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Mango stage "Friends" variety show in 3rd gear, overturning in 2nd gear, and maintaining high reputation in 1st gear. Why

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At the premiere of Happy Friends, Houmi Group participated in the program evaluation meeting of Mango TV Station and encountered cold water from the senior management of Mango TV Station.

One of them, Mr. Lei, was so sharp that he gave the Houmi Group a challenge, saying that the PTT made by Houmi Group was the ugliest plan he had ever seen. He questioned the name of the second half of the program, which was called Friends. What was the difference between the program and the Time Concert Friends on Mango?

The old men stared at each other, wondering how to answer. The atmosphere was very depressing.

Interestingly, after the launch of Happy Friends 2, another variety show, Friends of Flowers and Teenagers, was on the Mango Channel. The second half of the name is also very similar. To paraphrase President Lei, what are the differences between them?

In fact, there is no need for Houmi Tuan to answer, because the audience has already given a clear answer. The so-called audience's eyes are bright. Compared with the reputation of these three programs, they will make a high judgment.

▲ Friends of Time Concert: Douban scored 6.2 points

Time Concert is the first non competitive slow music ensemble for internal entertainment. A group of famous singers take turns to sit in the villa, sing each other's songs, and meet friends with songs. There is no ranking and no elimination, which injects a stream of fresh air into the internal entertainment ensemble.

Once the program was broadcast, it caused a warm response and received rave reviews. The first season of Douban scored 7.8 points, and the second season of Douban scored 7.9 points. It is the highest rated audio synthesizer for entertainment in recent years, and also won the 2021 Award for Radio and Television Innovation and Excellence Program of SARFT.

However, when the third season aired, Mango Radio smashed its own signboard and invited a lot of double cooked meat, which was called "Friends of Time Concert". The flying guests were also uneven, the music level plummeted, the program's reputation was not as good as before, and the score of Douban was only 6.2.

The main guest of this program is Zhang Jie, who is also a resident guest of the first season. Other resident guests include Dai Peini, Deng Ziqi, Huang Ling, Yu Wenwen, etc. Dai Peini and Deng Ziqi are flying guests of the first two seasons of the program. Zhang Jie has no deep intersection with them, and they are not old friends, so their interactions are polite and praise each other, Not much fun.

In addition, the form of this season's program has also changed. Instead of resident singers taking turns to sing each other's songs, each program invites their friends to join. However, the invited guests are very casual. Most of them are just making up the numbers. There are few real singers. For example, Shen Mengchen, the host of Mango Station, joined in as a friend of Huang Ling. She sang Sister Lang with Huang Ling The opening song of "Tomorrow's Worry is Tomorrow", the gap between amateur level and professional level is clear at a glance..

Compared with the previous two seasons, the previous two seasons were outdoors. This season's program moved the recording location back to the room, where we had all kinds of food, drink, and salad. Guests really seemed to come for a holiday.

The format of the program is also more casual. Guests sit around, eat, chat, and sing in turn. It feels like a KTV group. In addition, they choose songs at random. The singing level of the guests is uneven, leading to a significant decline in the overall music level.

In general, this season's program Mango Station is very casual, and the music attribute is greatly weakened. It is far from the previous two seasons. In addition to fans' boasting, most netizens are disappointed. Mango Station is a self defeating signboard, which is too inappropriate.

▲ Friends of Flowers and Teenagers: Douban scored 6.2 points

In recent years, Mango Stage has successively restarted several classic variety IP, but most of them have received a modest response. Only one has gained both popularity and popularity, which is the "Flower and Youth Silk Road Season".

The resident guests of the program, "Beidou Qixing", have different personalities, but they can share the same frequency. They produce subtle chemical reactions between each other. The more they get together, the more like a family. Some people are allowed to make mistakes in busy times, and some people are allowed to be in bad mood. However, they are understood and cured in the big family. They are the travel travel idea that many netizens dream of. The score of Douban is as high as 9.2, and the number of people who score it is more than 160000, It created a ceiling for entertainment and travel.

Many netizens begged the original class lineup of the program group to record another season, or launch the derivative variety show of "Beidou Seven Elements", but Mango TV Station, under the title of the 10th anniversary of the opening of "Flowers and Teenagers", launched the special season "Friends of Flowers and Teenagers", with several members of "Beidou Seven Elements" as the team members, formed a travel trip with guests from the previous four seasons, but the audience did not buy it, The public praise of the program dropped precipitously, and the score of Douban was only 6.2.

For this patchwork variety show, netizens' comments are very sharp. To put it bluntly, it is neither fish nor fowl. If you sell dog meat with sheep's head, it is strange not to overturn the car.

The biggest problem of the program is that the guests of each season tend to get together, often talking and playing separately, and they seem to be together. Because each station has only a few days' journey, after getting acquainted with each other, they are faced with separation, doomed to be unable to communicate and understand in depth.

