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The Legend of the Carving Hero The kind-hearted and sentimental beauty spared the weak and made three fatal mistakes

Intelligent shooting in the legend of carving heroes

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In recent years, although there are many fantasy travel dramas, they seem to have the same plot. I still think the martial arts dramas adapted from Jin Yong's novels are good.

These days, I can't stop reviewing the 2017 edition of the sculpture.

Love and hate, cut ceaselessly, manage still disorderly.

Bao Xiruo seems harmless to humans and animals, but her hypocrisy has harmed the two families.

1. The trap of love at first sight. It killed two families.

Bao Xiruo is Yang Tiexin's wife, and he and Guo Xiaotian are very loyal. They are in Niujia Village.

Qiu Chuji, one of the seven sons of Quanzhen, became friends with Guo Yang without fighting.

That night, after Taoist Priest Qiu left, he spared the weak and found the injured man in black in his stable. Knowing that he was Taoist Priest Qiu's enemy, he was afraid that his husband would kill him. He was merciful and saved him.

The man in black is the king of the golden man. When I first saw Bao Xiruo, I was impressed by her beauty.

As the saying goes, with a knife on the head of Sezi, Wanyan Honglie never forgets Bao Xiruo, colludes with Duan Tiande, bloodwashes Niujia Village, and then pretends to save Bao Xiruo. Keep her around.

The murder in Niujia Village is due to Bao Xiruo's lack of complete trust in her husband. Her arrogance was complete and her face was full. Many people were harmed.

2. The feelings of inconsequence lead to the lack of son education.

Bao Xiruo became a princess, saying that he had to, but he also loved vanity. Of course, this vanity was not for himself, but for Yang Kang. Otherwise, the child can be raised independently.

Although Wanyan Honglie loves and cherishes the weak, it is useless.

Anyway, it's also true to be willing to marry the weak again, but she married half heartedly, under the name of Princess, so that her son can enjoy the best education resources. However, as a mother, she hid his nationality, saw things and thought of people in a simple house, neglected to teach Yang Kang, and handed him over to the full face.

After more than ten years of cultivation, Yang Kang could not live without Yan Honglie.

Yang Kang went astray, and it is hard to forgive the weak.

3. No leeway.

Yang Tiexin's appearance disturbed Bao Xiwei's spring water.

The two people embrace each other, and Yang Kang appears.

Bao Xiwei asked his son to marry his father. But for so many years, Yang Kang always thought that he was a royal nobleman, and it was normal that he could not accept it for a while.

Bao Xiwei and his son didn't explain clearly, so he ran away with his husband, causing his son to count the bill on Yang Tiexin, and together with Wanyan Honglie, they led people to hunt down Yang Tiexin.

Even if there are three Taoist Priests of Quanzhen Sect taking refuge, the enemy is vicious. In order not to let Taoist Priests die, Yang Tiexin commits suicide. Be merciful to the weak and die for love.

What is love in the world? Let people live and die together!

She cherishes the weak and cherishes the affections, but she still doesn't take into account her son's feelings. If she dies, will Yang Kang accept the thief as his father? Will you recognize your ancestors?

One death is a hundred. Love has no regrets, but kinship is separated.

Without his mother's persuasion, Yang Kang was even more reckless.

He spared the weak for a short life. He was kind and affectionate, but he hurt others and himself, resulting in human tragedy.

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