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The US launched a financial war against China, but Saudi Arabia copied the US background and shook its hegemony with two punches

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To my surprise, the United States is launching a financial war against us, but at the critical moment, Saudi Arabia sent a divine assistance, which directly copied the United States' background and hit us twice.

When the RMB exchange rate fell below 7.3, Beijing also quietly welcomed an important guest. This person is Khalid bin Salman, the Saudi defense minister.

Five days ago, the Saudi Finance Minister had just come to China. In just a few days, Saudi Arabia made another important visit. This has revealed unusual information. Lid Bin Salman's visit is of great significance because Saudi Arabia has established strategic defense relations with China. This is the first time that China has used this term to describe its cooperative relations with other countries.

In 2022, China and Saudi Arabia have established a comprehensive strategic partnership. This time, under this general framework, military cooperation has been further refined.

If you contact us again, the Saudi Arabia's refusal to renew the US petrodollar agreement, as reported by the foreign media some time ago, is even more far-reaching.

In 1974, the United States and Saudi Arabia reached this agreement. Although the agreement did not clearly state that Saudi Arabia must use dollars to settle oil, everyone knows that since then, the United States has provided military protection for Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabia has tied oil with dollars.

Now Saudi Arabia has chosen to abandon this agreement. Although it is not to immediately untie all oil from the US dollar, this is an attitude that is not only for the United States, but also for the world.

In the past two years, the United States has been trying to woo Saudi Arabia. However, Saudi Arabia is also smart now. You, the United States, have been painting big cakes, which can not be implemented at all. The United States also said that it would help Saudi Arabia develop the chip industry. The world knows that the United States is just talking.

So now is the most critical moment. As long as we survive the remaining months, the United States will certainly not survive next year. If the United States dares not to cut interest rates next year, then we will see if the American economy will be thunderstruck.

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