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Liu Yifei starred in the hit drama "The Story of Roses", and the young soldiers and artists came to the fore!

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Recently, the TV drama "The Story of the Rose", starring Liu Yifei, came to an end in the hot debate. The play, adapted from Yi Shu's novel of the same name, has enjoyed high popularity since its launch.

In the original book, Huang Yimei's emotional experience is complex and moving. In the adaptation of the play, Huang Yimei finally chose to love herself and stop lingering in love, which led to extensive discussion among the audience.

It is worth mentioning that the performances of young soldiers Zhang Junting, Yang Wendi, Jin Yican and Wang Xichen in the play have also attracted much attention.

Zhang Junting has participated in the short film shooting of "Sinopec Yijie New Year Goods Festival", I Love My Family's Convenience Service Advertisement, Mengniu Future Star Advertisement and Quick Action Advertisement.

Yang Wendi has rich experience in short video shooting. She once participated in the short video shooting of online celebrity Qiao July and Hao Jie, and also participated in the short video shooting of Homework and the shooting of Mixin's photographic samples. This time, she was even more brilliant in the TV drama "The Story of Roses".

Wang Xichen is no inferior. He has participated in the shooting of China Life's advertising, vivo advertising, CITIC Trust CCTV advertising and the 12th Beijing International Film Festival.

Jin Yican also performed well and participated in the shooting of AIGC short film of Beijing International Film Festival, the production of Annell's "Hello, Children" variety promotional film, the advertising of Yili QQ Star X annual comedy contest, and the short film of landlord Lao Hu.

This time they were able to cooperate with Liu Yifei and other powerful actors to participate in The Story of Roses, which not only increased their popularity, but also provided valuable learning opportunities for their acting career. It is believed that these four young artists will shine more brightly in the future.

First General (Beijing) Entertainment Culture Media Co., Ltd

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