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What makes Eagle Sauce uncomfortable is that Dongda doesn't need to end directly. Eagle Sauce is gone.

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What makes Eagle Sauce uncomfortable is that Dongda doesn't need to end directly. Eagle Sauce is gone.
Put 29 heavy integrated brigades on the border. If Dongda says anything, even Ah San dare not act rashly. Otherwise, it will repeat history again. It is hard to say whether the capital can be preserved this time.
Then move 3-5 aircraft carriers and dozens of 055 aircraft carriers to the Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea. Dongfeng Express on the land shows its sharp teeth, and J-20 in the sky leads a group of countless drones. Who dares to move the so-called fleas on the island chain? If you dare to move in a small day, I guess you really have to go to the Pacific Ocean to feed the bastard.
The Ryukyu Islands have never been small. Even Hokkaido was snatched from us in the 17th century.
According to the current situation, from Russia to the Middle East, the anti US and anti hegemonic front has gradually taken shape, asking for money and people, and everything is well prepared.
What is Dongfeng?
Look at the seminar for senior military officers founded by Dong Da.
Does Dongda just need to make a slight shift in its military thinking and equipment, and get used to bullying the weak and weak Hawk Army, including the whole NATO, dare to face this joint force assembled with a certain idea and the world's strongest industrial system?
The problem now is not that the East Conference will not end, but that the eagle sauce will disappear before the East Conference ends.
It is not a question of whether eagle sauce will end, but when it will end.
Perhaps, before long, the Russian Ukrainian battlefield and the Middle East battlefield will be fundamentally reversed.

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