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Cambridge University officially released its favorite high school! This wave of Chinese schools is awesome

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It is said that the top universities in the United States have Target School, and the students in the target high schools will have a higher chance of entering the famous schools. So are there any in Oxford and Cambridge? What about those high school students? The data of British universities is very transparent. Every school will release an official application report. Recently, the latest enrollment data report of students admitted in 2023 was released. Interestingly, in addition to the application rate, enrollment rate and professional enrollment rate, this year Cambridge University also counted the sources of high schools that admitted students, covering more than 3700 schools around the world, and officially announced the enrollment rates of different high schools in Cambridge. Based on this, we made an exclusive screening and summary of the data of more than 3000 high schools, and finally found out which are the most popular high schools in Cambridge.

From Guyu Planet


Niu Jian has a rule that students can only choose one to apply.

The data shows that there are 44656 global applicants from the two schools, and 8274 students have been admitted, with an overall landing rate of 18.5%. Compared with the single digit application rate of American rattan schools, it is relatively friendly.

Among them, Cambridge 2023 received 21445 applications and sent 4553 admissions. The number of applicants declined compared with previous years, and the admission rate was 21.2%, rising slightly.

At the same time, Oxbridge offers conditional admission. Many students either fail to meet the admission requirements or turn to other schools. Cambridge is always more generous, but the admission requirements are more difficult. According to the data, 3557 people were finally enrolled in Cambridge, which means that for every 100 people admitted, 20 people failed to enroll, and the failure rate is higher than that of Oxford.

Cambridge also announced the sources of students from different countries and regions.

Among them, the number of mainland students who applied was unprecedented. A total of 2282 people submitted applications, 341 of whom were admitted, with an admission rate of 14.9%, up 1.3 percentage points from last year.

There were 262 students in mainland China, that is to say, 80 students did not meet the admission requirements or did not enroll.

Although Chinese students are the largest source of applications Cambridge's preference for Singapore is particularly clear The enrollment rate of local students is as high as 25.6%. The enrollment rate of students from Hong Kong, China, is 17.8%, ranking second, and students from mainland China rank third.

In terms of the final enrollment rate, Singapore also ranks first with a proportion of 19.3%.

There is an interesting change. The biggest change in the admission rate is the American and Indian students. The former's admission rate increased by nearly 3 percentage points (from 9.1% to 12.4%), while the latter's declined by nearly 2 percentage points (from 10.9% to 8.7%).

Cambridge also disclosed a treasure trove of data: in 2023, there will be more than 3000 colleges and universities in the world applying for, enrolling in and enrolling in high schools. We screened and found the most popular high school rankings in Cambridge.

First, high schools in mainland China account for the largest proportion.

We first extracted 58 high schools with more than 3 offers, which are distributed in 22 schools in mainland China, 16 schools in Singapore and 6 schools in Hong Kong.

Other regions accounted for 14, including India, Hungary, Pakistan, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Thailand, Canada, etc.

Second, Singapore is preferred by Cambridge.

Regionally, Cambridge has a very concentrated enrollment, with more than 10 students enrolled in 7 schools or education groups a year, and even 49 students enrolled in Singapore Raffles, with an enrollment rate of 83.7%.

Among the 7 schools in the TOP, Singapore has 4 seats, all of which are in the top five. The first three schools, Raffles College, Singapore Overseas Chinese Middle School and Shenzhen Guojiao, miraculously get 30 admissions every year!

There was a loss rate from pre admission to admission. The loss rate of Shenzhen International Communications Corporation was the lowest, with 88.6% ranking first. Only four students did not attend school, which is worthy of being the headquarters of Niujian.

Some schools have a very high turnover rate, such as Singapore Overseas Chinese Middle School, where 12 students were not enrolled, and Shanghai Shiwai four were not enrolled.

Third, mainland high schools with the largest number of students enrolled in Cambridge came out

Among the 58 schools, Shanghai has the largest number, with 11 in total, 4 in Beijing, 4 in Guangdong, 1 in Hubei and 1 in Jiangsu. From the perspective of the number of pre admissions, the official ranking of Cambridge's top 15 favorite high schools (>3 admissions) is as follows:

  • Shenzhen diplomatic relations

  • Dibang Education Group

  • Shanghai Lingke

  • Shanghai Shiwai, Pinghe

  • Shanghai Guanghua Cambridge

  • Shenzhen Middle School

  • Xuetong Keqiao Education Group, Shanghai WLSA, Guangdong Country Garden, Shanghai Middle School

  • Shanghai Bao School, Shanghai Hexian, Beijing National Day

It is worth reminding that in addition to the number of students enrolled, it also depends on the enrollment rate. Cambridge has announced the number of applicants for each high school. Some schools have more than 40 applicants, while some schools have single digits. From this, we can infer the comprehensive strength of schools, which is also a reference indicator that is often ignored.

In addition to the high schools admitted, the Cambridge report also revealed more information.

First, in terms of academic achievements, the academic threshold is very high.

The report shows that 15.6% of the students enrolled in Cambridge's arts, humanities and social sciences majors have achieved a grade of 3A * or above; For science majors, 32.3% of the enrolled students have a grade of 3A * or above.

