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What are the most popular domestic senior high schools in Cambridge?

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Recently, the official website of Cambridge released【 Undergraduate Enrollment Report in 2023 】, which lists the admission data of multiple dimensions in detail. In addition to the application rate, enrollment rate and professional admission rate, Cambridge University also made statistics this year Source of high school students Covering more than 3700 schools around the world, the official announced the admission rate of different high schools to Cambridge.

At this point, Cambridge's favorite portrait of a new student is almost plain on the paper.

Niu Jian has a rule that students can only choose one to apply.

The data shows that there are 44656 global applicants from the two schools, and 8274 students have been admitted, with an overall landing rate of 18.5%. Compared with the single digit application rate of American rattan schools, it is relatively friendly.

In 2022/23, Cambridge received 21445 applications and 4553 offers. The final number of students was 3557, with an offer rate of 21.2%, an increase over the previous year (18.9% the previous year).

Among all international students, applicants from mainland China not only rank first in terms of offer rate, but also rank top 1 in terms of number of applicants.

A total of 341 (294) people in mainland China received Cambridge offers. The offer rate was 14.9%, and the admission rate was 11.5% (10.3%), an increase of 1.2% over the previous year. The total number of applicants in Hong Kong, China was 552, 82 of whom were admitted, with an admission rate of 14.9% (12.8%), up significantly.

Although Chinese students are the largest source of applications, Cambridge Singapore The preference of the local students is particularly obvious, and the admission rate of local students is as high as 25.6%, Hong Kong, China The enrollment rate of regional students was 17.8%, ranking second, Mainland China Students rank third.

In terms of the final enrollment rate, Singapore also ranks first with a proportion of 19.3%.

According to the global high school application, admission and enrollment in 2023 announced by Cambridge, what are the most popular high schools in Cambridge?

first, Mainland Chinese high schools play a leading role in Cambridge University admission

Within the statistical range, there are 58 institutes High schools have obtained at least three Cambridge offers, which are distributed in 22 schools in mainland China, 16 schools in Singapore and 6 schools in Hong Kong.

In addition, there are 14 high schools from other countries and regions, which cover India, Hungary, Pakistan, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Thailand and Canada, showing the international diversity of Cambridge University admission.

secondly, Singapore has become one of the most favored areas of Cambridge University

The analysis shows that the admission of Cambridge University is highly concentrated, with 7 schools or education groups receiving more than 10 new students every year, Raffles College, Singapore It also ranked first with the number of 49 students and the enrollment rate of 83.7%.

Among the 7 schools in the TOP, Singapore has 4 seats, all in the top 5. The first three schools Raffles College, Singapore Overseas Chinese Middle School, Shenzhen Guojiao Especially outstanding, these three schools almost steadily obtain about 30 offers from Cambridge University every year, making remarkable achievements.

There was a loss rate from pre admission to admission. The loss rate of Shenzhen International Communications Corporation was the lowest, with 88.6% ranking first. Only four students did not attend school, which is worthy of being the headquarters of Niujian.

Among the 58 schools, Shanghai has the largest number, with 11 in total, 4 in Beijing, 4 in Guangdong, 1 in Hubei and 1 in Jiangsu. From the perspective of the number of pre admissions, the official ranking of Cambridge's top 15 favorite high schools (>3 admissions) is as follows:

  • Shenzhen diplomatic relations
  • Dibang Education Group
  • Shanghai Lingke
  • Shanghai Shiwai, Pinghe
  • Shanghai Guanghua Cambridge
  • Shenzhen Middle School
  • Xuetong Keqiao Education Group, Shanghai WLSA, Guangdong Country Garden, Shanghai Middle School
  • Shanghai Bao School, Shanghai Hexian, Beijing National Day

It is worth reminding that in addition to the number of students enrolled, it also depends on the enrollment rate.

Cambridge University 2023 Overseas High School Admission Statistics

In short, in the application of Niujian, Academic strength It is still very important. Students must not slack off in their studies! Especially when the application requirements are changing and the number of applicants is increasing, if you want to succeed in getting Niujian's offer, don't take it lightly in every link, including academic scores, main papers, language scores, written tests and interviews!

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