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How beautiful are women who can dress up? They don't wear old clothes, they don't wear hair, they are beautiful to the core

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You may not believe that some women are more attractive as they get older, even when they are young. But when they are 50 or 60 years old, they begin to learn how to dress up, and they also emit different light when they are middle-aged or old.

This is the case with the following women. They show the beauty of middle-aged people by coiling their hair without wearing old clothes when they are middle-aged, and they have become our role models.

Chapter 1: Middle aged women should not wear old clothes

1. Wear fashionable colors

Older middle-aged women should give up wearing old clothes. Those dark old clothes will only lower your temperament and make you look old and dark.

In particular, the brown and black clothes with too single color will only appear old-fashioned, while the choice of this bright pink and white can highlight the skin color and make it young.

2. Wear light and textured clothes

The sense of texture should be paid attention to when dressing, which can not be ignored by middle-aged women. Many older female friends always choose which cheap clothes to wear.

Because they may buy clothes only considering the price, but ignoring the quality, and this kind of cheap clothes will lower your temperament.

3. Wear hats for decoration

At the same time, it is suggested that you can learn to wear hats, which can help you to brighten your appearance and show a sense of fashion. Ordinary people have average figure and temperament.

Maybe some accessories are not used when matching, which will make the overall look dull, and the addition of these accessories can enrich your wear and highlight a strong sense of atmosphere.

It may be simple to see these talented women, but the hat on the head breaks the monotony in an instant. By wearing a wide brimmed hat or straw hat, it reflects a more elegant image.

4. Skin dew reflects confidence

Most middle-aged and elderly women are not confident about their own bodies, and their clothes will be more conservative than other young people. One of the matching skills we need to learn is to show our skin confidently.

Slings, skirts and shorts are also pieces that can be tried, as long as you can ensure that your body defects will not be exposed.

Chapter 2: Middle aged women should not be disheveled

The most taboo for women when they are old is casual hairdo, which seems lazy, but it will also expose our hair. For women with less hair, hairdos will make you look ten years older.

What is the right way to do it? It is suggested that you can choose to curl up your hair. This kind of hair style is very popular in summer. These advanced curls can reflect a more streamlined image.

At the same time, it is also suggested that you can try to dye your hair in summer. If your hair color is uneven, black and white at the same time, you can dye some fashionable hair colors, or black, which can make your hair look more fashionable without affecting your personal temperament because of the uneven hair color.

In addition to this, it is also important to note that it is best not to cut bangs, especially many middle-aged women who deliberately dress up as tender and cut all the bangs.

But after cutting the bangs, I found that they were incompatible with my personal temperament, and I felt that they were not advanced enough. The hair styles of these temperament goddesses basically showed their forehead, which would be more streamlined and full of vigor.

If the middle-aged and elderly women want to improve their overall image, they can start from two aspects. On the one hand, they can change your hair style and refuse to wear curls or hairdos. On the other hand, they can learn how to dress. Instead of trying old age clothes or cheap clothes, they should choose high-quality, fashionable and advanced clothes.

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