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My mother-in-law was sick and drove my aunt away to be waited on by me. I spent 5000 yuan to hire a nurse. My mother-in-law: Let your parents pay for it

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Some people say that you can never wake people who pretend to sleep.

I didn't know this before. I didn't realize it until my mother-in-law called me by name when she was ill and asked me to go to bed with her, and even drove my aunt home.

My mother-in-law didn't look at me as a married daughter, but she loved her own child and didn't want to use it. As an outsider, it is natural for me to do what I want, and who wants me to be my daughter-in-law.

Looking at my aunt's back after she left, I saw my mother-in-law who kept praising me for my good spirit and no problem after a long night. I directly paid 5000 yuan for a nurse, and the two sisters and brothers shared the money equally.


When I married my husband, my mother-in-law was very friendly to me. Although she only bought the wedding house and wrote her husband's name, she didn't give me any money as a betrothal gift, but she was stunned to persuade me.

My mother-in-law praised me for being reasonable, filial and generous. After a lot of praise from my mother-in-law, I was too embarrassed to ask for the betrothal gifts again, so I had to persuade my parents to cancel the betrothal gifts in turn.

After marriage, without my knowledge, my mother-in-law came in uninvited and said that she bought the house and was qualified to live there. But I, who had no name on the property certificate, had to be mute and eat coptis, and reluctantly accepted my mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to live together.

After her mother-in-law came, she pretended to be a hostess. Watching her playing music in front of me all day long, I was extremely dissatisfied, but I could not tell.


My mother-in-law clearly has her own daughter and son, but she likes to boss me around. Whenever my mother-in-law has a headache, she calls me the first time to take me to the hospital and pay for my medicine.

Once or twice, I don't care. After all, my mother-in-law is always my husband's biological mother. But my mother-in-law did this many times, without exception.

Every time I complain, my husband will appease me, saying that it is not easy for his parents to pull him and his sister up, so that my daughter-in-law can be more tolerant. Seeing my husband apologizing and grovelling, I had to compromise.

Just to my surprise, my mother-in-law is doing more and more. No matter what serious illness or minor illness, if you feel ill all your life, you should come to me right away and ask me to help you.


My mother-in-law was ill a few days ago. She was a bit seriously ill and had to be hospitalized for several days. As a result, the elder sister came to accompany the bed, and everyone came to the ward. My mother-in-law was stunned and drove the elder sister away in front of me.

The reason why her mother-in-law drove away her own daughter was that you were in poor health and could not stay up late at night. After staying up late in the day, you loved headaches. And if you come to accompany the bed, what about the two children at home?

I was speechless and said angrily that since my daughter was not good, let your son take care of her. After all, I have two children to take care of.

Her mother-in-law quickly waved her hand and said that her son was even worse. He had to support his family during the day. He was tired and stressed from work, so he could not afford to stay with his bed at night. In addition, my son's heart is too rough. He can't serve me well. It's better to be your daughter-in-law. He is very energetic when he doesn't sleep at night and takes care of others.


In a word, anyway, my mother-in-law asked me to accompany her in bed by name and said that I treated her like my mother. Listening to my mother-in-law's praise, I felt very uncomfortable.

My mother-in-law thinks I'm a fool. In any case, my own daughter and son can't wait on me, but I, an outsider's daughter-in-law, can. The emotional mother-in-law is a child who loves her dearly and cannot bear to use it.

I didn't break my mother-in-law's mind. It was just that I was caught and asked. I didn't quarrel. I paid 5000 yuan to hire a full-time nurse for my mother-in-law and let her take full charge of her mother-in-law. As for the cost of employing nursing workers, their two siblings will share it equally.

After learning my plan, my mother-in-law felt extremely painful. She angrily scolded me on the spot for wasting money. I could serve her clearly. Why should we set up an army and pay a lot of money to hire a nurse.


My mother-in-law insisted that I dismiss the nurse and take care of myself. I told her coldly that I had to go to work in the daytime and pick up the children to and from school. I couldn't take a long leave to serve you. Since you don't like your daughter and son, let the nurse serve you.

My mother-in-law said angrily, "My son earns money hard every day, but you are spendthrift. In this case, my daughter and son will not give a penny to your mother's family for the 5000 yuan of the nurse.".

My mother-in-law insisted on not letting her son or daughter pay, but my parents insisted on letting my parents pay, saying that it was the daughter-in-law's duty and responsibility to serve her mother-in-law. Since you are unwilling to fulfill your responsibilities, let your parents pay for me.

After listening to my mother-in-law's words, I dismissed the nurse without saying a word and left the hospital without looking back. Anyway, my mother-in-law doesn't like my various arrangements, so I'll serve myself.


After I went back to work, the phone calls of my aunt and husband came with me. First, my aunt blamed me for running away and leaving her mother alone in the hospital?

Then my husband asked me to leave everything at hand and go back to the hospital immediately to take care of his mother. No matter how important the work is, it is not as important as his mother.

I asked them, you are the mother in law's own children, you have the obligation to take care of, why let me take care of an outsider? Just for one thing, is the daughter-in-law obliged to support her mother-in-law?

Over the years, I am willing to be a big enemy, and I am always available to my mother-in-law. But that's because of my husband's face. I have a temper. Since my mother-in-law is so picky, let her serve herself.

I refused to give up my job to take care of my mother-in-law. My husband asked me for a divorce, and my aunt called me one after another to urge me. I turned a deaf ear to everything and went back to my parents' home with the children. Whose mother will take care of it.

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