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Li Wei, the Fifth People's Hospital of Liaocheng City: Service has temperature, work has love

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Correspondent Wang Changxin

"Service has temperature, work has love, and heart has feelings" is her motto. She insists on starting from every little thing, starting from small things, treating patients as their relatives, warming every patient with quality service, doing every small thing of medical service with temperature, doing every work link with love, and creating the best quality diagnosis and treatment service with warmth, On the way to protect the health of patients, love is strong and affectionate. She is Li Wei, Deputy Director and Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Neurology of Liaocheng Fifth People's Hospital.

In the eyes of her colleagues, she is a good teacher who is thirsty for knowledge, rigorous and aggressive

Li Wei graduated from Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine with a bachelor's degree in clinical medicine in 2007. In order to improve her professional ability, she studied for a master's degree in Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. After graduation in 2010, she worked in Nanjing Gaochun District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In 2012, she was transferred to the Department of Neurology, Liaocheng Fifth People's Hospital.

"The medical process is an irreversible process, which is related to human life and health. Only a good professional level can better serve patients." As a doctor, Li Wei has been running on the road of seeking knowledge for more than ten years without stopping for a moment. She often lights up night reading, devotes herself to studying business, with problem-based learning, and learns from senior neurologists, Actively participated in various academic conferences and seminars in the hospital, inside and outside the province, on-site demonstrations, participated in various academic conferences in other places for many times, and actively learned various webcast courses. We should learn by doing, learn by doing, apply what we learn, use it to promote learning, and learn by using. She said, "Doctors in the backward era are not worthy of their names."

She often organizes colleagues in the department to study together and discuss cases. When encountering difficult cases, she takes the initiative to consult Cheng Guizhi, director of neurology department, and experts in superior hospitals, only to provide patients with the best treatment plan and relieve their pain, which is unanimously recognized by many patients.

As a teaching teacher selected by the hospital, Li Wei pays special attention to teaching by example, regularly organizes internal training in the department, and comprehensively improves the service awareness and professional level of medical staff in the department.

"In terms of professional technology, Mr. Li has been assiduously learning the latest medical knowledge, mastering the new technologies, new methods and new progress of the Chinese medicine industry, combining special knowledge to make teaching courseware, giving lectures and training to new employees, constantly improving everyone's business level, and winning unanimous praise." said resident physician Jiang Hongwei.

"Ms. Li always actively carries forward the excellent tradition of 'mentoring' to help new doctors, and she hopes to teach what she has learned and thought to more doctors," said Wang Lingling, a resident physician, "Director Li is a very serious and responsible person. She has helped us a lot in our work and life. She is an example for me to learn and a beacon in life."

"Ward round and seeing a patient is my happiest thing." Li Wei not only said that, but also did so. Both the patient and the doctor who worked with her, everyone felt her concentration and meticulousness in her work. For each patient, in addition to listening to the doctor in charge to report the medical history, she should personally ask about the condition, physical examination, and check the test sheet. From the cause, mechanism, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis, she should make a detailed analysis as far as possible. With years of clinical experience, she always hits the nail on the head when analyzing the condition.

As the leader of the TCM team in the department, Li Wei has always adhered to the concept of not only carrying forward the advantages of TCM, but also closely following the forefront of the discipline to develop new technologies, and treating nervous system diseases with integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine, especially in the diagnosis, differentiation and treatment of myasthenia gravis. She has always been guided by the needs of patients for medical services. Together with Director Cheng Guizhi, she has continued to innovate on the basis of inheriting the achievements of predecessors. She has accumulated rich clinical experience in the treatment of myasthenia gravis with Buzhong Yiqi Decoction.

She also actively carried out Chinese medicine decoction, water pill, fumigation and washing, acupoint application, ear point pressing bean therapy and other appropriate techniques of Chinese medicine and the work of Chinese medicine day wards, and popularized and applied the developed stroke paste, constipation paste and other Chinese medicine specific preparations to the clinic, achieving good results.

Li Wei believes that: "When a patient enters the hospital and puts all his trust and hope into our hands, we should be highly responsible for the patient's life and treat each patient seriously until the patient recovers from the hospital." During the treatment, she often adjusts the treatment method according to the actual situation of the patient, Combine treatment with rehabilitation.

In the eyes of patients, she is a good doctor who has noble medical ethics, treats patients as relatives, and "always comforts"

Li Wei has been engaged in the clinical work of neurology for more than ten years. He has always believed that as a doctor, in addition to constantly improving his professional and technical level, he should also stand in the perspective of patients, consider for them, integrate into the hearts of patients, and listen to their voices in order to find the true direction of treatment. For this reason, she has always adhered to the principle of "patient-centered", and treated every patient with a highly responsible spirit, superb medical technology and excellent service quality. "Satisfying patients" is her pursuit as a doctor to practice medicine, love the people and save the patient.

In dealing with patients, Li Wei has always adhered to a credo: take saving the dying and healing the wounded as his bounden duty, take relieving the suffering of patients as his unremitting pursuit, consider the problems from the perspective of patients, be urgent, think about the patients' thoughts, pain the patients' pain, spend as little money as possible to look after the disease, and effectively address their reasonable needs, Warm every patient who comes to the hospital with love service, so that they can come safely and go healthily; Anxiety comes, but warmth goes.

"What I admire most about Li Wei is that he never interrupts the patient's words. No matter whether the patient's words are related to the patient's condition or not, Mr. Li will listen carefully every time he makes a rounds." Li Wei said that as a doctor, he should "always comfort", so that the patient can feel warm and respected when communicating with himself.