In particular, when meeting guests with too different temperaments, it's like talking with the same chicken. For example, when Qin Lan and Zhang Han met, although Qin Lan actively provoked the topic, Zhang Han was a typical I person. He wanted to be quiet alone, and even if he was forced to open business, he didn't say much, so the conversation between the two people always fell into silence, which made it embarrassing to watch.

Because the guests on the itinerary of each station are different, the interaction between them will be more interesting and the program will be more beautiful when meeting guests of similar age and similar interests, so netizens will evaluate the program for a while, but on the whole, it is not comparable to the "Big Dipper Seven Elements".

▲ Happy Friends: watercress scored 9.1 points

Happy Friends is a group ensemble created by Mango Channel for the "0713" Brothers. Two seasons of Happy Departure have been broadcast before this. The first season of Douban has a score of 9.6 points, with more than 300000 people scoring. The second season also has a score of 9.5 points, which can be regarded as the ceiling of the internal entertainment reality show.

However, Happy Departure is outsourced by Mango Radio, and Happy Friends is a self-made program of Mango Radio. The biggest difference between the two is that the program form has changed. The former is outdoor variety show, and the latter is indoor variety show.

However, most netizens still prefer Happy Start Again, especially when Happy Friends just started broadcasting, the top management of Mango TV station used KPI indicators to put pressure on the thick rice group. Netizens are worried that the program will become stale because of this. When the utilitarianism is too strong, it is easy to lose the original intention of sincerity.

From the early stage of the program, there were also many complaints from netizens, such as disorderly editing in the late stage of the program, and the staff entering the camera. The netizens worried that Mango TV would really screw up the "0713" ensemble, but the program team listened to the opinions of netizens with an open mind and quickly made adjustments. The program became better in the middle and later stages of the program, and the score of Douban reached 9.1 points.

Happy Friends 2 has just started broadcasting. Although it has not opened yet, according to netizens' comments, it is full of five-star reviews. As long as this level is maintained, it will not be a problem if the popularity of the program exceeds that of the first season.

Compared with the first season, the program team is more attentive and able to organize activities. For example, the new year's wishes written by Houmi Tuan in the first season were answered one by one by the program team.

The most touching response is Land Rover's wish,

He hoped to own the house with his brothers. Although he was joking, the program team took it seriously and went to ask the relevant departments. Seeing the program team hit the wall repeatedly, they kept trying, and they were moved.

Although they couldn't get the real room book, the program team came up with a way to compensate. They invited professional teachers to make a beautiful memorial room book for each brother, opened the leather cover, and unfolded into a three-dimensional house with equal proportions. The brothers liked it and said thank you.

The funniest response is the desire to wake up,

His wish was to get a car on the grass. The program team really sent a car, which was covered with big red cloth. In order to make it grand, he also hung the ribbon of Xiti new car and delivered the car keys, which was very ceremonial.

After uncovering the red cloth, it was really a car. It looked a bit special. Wang Zhengliang found that the tires were thickened, and what's more, the doors were unfolded upward. Thick meters exclaimed "Flying Wings", which is a unique configuration for high-end sports cars.

What is unexpected is the configuration in the car. Each seat is equipped with power parts, which requires the joint efforts of passengers to drive forward. It is not so much a car as a set of fitness equipment in the shape of a car. When seeing such a ridiculous car, thick rice people laughed wildly, and the audience also laughed faintly. The program team said that this car is for thick rice people to strengthen their health, There will be real cars when I go out everyday. It's really creative.

In addition to being funny, it also sounds good, because this season's program highlights the music attributes of Houmi Tuan. For example, the first episode is divided into two episodes, with a total duration of more than four hours, of which the duration of pure music exceeds one hour. Netizens applaud one after another.

At present, there are three popular variety shows "Tiantuan", "Courtyard People", "Ten Days of Diligence" and "0713" in Inner Entertainment. Their common feature is that they all have a strong sense of variety. They have many loyal fans because of the popularity or popularity of variety shows, and music is the unique label of "0713".

They got married because of music, because music has reached the peak of life, and they still love music when encountering the low ebb of life. It is precisely because of this common hobby and persistence that they cherish each other and their friendship has become stronger over the years. When Happy Friends 2 catches music, it is equivalent to catching the soul of the program.

Of course, the most important thing is that the people have not changed. Although the career has turned red, the original intention of the six old Beibi has not changed, their friendship has not changed, and their ability to live has not changed. Therefore, their group integration is still a clear flow of internal entertainment, which is very popular.

Obviously, compared with the three "Friends" variety shows, only "Happy Friends" is worthy of its name. The other two shows are temporary guests. "Friends" is just a gimmick. Only six old Beibi's friendship has lasted for more than ten years. They have experienced ups and downs together, especially when encountering a low life, they still love music and still support each other, After the second spring of their career, they know more about cherishing and thanksgiving, and are more likely to resonate with ordinary audiences. No wonder the popularity of the program remains high.

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