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Hangzhou's business card Zhu Bingren's grandson scored 700 points in the college entrance exam, and was noticed by the media because he sat in Maybach for the college entrance exam

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During the college entrance examination, the luxury car at the gate of Hanger No. 2 Middle School once became a gimmick exposed by the media, including the candidate in the picture. At that time, netizens also called him "Master Maybach"

Now that Zhejiang's college entrance examination results have been fully announced, this boy really surprised everyone. He comes from a scholarly family, Grandpa Zhu Bingren is the "Bronze King of China" and the inheritor of the national intangible cultural heritage "Bronze Carving" At the beginning of this year, Zhu Bingren was also appointed as a "contracted artist of CCTV". It is no exaggeration to say that no Hangzhou people do not know Mr. Zhu Bingren, and the bronze art of Zhu Mansion is famous all over the world.

Right 1 is Mr. Zhu Bingren

The descendants of famous families did not become so-called "dandies", but worked hard in a down-to-earth manner. It is gratifying and joyful to be a poor son (I admire Pang Zhongwang and other students very much), and a noble son is also worthy of praise.

Zhu Bingren's Son Zhu Junmin It's the second generation of "noble children" Graduate student in the Department of Religion, Peking University This year, my son, as the third generation, scored 700 points in the college entrance examination in Zhejiang, and The target university is also Peking University, which is really inherited from generation to generation.

The Zhu family in the south of the Yangtze River really demonstrated what it means to "teach by example and words". Good family style is better than anything else.

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