Patient, professional and enthusiastic, and willing to listen to and help patients, this is an impression Li Wei left on patients and their families. Aunt He has a blockage of cerebral vessels. She usually has a strong personality. In addition to menopause, she often gets angry and dizzy. After Li Wei received the treatment, she listened to the patient's voice, communicated attentively, interpreted the abnormal test indicators for her in the most popular language, comforted and guided her rationally... and used the combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine to help Aunt He solve her physical symptoms. Aunt He said that she usually sends messages to consult Dr. Li Wei when she is not feeling well. Over the years, Dr. Li Wei not only gives her treatment advice like a family doctor, but also relieves her anxiety. "She is a good doctor who is very enthusiastic and genuinely considerate of patients.".

"Most of the patients in the department of neurology are elderly. Many of them suffer from basic diseases, and some of their sons and daughters are not around, so they are worried about being hospitalized when they are ill, and even some patients have psychological diseases. As doctors, they should not only treat patients with physical diseases, but also care about patients' psychological problems, and give comfort and help in a timely manner. It is a good way to interpret the abnormal test indicators to the patients in the most popular language during the visit. Even though this process cannot guarantee that the patients can fully understand, the patients can feel the attention and care of the doctors, thus generating positive emotions to help the patients recover. " Li Wei said so.

Take heart for heart. From the perspective of patients and their families, timely and effective communication is a good doctor with a strong sense of responsibility, which is another impression left by Li Wei to patients and their families. Many patients have established deep feelings with Li Wei. Some patients have been in contact for 10 years. They not only treat patients themselves, but also their children, brothers and sisters recognize and trust her. According to word of mouth, many patients are attracted by their names.

"My father is 76 years old, suffering from cerebrovascular and heart disease. He often feels dizzy, weak, chest tightness, shortness of breath, and uncomfortable all over. After receiving the patient, Li Wei will understand his situation in detail every time he makes a rounds, and will take the trouble to interpret the test indicators to him and his family, and patiently explain the treatment plan to the patient and his family, so that the patient's family members have a very clear understanding of the patient's condition, and she can give treatment suggestions in a timely manner in case of any situation. The family members of the patients believe that Dr. Li Wei never tires of listening to us and sparing no effort to help us, so that our family can feel relieved and comfortable. If there is anything to say to her, he is willing to tell her. " The patient's daughter, Ms. Lang of Yansi Town, Dongchangfu District, said.

The family members of the patients are absent, the hospital expenses are not enough, and there is no money for them... Li Wei never prevaricates and dodges, but offers help, or helps them pay or accompany them to do examinations. Sometimes he even provides meals and clothes for the patients, which makes the patients moved.

"To treat patients as their own relatives, when patients are willing to tell us about their physical and mental pain and even housework, this is not only great trust, but also our honor." When talking about this, Li Wei always says that nothing is more valuable than patients' trust, and I give more diagnosis and treatment to patients, which is also a blessing.

In the eyes of leaders, she is a good comrade who loves her job, is kind to others and is willing to help others

There are many emergency diseases in neurology department, which are often acute and severe.

With the improvement of people's living standards, the number of patients suffering from cerebrovascular diseases has increased year by year. For patients with acute cerebral infarction, the golden period of rescue is only 6 hours.

The race with death is based on speed and medical skill.

In spring, summer, autumn and winter, when summer comes and cold comes, Li Wei has no concept of commuting. Every time a hospital rescues a patient, whether it is a break time or not, as long as the hospital, the department, and the patient have a phone call, no matter how sleepy and tired it is in snow or rain, no matter how tired it is, no matter how late at night, Li Wei will be on call, immediately rush to the scene, organize to participate in the rescue and consultation, and never leave until the patient's condition is stable, never regret or complain.

Li Wei said: "For such patients, thrombolytic therapy can be carried out one minute or even one second earlier, and the quality of life and life of patients in the future can be greatly improved."

In Li Wei's life, there is no concept of holidays or on duty or off duty. People familiar with her say that Director Li is their "all-weather" doctor, a good doctor who just pulls a cart without looking up like an old scalper.

"She respects teachers, unites colleagues, always puts work first, considers issues from the overall perspective, observes various laws and regulations, rules and regulations, and operation routines. As long as the leaders tell her what to do, she will do it carefully and meticulously, and will try every means to do it well. She doesn't care about personal gains and losses. Under the leadership of the director, she assists the medical department in implementing the operating medical records and core systems of the comprehensive hospital every month, analyzes various quality control indicators and feedback from various functional departments with everyone every month, and timely checks and modifies the quality control of the medical records written by other doctors to reduce the defects of the final medical records. At the same time, we assisted the medical record room in the quality control of the main diagnosis and coding every month, as well as the quality control of some final medical records. All the work has taken the lead and established a good image of ourselves. "

"She is calm, simple, sincere and helpful. She always leaves convenience to others, difficulties to herself, and everything for others. When arranging department work on holidays, she always asks colleagues if they have special arrangements. If a doctor is not on duty at home, she often takes the initiative to take the place of the doctor on duty. After the night shift, she often does not rest and often works overtime. A colleague lives very close to her, and she picks up and sees her off at work. She has been with her mother-in-law for ten years and has never blushed. She even gives her one third of her monthly money to her mother-in-law. " Cheng Guizhi, director of neurology department, told the author.

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