Next year, Cambridge will take a new action, requiring that IB scores of all majors must reach 41-42 points. The original standard is 40-42 points, which is also a signal to further raise the admission standard.

So if you want to enter Cambridge, you must first see if you are a student bully.

Secondly, 75% of the interview rate also has a high elimination rate.

Cambridge admission has multiple rounds of data review, written examination and interview. Different majors have different written examination and interview requirements.

Compared with Oxford, Cambridge has a very high interview invitation rate, which can reach 75%. That is to say, as long as you submit the application for Cambridge and take the written examination, you have a great chance to get the interview invitation and finally decide to accept.

Therefore, it is said that Oxford is suitable for exam type players, while Cambridge is more suitable for face bullies.

We have also sorted out the examination charts of different majors, and there are some new changes every year.

It is worth noting that the written interview of science and engineering majors in Cambridge is more comprehensive than that of Oxford. For example, Oxford chemistry majors and Cambridge natural science chemistry majors do not need written examinations. The former must take ESAT, and physics accounts for 80% and chemistry accounts for 20% of the disciplinary investigation.

■ Niujian Entrance Examination for Different Disciplines

Finally, Cambridge's most popular major is natural science.

The report shows that the top 10 majors with the largest number of applicants in Cambridge in 2023 include natural science, engineering, medicine, mathematics, computer science, law, humanities, social and political science, economy, English, and land economy.

Compared with last year, the number of applicants for the two most popular majors, natural science and engineering, decreased by about 250, while the number of applicants for land economy increased by 142.

The orientation of Chinese students is the same as that of global students, and it is also the first choice of natural science. In 2023, more than 550 people applied, and finally 100 people were admitted, with an admission rate of 17.5%.

Why is natural science the most popular?

This stems from the curriculum of Cambridge, which classifies biology as a natural science. For example, students who prefer physics should learn basic courses of physics, chemistry and biology in their freshman and sophomore years, while junior students focus on physical science courses.

A student who gave up Oxford and chose Cambridge for natural science told me that he chose Cambridge because he wanted to do more exploration because there was no bias in mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Although Wilde once appraised Cambridge as the "best preparatory school for Oxford University" a hundred years ago, Cambridge is now attracting many students with the same frequency with its different personality from Oxford.

How can we not see Oxford with Cambridge?

In 2023, Oxford received 23211 applications and issued 3721 offers, with an admission rate of 16.03%. Compared with last year, the number of applications dropped slightly, but the number of admissions showed a growth trend, and the number of final enrollment remained at about 3200.

Oxford is losing more people from pre admission to admission. This may be because schools are raising the bar. This year, the application threshold for all majors has been raised to the highest level - IELTS 7.5 (individual 7.0), TOEFL 110 (listening 22, reading 24, speaking 25, writing 24).

In addition, Chinese students want to enter Niujian, which is the most difficult.

The report shows that in 2021-23, a total of 6691 mainland Chinese students submitted Oxford applications, and the final enrollment was 538, making it the largest source country for Oxford international students, with an overall enrollment rate of 8%. Compared with the data of 2020-22, the total number of applications and final enrollment of students in mainland China have increased.

However, from the perspective of admission rate, Singapore (14.2%), Hong Kong (10.5%) and France (8.3%) ranked the top three, while mainland China only ranked the fourth.

No matter what international courses they take, Chinese students have better scores and more intense applications.

Oxford has announced the results of 517 students admitted to mainland China in the three application quarters of 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23:

  • The A-Level students accounted for 61.7%, of which 35.7% got three A *, 29.2% got four A *, and more than 3/5 students got more than 3A *;

  • The proportion of IB students is 22.8%, 86% of the students score 42+, and 37.7% is the full score of IB;

  • AP students accounted for 16%, 36.1% of the students submitted four AP full scores, and the highest record was five points for 11 APs.

Finally, one fifth of Chinese students apply to the Department of Mathematics.

In 2021-23, the top 10 majors that Oxford is most difficult to apply for are still some old faces, and the top of the list is still dominated by computer science, with a 20:1 recruitment ratio and a very high elimination rate. The second is economy and management, mathematics and computer science, medicine, biomedicine, mathematics, law, etc.

However, the situation of students in mainland China is somewhat different.

Among the top 10 majors in the number of applicants, 70% are science and engineering majors. Mathematics is the number one, accounting for almost 1/5 of the total number of applicants. The most popular major in liberal arts is PPE.

The average score of the written examination of popular majors is particularly high, such as the MAT written examination of the mathematics department. The highest average score of the written examination of Chinese admitted students is mathematics and computer science (86.25), followed by mathematics (83.59). Compared with the average score of global admitted students (75.1), it's really difficult for us!

We also summarized the distribution of applied majors of Chinese Oxford students, which is worth collecting.

As I write here, the estimated amount of information has exploded. In short:

It is really difficult for our children to compete, but they are also liked by Oxford and Cambridge, and they can be ranked on the high school ranking list with the highest enrollment rate in the world.

So, if you have a dream, go after it! Maybe it will come true!

This article is authorized to be released and reprinted from the public account Guyujihua2021, inviting you to be a long-term educationist under the inner volume. Welcome to share To the circle of friends, no reprint without permission , sincerely recommended by North America Xuebajun

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