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run in the same groove! Tang Shangjun will face the same situation as last year. At the age of 35, she has no more capital to spend

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« ------ 【 Preface 】 ------»

Now that the college entrance examination is over, it is time for all regions to announce their scores and score lines. Every student is looking forward to achieving good results, For Tang Shangjun, if she can't get into a famous school this time, she may have to go to a suitable school to register

It is reported that, This year is Tang Shangjun's 16th college entrance examination, After the college entrance examination, he said to the camera that this exam was not difficult, and he estimated that his performance this year was not much worse than last year, but at least higher than last year.

Tang Shangjun scored 597 points in the college entrance examination last year. Even if he can get higher this year than last year, he may not be able to attend the Tsinghua University he dreamed of. Moreover, he is now 35 years old If he continues to take the college entrance examination, it will also have an impact on his future development.

« ------ [· Tang Shangjun's 16th College Entrance Examination] ------

For Tang Shangjun, the college entrance examination is already familiar to him and can no longer be familiar with. The examinees next to him are all in their prime, but he has a face of vicissitudes, At the age of 35, he has not yet got married and started his career. The reason why he took the college entrance examination for many times is that he wanted to enter a good university, namely Tsinghua University.

Tang Shangjun has been pursuing this dream for 16 years, Although everyone's comments on him have evolved from admiration and praise at the beginning to doubt later, he is still sticking to himself, just don't know what Tang Shangjun can achieve this year

Even if it is higher than last year, it should be about 600 points. This score is far from Tsinghua University. Even if you don't go to Tsinghua University, you will have a good future if you go to another university to study a key major? Why does he have to stick to Tsinghua University?

But this is Tang Shangjun's choice. We have no right to interfere, On June 25 this year, Guangxi announced its college entrance examination results. Tang Shangjun also said that her score this year exceeded 600 points, It is not much different from your estimated results.

Nevertheless, his evaluation of his college entrance examination results this year is still unsatisfactory, Because he did not get good grades in physics, and his Chinese and English did not reach the normal level, but the specific scores could not be announced for the time being

In two days' time, Tang Shangjun will fill in the application form. Tang Shangjun said that she would carefully fill in the application form this time, and would also accept the adjustment. If Tang Shangjun could really do this, it would be the best, Now he is more than 30 years old, and his peers have a stable career and a happy family, but he did not even go to college.

This year, his achievements are also really good. If he meets a favorite school and volunteers, he might as well go to study. After graduation, he will consider livelihood issues. Besides, he is now famous, If we go the way of we media, it will be successful. However, it seems that Tang Shangjun has no intention of doing this.

Tang Shangjun once said that she wanted to go to the best normal school before. With a score of about 600 points, It is still difficult to go to the best normal school, and he will be nearly 40 years old after graduation. I'm afraid it will take several years to become a teacher, which really outweighs the gains.

Now that Tang Shangjun has not disclosed his volunteer information to the outside world, we can only wait and see, I hope he can really go to college this time, and don't escape with various reasons like before. After all, it has been 16 years, and he can't afford to delay it.

« ------ [Tang Shangjun's Way to the College Entrance Examination] ------

Looking back on Tang Shangjun's college entrance examination over the years, he also got high marks and reached the admission mark of many colleges and universities, However, he failed to register for the college entrance examination year after year due to various reasons

At first, he was just a child in a small mountain village in Guangxi, where the economy was underdeveloped, as was Tang Shangjun's family, However, since he was the youngest child in the family and only acquired by his parents at the age of 40, his parents placed all their hopes on him

At that time, their family had to rely on farming for a living, and even it was difficult to maintain daily life, let alone provide children to go to school However, his parents would let him go to school even if they saved food and clothing. He would only listen to his parents' arrangements and concentrate on his studies.

At that time, he was young and didn't know what school to go to, However, there has always been a story about a man from a very poor family who was admitted to Tsinghua University on his own strength. After graduation, the man had a high social status and helped his small village develop successfully

Since then, Tsinghua University has become an unreachable existence in Tang Shangjun's heart. At the same time, he is determined to enter Tsinghua University He also wanted to make a lot of money like the man in the story. Later, he was admitted to the key junior high school of the county with the first place in the town.

There is a big difference between a county seat and a township. Tang Shangjun didn't know there were people outside the county seat until she went there, Although he was very difficult to read English, the students were able to talk freely with the teacher. As time passed, he lost interest in learning.

