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"It's just a beast". Hunan farmers had a stool diversion operation, and after leaving the hospital, they swore at the doctor

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"It's just a beast!" In 2022, Zhang Aiguo, a farmer in Hunan, had a bowel diversion operation due to rectal cancer. Who knows, after he recovered and left hospital, he swore at the attending doctor.

In 2022, Zhang Aiguo was watching TV at home. Suddenly, a figure appeared on TV, which made him suddenly wide eyed. His face was unbelievable. A moment later, the red faced man threw his rice bowl directly on the ground and shouted, "A liar is a beast."

His wife rushed in, but when she saw the man on the TV news, she squatted on the ground and cried, "What can I do?"

It had to start a few months ago.

At that time, Zhang Aiguo had a bloody stool and went to Xiangya Second Hospital in Changsha for examination.

Liu Xiangfeng, the doctor in charge of receiving Zhang Aiguo, took the report and read it again and again, then slowly said, "This is the middle stage of rectal cancer, and you need to have a tumor resection."

If Zhang Aiguo's wife is struck by thunder, she hurriedly holds the doctor's hand and pleads, "Doctor Liu, you must help us. We will treat her at any price."

Hearing the woman's words, Liu Xiangfeng inadvertently flashed a light. He said calmly: "The patient's condition is very serious. At present, he needs to have a stool diversion operation to save his life."

This operation is to install a tube from the abdomen, and Zhang Aiguo's defecation will be discharged from the tube later.

Zhang Aiguo and his wife looked at each other. They could not understand the professional medical terminology.

The eldest daughter also works in the medical industry in Shanghai, so they had to tell her about it and let her decide.

"Dad, Mom, don't worry, I'll ask my friends first." Zhang Aiguo's eldest daughter comforted them and called her friend in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, after listening to Zhang Aiguo's situation, his friend said firmly, "Your father is old and his condition is not so serious. He doesn't need this operation at all. If he does, he will suffer a lot."

But why did Dr. Liu Xiangfeng insist on letting his father do this operation? The eldest daughter was puzzled and asked Liu Xiangfeng about the situation.

However, Liu Xiangfeng's attitude was very bad when his eldest daughter tried to communicate with each other.

Liu Xiangfeng said angrily to her, "Am I a doctor or are you a doctor? If you don't want to do it, leave immediately and don't treat here."

The two men had a dispute over whether to perform this operation. The eldest daughter could not trust them, so she said, "It's really not good. Let's transfer to another hospital for treatment."

However, Zhang Aiguo was old and didn't want to go back and forth. He insisted on staying in Xiangya Hospital.

Finally, Liu Xiangfeng personally operated the operation, and performed tumor resection and defecation diversion for him.

"The operation was very successful." Liu Xiangfeng took off his mask after coming out of the operating room and said to Zhang Aiguo's wife, who had been waiting at the door, "But you need to use nutritional powder for recovery after the operation. You can go to the second floor of the inpatient department and buy it directly."

This so-called nutritional powder costs 497 yuan per packet, and can only be reimbursed at one's own expense. It's strange to think about it.

But Zhang Aiguo's wife had already lost her mind. When the doctor said so, she went straight to the second floor without thinking.

A few days after the operation, Zhang Aiguo recovered very well. When he went for an examination, he did not sit in a wheelchair and let his wife push him, but walked on his own.

However, Zhang Aiguo, who returned to the ward after examination, developed a low fever, which soon subsided.

When Liu Xiangfeng knew about it, he accused him, "Your care is really unqualified. If you take care of it like this, the patient will not survive for 24 hours."

Zhang Aiguo's wife had never seen such a battle. She bowed her head and listened to him scold her, but did not dare to say a word.

"Your husband is so stingy when he is like this, because you don't want to give him nutrition powder!" Liu Xiangfeng continued.

Where does a peasant woman know so much? As soon as the doctor said, she hurried to buy more nutritional powder and asked Zhang Aiguo to eat half a bag every day instead of one.

It was not until Zhang Aiguo recovered that Liu Xiangfeng nodded and the two left the hospital.

However, Zhang Aiguo always carried a bag to hold his excrement, which had a great impact on life and often felt humiliated.

One day, Zhang Aiguo heard a news while watching TV: after reporting that Doctor Liu Xiangfeng of Xiangya Second Hospital had committed illegal acts in the process of work, the hospital has suspended him from his job.

When Zhang Aiguo listened to the announcer clearly saying the news, he got angry, went to the hospital, pointed at Liu Xiangfeng's nose and scolded, "Liar! It's just a beast!"

It turned out that Liu Xiangfeng, in order to make a profit, carried out unnecessary operations on patients and charged high fees, and sold protein powder at a high price, most of which went into his pocket.

After investigation, it was found that the protein powder Liu Xiangfeng asked patients to eat was not produced by a formal manufacturer at all, but was nearly 200 yuan higher than the official price.

Liu Xiangfeng, a guy without the benevolence of doctors, was punished by the law after this report.

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