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Laughing, the girl seriously asked Zhang Xuefeng to help choose a volunteer, and the Chinese 140 Maths 30 comments were laughable

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The college entrance examination results come out, have you chosen all your volunteers?

Well, a woman asked teacher Zhang Xuefeng to help her choose a volunteer because her child was seriously partial to a certain subject, but when the child's score was reported, she was directly shocked

First, let's smooth it ↓

1、 The child is materialistic and has scored more than 500 points

2、 Children are seriously biased, good at Chinese and poor at maths

3、 He is a sports expert and a national first-class athlete

It is known that you can score more than 500 points in mathematics. Let's count you 530.

Chinese 140, Mathematics 30.

English is poor, you are 90.

That is to say, her child is a first-class athlete. He is not good at mathematics but has almost full marks for materialization. Mathematics is 30, and English has just passed!

This kind of partial discipline is beyond my imagination!

If it were placed in ancient times, it would not be a proper champion of martial arts. No, it should be both civil and martial arts. The language is still so good.

Netizens joked: Confucius, Zha Di, is alive

After the video was released, it also caused a lot of onlookers and heated discussions. This group of netizens know how to comment, and I will die laughing in the comments:

In ancient times, this is simply a tailor-made selection of generals and soldiers

Ha ha ha, I was the first one who disagreed with you when you left the literary world

It can only be counted to three at most, and then it will not be

The modern version of Xin Qiji, the martial arts can raise the sword to secure the world, and the literary works can write poems to stay forever~

If you don't understand one, two or three, I also know a little about fists and kicks [laughs]

Otherwise, it's a little serious

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Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

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