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Three strong basketball players gather, and the Olympic Games is about to win the championship? Fans: Wake up

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Chinese three player basketball wants to win the championship in this Olympic Games! In order to further enhance the overall strength of the three person basketball team, the Chinese men's basketball team once again transferred a number of elite players from CBA teams. The goal is also very simple, that is to use practical action to let domestic fans see new hope! Although the road to the top is not as easy as expected, our basketball players are ready for the challenge. More than pay? Their efforts are not less than those of other strong teams, and they are more competitive than others? Younger they have more advantages. Not to mention, this is also a great opportunity for them to become famous for themselves. However, what CBA heroes did the three basketball players gather this time? How could our chances of winning the first place in the Olympic Games have increased dramatically? Next, let's have a look with our basketball brother!

This is also an answer that all fans want to know, no way! When the Chinese men's basketball team failed to win the Paris Olympic Games, it was doomed that we would not have too big international competitions in three years. During this period of time, it is obviously necessary for Yao Ming and his team to learn from their mistakes and find the main source of the Chinese men's basketball team's turnover. Although our previous failure was directly related to Jorjevic's acclimatization, the root cause was that the current group of young players in the Chinese men's basketball team did not adapt to today's international arena. Just like Zhang Zhenlin, the leading star of Liaoning Team, his performance on the international arena is very different from that of the CBA League. The main reason is that the CBA League has huge differences in tactics, rules of refereeing and intensity of confrontation. In this regard, CBA really needs to reflect.

However, which CBA heroes have all gathered this time? In my opinion, They are none other than Zhang Ning, Zhao Jiaren and Lu Wenbo. Especially Zhang Ning, a small forward, has become the first small forward in China. Just last season, he averaged 18.2 points, 5.6 rebounds and 2.5 assists for Shanxi Team on the premise of playing 33.2 minutes per game. In particular, his three-point shooting rate has also reached an astonishing 37.3%, which, of course, does not include his 5.0 free throw shots per game and 81.5% free throw shooting rate. Even in terms of scoring attributes, he still has a certain gap with Lin Wei, the fierce man. But in terms of defense, Lin Wei is obviously not Zhang Ning's opponent. On this point, their performance last season became the most powerful proof.

But for Zhang Ning, this is obviously just a start, a start to climb a new peak. He proved himself again in the three person basketball match! Even though Shanxi team is still difficult to complete the feat of winning the championship in a short time, it is still possible to help China's three person basketball team fight a new miracle in the Olympic Games. Not to mention, he is not alone this time. Zhao Jiaren and Lu Wenbo, two strong players in CBA, will also join hands with him at the critical moment to help the team build more advantages in the game. Even though these two players are not superior in height, their role in rebounding cannot be ignored. In particular, their moving pace is obviously far superior to the high players in China. The key is to see their overall play on the field.

Even if the road ahead is full of hardships, Zhang Ning and his teammates will not give up easily. Since they stepped on the basketball court many years ago, they will not take the initiative to shrink back. There is only one thing that can be done at the critical moment, that is, to make more possibilities for the team through your hard work. After all, for the current three player basketball, if we fight, we may create new miracles. If we don't fight, we will not even have the opportunity to create miracles. Since Yao Ming, Wang Zhizhi, Yi Jianlian and other predecessors have been able to help the Chinese men's basketball team once reach the top eight in the world basketball world through their own hard work, they can also help the three person basketball team to reach the top in the Olympic Games through their own hard work! Do you fight hard? Younger people have never been afraid of anyone!

Every enemy must show his sword. The seven steps of blood splashing are not just talk, but Zhang Ning and his teammates will put them into practice. After all, at this stage, the three player basketball project has just been established in the Olympic Games, and the strength of European and American strong teams in this respect has not become unattainable. As long as Zhang Ning and his team can work out new limits in the Olympic Games, they will most likely continue to defeat the strong enemy and push their combat power to a new peak! This is also what they must do. Take Zhang Ning as an example. Now he is at the peak of his career. Even though he lost to Zhao Jiwei in the CBA, he does not believe that he will be defeated in the Olympic Games. In order to prove his accomplishment, his efforts in training are far beyond imagination, and it is also time to reap the fruits of success.

As for Chinese three player basketball, can it really win the championship in the Olympic Games? In the eyes of the younger basketball player, our chances of success this time have reached 60%. Although the probability is not ideal, let's not forget that European and American basketball is the peak in the world. Even if the three person basketball project is not long, their basketball heritage is there after all. As long as they adapt to the rhythm of the field, they will soon be able to play their best on the field. Even so, Zhang Ning and his colleagues will not shrink at all. They can only do one thing, that is, show their swords when they meet the enemy, and fight with the strong enemy to the end! shrink back? It's impossible. Just because of their fighting spirit, it is very likely that the Chinese three player basketball team will complete the feat of winning the championship at the Paris Olympic Games!

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