraine issue, but the negotiation should be based on the conditions agreed by Russia and Ukraine at the beginning of the negotiations in Minsk, Belarus and Istanbul, Turkey, as well as the current reality. Putin attended the plenary session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum on the same day and answered questions, saying that all armed conflicts will end in peace agreements. Russia will not "go to war with everyone". What Russia needs is to "reach a reliable agreement in line with its own interests".

According to comprehensive foreign media reports, on the 14th local time, Zelensky's office rejected Putin's proposal for peace talks, saying that the proposal seemed to assume that Kiev would give up its sovereignty. Zaharova, spokesman of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, responded by saying that such remarks by Ukraine are intended to deprive Ukrainian citizens of real opportunities for peace. In addition, according to Xinhua News Agency on the 14th, Russian President Putin said on the 14th that Russia would immediately announce a ceasefire and start negotiations after the withdrawal of Ukrainian generals from Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporoge and Kherson regions and the announcement that they would not join NATO.

Extended Reading

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On June 16 local time, the two-day "Peace Summit" on Ukraine ended in Switzerland. According to Agence France Presse, Ukrainian President Zelensky said the same day that he would like to see China put forward suggestions on the peace issue in Ukraine. He also said that Ukraine had never said that China was an enemy and hoped that China could become a friend of Ukraine.

Although it is generally believed that the influence of the summit will be greatly reduced due to the absence of Russia, China and other important countries, Zelensky believes that the summit has achieved "success" in diplomacy. He said that the road to hold the second "Peace Summit" is open and he expects to end the war with a just and lasting solution.

On June 16 local time, Zelensky attended the press conference (picture/presidential palace of Ukraine)

According to Agence France Presse, Zelensky said at the closing press conference on the 16th that Russia and its leaders "are not ready to achieve a just peace". "If Russia leaves our legitimate territory, they can even start negotiations with us tomorrow, without waiting."

Russia was not invited to the Peace Summit. The day before the summit (June 14), Russian President Putin said that Russia was always ready to negotiate with Ukraine on the Ukrainian issue. However, Putin stressed that the prerequisite for the negotiations is the full withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporoge. After Ukraine's withdrawal, Russia will immediately cease fire, and then the two sides will start negotiations, including issues related to Ukraine's non accession to NATO. Putin added that Ukraine should make decisions independently.

Since then, Zerensky's office rejected Putin's proposal for peace talks, saying that the initiative seemed to assume that Kiev would give up its sovereignty. Putin's declaration of peace talks at this time was an attempt to take the initiative before the Swiss Ukrainian Peace Summit.

According to the BBC, Zelensky said on the 16th that Putin would not end the war and must "do our best" to stop it, whether through military or diplomatic means. Zelensky also said that Western aid was not enough to win the war for Ukraine, but the summit showed that the international community's support for Ukraine has not weakened.

According to Ukrainian media reports, Switzerland invited about 160 countries to attend the summit earlier, but only 92 countries and regions and representatives of 8 international institutions decided to attend. Brazil, the Vatican and others were not official participants, but attended as observers. Der Spiegel said on June 15 that although it was called a "high-level meeting", 35 of them actually only sent government representatives at the second and third levels. "What is worse for Kiev is that even its most staunch ally, the United States, has not sent its own head of state. US President Biden chose to participate in the campaign fundraising event held in Hollywood, California." CNBC wrote.

Group photo of delegates

Bloomberg previously pointed out that China was absent from the two-day summit, and BRICS countries only sent relatively low-level diplomats to attend the meeting, which cast a shadow on the efforts of the summit to strive for "global southern" countries. Reuters later held a similar view, saying that China's decision not to participate in the summit almost confirmed that the summit would fail to achieve Ukraine's goal of persuading major countries in the "global south" to join in isolating Russia.

Agence France Presse said that Zelensky called on China on the 16th to "seriously take the peace proposal being formulated". "I believe China can help us, so I very much hope to see some suggestions put forward by China."

"Ukraine has never said that China is our enemy," Zelensky added. When asked whether he thought China was a friend, he said: "I believe that a friend is a person who can lend a helping hand in times of difficulty. I hope China can become a friend of Ukraine."

On May 31, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning said that China attached great importance to Switzerland's hosting of the first Ukraine Peace Summit, and has maintained close communication with Switzerland and relevant parties since the beginning of this year. China has always insisted that the international peace conference should have three important elements: recognition by Russia and Ukraine, equal participation by all parties, and fair discussion of all peace plans. Otherwise, it will be difficult to play a substantive role in restoring peace.

Mao Ning said that according to the feedback from all parties and the announced meeting schedule, the three elements proposed by China seem to be difficult to achieve. There is still a clear gap between the meeting arrangements and China's requirements and the general expectations of the international community. China is difficult to attend the meeting, and has informed the parties concerned of China's considerations and concerns. China will continue to promote peace and talks in its own way, maintain communication with all parties and work together to accumulate conditions for a political solution to the Ukrainian crisis.

It is worth mentioning that 14 of the more than 90 countries participating in the "Peace Summit" on Ukraine refused to sign the joint communiqu é, including India, Saudi Arabia and other countries. At the same time, no country has expressed its willingness to host such a follow-up summit.

On the previous May 23, China and Brazil reached a "six point consensus" on promoting a political solution to the Ukrainian crisis. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian said on June 14 that China welcomes and supports all efforts conducive to achieving peace and has a fair, just and open position on the Swiss Peace Conference. China has also kept close communication with relevant parties including Switzerland and Ukraine on the issue of holding the meeting, and encouraged all parties to participate in the meeting on an equal footing and discuss all plans fairly.

Lin Jian said that the "six point consensus" between China and Pakistan has received positive responses from more than 100 countries, which reflects the common expectations of the international community and is the largest common denominator in the world today. We welcome more countries to support and join the "six point consensus".

Editor in charge: Xun Jianguo_NN7379

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