Because she didn't study hard, Tang Shangjun could only barely get into the best local high school, After entering high school, he still didn't mention his enthusiasm for learning. Instead, he had a feeling of pride and complacency, and he didn't listen well in class

The consequence of this is that Tang Shangjun failed in the college entrance examination in 2009 with a score of 372, which failed even in a good university Now Tang Shangjun knows that he has been wrong all the time, but he is not going to admit defeat.

So when Tang Shangjun returned home, she discussed with her parents about going back to school. Their parents were also very supportive, and they put all their savings aside so that her son could continue his efforts, A year later, Tang Shangjun scored 405 points in the college entrance examination.

Although he has made progress compared with last year, he still has a long way to go from a good university, so he decided to resume his studies, However, his parents didn't want him to repeat it. Since the result has already been like this, it's better to accept it.

However, Tang Shangjun applied for a vocational college that year and went to another school with the tuition that her parents had worked hard to raise. In 2011 and 2012, Tang Shangjun scored 475 and 505 points respectively.

By 2013, Tang Shangjun had scored 537 points, which was his best score in recent years, and also meant that he could go to one university after another However, he still didn't go because his parents always thought that he graduated this year, and naturally he would go out to work to support his family after graduation.

So Tang Shangjun went to work in an electronics factory. His monthly salary of more than 1000 yuan was enough to ensure his food, clothing, housing and transportation, But the problem is that his parents will no longer provide him with living expenses. What should he do in the future? After all, if you go back to school, you will definitely not be able to work, so there will be no income.

Therefore, he had to resume his studies while working part-time. In 2014, he scored 573 points and was successfully admitted to Southwest University of Political Science and Law. However, this still did not meet Tang Shangjun's standards, so he went back to school.

This time, he found that some schools would distribute subsidies according to students' college entrance examination results, Tang Shangjun can get a monthly allowance of 400 yuan for his achievements, which can relieve some of his pressure, but can't meet his daily expenses

Since then, Tang Shangjun has decided to go back to school with high subsidies, so that she can learn and earn money, Later in 2016, Tang Shangjun finally got more than 600 points, and he applied for the China University of Political Science and Law with a score of 626 points.

However, when he was confident that he could enter the university, he was suddenly told that his father was ill Her parents have been thinking that Tang Shangjun is working outside these years, and Tang Shangjun is also trying to hide it from them.

But now that his father has fallen, he has to say what he has done over the years, In order to make his father happy, he also took out the admission notice of China University of Political Science and Law. Although his father was shocked when he saw the notice, he was more happy for him

In order to meet his father's wishes, he took his parents to visit the China University of Political Science and Law. They were happy from the inside out when they saw the school their son will study in the future, But after her father died, Tang Shangjun didn't go to the school to report. She attended the re study again, just for the sake of Tsinghua University

From 2018 to 2020, Tang Shangjun scored more than 600 points in the college entrance examination, but he failed to report successfully, and then joined the army of re entrants, In 2021 and 2022, he was admitted to Guangxi University and Shanghai Jiaotong University respectively, but he still did not go there.

Last year, Tang Shangjun was expelled from Central China Normal University. This year, I don't know whether he will go back to school or be expelled. Tang Shangjun did have the idea of not going back to school, but failed to do so.

As for this year, let's see whether Tang Shangjun will go to school to report in September this year. If he can go to school to report, it will be better, and those doubts will disappear, If he still chooses to go back to school, I just hope he will stop being headstrong and go to a good school for college entrance examination

« -- [Conclusion] -- »

Tang Shangjun has participated in the college entrance examination for many times, saying that she didn't get into the university of her choice, but from a certain point of view, it can also be seen as a disguised escape. In the face of these, he should face the reality bravely, rather than hide it.

Accepting reality, admitting mistakes, and making efforts to correct them are the only way to grow. For other examinees with poor college entrance examination results, if they decide to resume their studies, they should work hard to do a good job. If they can't, they might as well go directly to school to report.

No matter what the result is, it is our choice. We should accept the result and try our best to make the result change in the direction of our ideal if possible, instead of just avoiding it.

reference material:

Xi'an Evening News: Tang Shangjun responds to the 16th college entrance examination: obey the adjustment

New Express: "16 College Entrance Examinations" Tang Shangjun: I hope everyone will not follow my example

Elephant News Client: Tang Shangjun no longer sticks to Tsinghua and Elephant Depth in the 16th college entrance examination

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Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

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