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New ideas for the European Cup! Ivan realized in time: What's the fear of death team? The national football team's counter attack is close at hand!

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Since the draw for the top 18 of the national football team was finalized, the fate of the national football team has been almost watched with dismay by both the media and fans. This is understandable. After all, we have stumbled in the top 36, how can we expect to create miracles in the top 18?

But when you think about it, strength is only one of the reasons why the top 36 matches are so awkward. There are many additional reasons, such as Ivankovic's hasty takeover and incorrect tactical layout.

What cognitive adjustments should Ivan make as soon as possible if he wants to create conditions for the national football team to counter attack in the next 18 finals?

Adhere to one major advantage, change one disadvantage, learn some counter attack miracles of the European Cup, and the national football team will have a great opportunity.

Advantages: It is a talent and will give you opportunities

So far, Ivankovic has only been in charge of the national football team for four months.

Apart from the achievements, what is everyone's impression of Ivankovic? Everyone has different answers, but there is one thing that everyone may acquiesce in nodding, that is, we are not lazy, and we can often see Ivan's figure in the major venues.

The purpose of doing so is to master first-hand information and know which players are in better condition and more suitable for their own system.

In addition, Ivankovic did practice what he saw and brought more outstanding players into the national team.

For example, in the list of the top 36 matches at the beginning of this month, we saw players such as Baiheram, Huang Zhengyu, Fang Hao, Yang Zexiang, Xie Wenneng, etc.

No matter how well these people performed in the national football match later, at least they did well in the previous league and were definitely qualified to enter the national football match.

It can also be seen that Ivankovich really only believes in "strength and state", rather than experience and reputation. Previous managers, such as Jankovic or other transitional managers, had more confidence in experienced veterans and naturalized players. They are not willing to give young players a chance. Even if they perform well, it is difficult to get into their sight.

This has also led to a serious fault in the age segment of the national soccer team, which has so far been out of touch.
No matter how successful Ivankovic is in leading the team, at least their methods and attitudes in selecting people have won everyone's recognition. And every time the national football team's list is released, there are few controversial points, which meet everyone's expectations.

Disadvantages: stubborn!

What stubborn? Formation! Stick to their own unique "single waist, diamond midfield".

However, this kind of midfield position further magnifies the weakness of the national football team. It not only further weakens the defense intensity of the national football team, but also endangers the entire tactical system, making the national football team unable to attack and defend.

If it is not the pressure of fans and public opinion that Ivankovic will still choose a single waist position in the face of Thailand and South Korea, then the result is conceivable.

Throughout the international sports world, diamond shaped midfielders with a single waist are rare. Even in the Chinese Super League, our own league, such positions are few or none. Shanghai Shenhua will occasionally use Amadou as the single back man, but he does have this strength, but even so, Slotsky is also careful to use it.

Among our many international players, those with a single back waist, like Wu Xi before, Wang Shangyuan, Gao Tianyi, Li Ke and Huang Zhengyu now, which player has the super level of a single back waist? Even the former Zheng Zhi may not be competent.

At present, everyone knows the strength of the national football team. In the last 18 matches, it doesn't matter which group you are in, because in terms of the strength of the national football team, the national football team is the best in any group.

However, neither our fans nor the coach Ivankovic wants to pass the last 18 matches, but to strive for the best results and try to reach the World Cup.

Want to achieve good results, but not good strength? What should we do? We should start from defense. That is, we should first resist the opponent's fist, and then seize the opportunity to bite back.

If you defend well, you can't use a single back waist. Double back waist may not be enough, even three back waist should be arranged. For example, choose the 433 formation that is more defensive, that is, four defenders, three defensive midfielders and three counter attack masters. Or simply use 532, that is to say, the five defenders and three midfielders in the defense make use of the number of advantages to make a thorough transposition deployment to withstand the opponent's attack. Lock the opponent's side breakthrough and middle penetration.

This European Cup should bring inspiration to Ivankovic

Georgia, ranked 74th in the world, unexpectedly broke out of the tight encirclement and advanced into the knockout rounds, creating miracles one after another in the face of Portugal, Turkey and the Czech Republic, whose strength was far better than its own.

Is this an accident? It's accidental to win one game, but after three games, you are qualified. Is that accidental?

Georgia has created a miracle by using its own defense to counter attack. Not only Georgia, but also a number of teams with lower rankings, which have been extremely cold in succession.

This is the highest level of European football in the world. If it can produce such a miracle, can it be said that the defense and counter attack are backward?

No tactics are advanced and no tactics are backward. The best tactics are those that can help the team win and are suitable for themselves.

In turn, let's look at the National Football League.

Group C, where the national football team is located, is not the worst in the world, at least this is much better than the situation in Georgia. So, should Ivankovich seriously consider the current situation?

The defensive counterattack is not simply a list of people in the backcourt, but a complete and mature system. Who will top the key players? Who is going to nip and defend the opponent's flank attack? Who has the first time to interfere with the penetration of the opponent in the middle, and the position level behind is to fill? The opponent moves in a large range, who can fill the vacancy quickly and so on.

Of course, after the ball is broken, who will quickly counter attack, who will help move, open the formation, and so on.

At present, with more than two months to go before the last 18 matches, Ivankovic needs to re understand his own philosophy and the specific form of the national football team.

Give up their own inherent diamond midfield, and seriously study the defensive counterattack strategy. Maybe the national football team still has the hope of competing for the play off match. If it is not practical to optimize the attack, it will be basically defeated by the national football team's single back waist plus four defenders. Because Japan, Saudi Arabia and Australia are not Singapore and Thailand in the top 36.

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