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How ridiculous is the real Outer Mongolia. The "sex tourism" drives the economy and earns foreign exchange by working illegally abroad

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You can believe that walking in the streets of Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia at night, Advertisements of "sex tourism" can be seen everywhere "Massage" signs are flashing.

The nomadic empire that once swept across Europe and Asia, Now it has become the "fourth largest custom country in Asia" Not only about 19000 women are engaged in custom service industry, but also it was once called "the heaven of men".

What's more shocking is that, Even countries rely on "sex tourism" to maintain their economy

So, what is the reason why the former grassland overlord has come to this stage? Where is their future?

All contents stated in this article have reliable information sources, which are repeated at the end of the article

« ------ [· Rise of custom industry] ------

According to statistics, About 19000 women in Mongolia are engaged in custom service industry , which means that one in every 150 people makes a living in this industry. On the street, you will find that more than 70% of massage shops provide special services.

What is more worrying is that the employees are getting younger and younger, Income is inversely proportional to age Girls under the age of 18 can earn about 30000 MNT (about 64 yuan) a day, while those over the age of 25 earn much less.

Faced with this situation, we can't help asking: Where is the future of Mongolia

With the prosperity of custom industry, STD and AIDS are rampant in Mongolia According to statistics, the number of AIDS patients in Mongolia has increased 18 times in the six years from 2005 to 2011.

So, what is the reason that Mongolia has embarked on this road of no return? In fact, This is inseparable from the influence of South Korea According to the survey, 70% of Korean men choose Mongolia as the destination of sex tourism.

To this end, some Koreans have opened a large number of entertainment venues in Mongolia, cleverly transferring their compatriots' money to their own pockets, A drama of "our own people earn our own money" was staged

Faced with this situation, the Mongolian government has taken some remediation measures, But the effect is not significant The Koreans saw the move, transferred the trading mode to online, and continued to get away with it.

Surprisingly, "Sex tourism" has become one of the important economic sources of Mongolia A large number of foreign tourists, especially Korean and Japanese men, go to Mongolia for consumption.

The advertisements of "sex tourism" in various forms on the street make people feel sad. This nation, once famous for its bravery, Now we have to sell our dignity to maintain the economy

In fact, the root causes of these social problems, Largely due to economic difficulties

« -- [· From grassland to "sex tourism"] -- »

Walking out of the bustling nightlife area of Ulaanbaatar, The scene before us suddenly changes

Once vast grasslands are now facing serious desertification In the past, nomads were forced to leave their homes and rush into cities to find a livelihood. This is a true portrayal of Mongolia's economic predicament.

Mongolia's economic structure is seriously unbalanced Overdependence on the export of mineral resources leads to a single economic structure, which is like a dancer stepping on a single wooden bridge, who will fall into the abyss if he is careless.

According to statistics, mining accounts for nearly a quarter of Mongolia's GDP and more than 80% of its export income. This single economic structure, Let Mongolia appear extremely vulnerable to fluctuations in the international market

Traditional animal husbandry is seriously affected by environmental degradation , productivity continued to decline. A herdsman over 50 years old said with a wry smile: In the past, a family could live a good life by raising hundreds of sheep, but now it is difficult for a thousand sheep to survive.

The prairie culture that was once proud of is gradually disappearing, Instead, slums on the edge of cities

What is more worrying is that Mongolia's industry and service industry are lagging behind, Inadequate employment opportunities A large number of labor forces are forced to flow into a limited number of industries, resulting in serious employment pressure.

A college graduate reluctantly said that it is more difficult to find a job than to climb the sky, Many students went to the massage shop

In this context, The current situation of Mongolia is worrying

Economic development is slow, unemployment remains high and people's living standards are low. This situation is like a vicious circle The economic dilemma leads to the brain drain, which further aggravates the economic dilemma.

In such a dilemma, Some people began to focus on "sex tourism" This emerging industry has gradually become one of the important economic sources of Mongolia. A large number of foreign tourists, especially Korean and Japanese men, go to Mongolia for consumption.

What's more shocking is that, The Mongolian government seems to acquiesce and even encourage the development of this industry To stimulate economic growth. It's like a drowning man grabbing at the straw, but he doesn't know that the straw may drag him into a deeper vortex.

« ------ [· Going abroad for "illegal work"] ------

Leaving the noisy Ulaanbaatar, another group stands out—— Mongolians who choose to work abroad According to statistics, a large number of Mongolians choose to work abroad, mainly to South Korea, Japan and other countries.

Many of them are engaged in 3D (dirty, tired, dangerous) work The working environment is poor. Looking at their tired faces, people can't help thinking that this is not chasing a dream, but it is clearly going into a nightmare.

What is more sad is that these Mongolian men who choose to go abroad to make a living by "illegal work". Not only is the salary low, Still have to face the risk of being arrested and repatriated

A Mongolian worker once said: They are like lonely souls wandering in a foreign country , neither belong here nor go home.

And these migrant workers' remittances, But become one of the important foreign exchange sources of Mongolia According to the statistics of the Central Bank of Mongolia, overseas remittances will account for nearly 5% of GDP in 2020.

More worrisome, A large outflow of young talents , exacerbating the problem of talent shortage in China. A professor from a Mongolian university said anxiously: The best students have gone abroad after graduation. Who will build the country?

These conditions are like a huge funnel, Send talents and labor force to foreign countries continuously

« ------ [· Road to sustainable development] ------

Today, Mongolia is also aware of the seriousness of the problem, Is actively seeking the path of sustainable development

Mongolia began to attach importance to environmental protection, Strengthen grassland ecological protection and control desertification At the edge of the Gobi Desert, a group of Mongolian youth are planting trees. A young man enthusiastically said: Let the grassland turn green again.

In addition, Mongolia is also increasing investment in education and training scientific and technological talents, Encourage overseas students to return home A Mongolian student who just came back from abroad said: We should use what we have learned to build our motherland.

It is also essential to transform the economic structure, Develop green agriculture and animal husbandry and high-tech industries In the new high-tech park, Mongolian young people are struggling here, which makes people feel happy for their future.

However, This road of sustainable development is not smooth The current situation of Mongolia is still grim, with slow economic development, high unemployment rate and low living standards. This is like a patient. Although he began to receive treatment, the road to recovery is still long.

What is more worrying is that a large number of Mongolians are still choosing to work abroad. Although their remittances have become an important source of foreign exchange, But this dependence is not a long-term solution

A Mongolian worker who came back from abroad said that he hoped that one day he would not have to work abroad, Can live a good life in their own country

« ------ [· Difference in development path] ------

When we compare the current situation of Mongolia with that of China, we can't help feeling a thousand regrets. Two neighboring countries once had similar historical backgrounds, Now it has embarked on a completely different development path

From the perspective of economic structure China has achieved diversified economic development through reform and opening up. From agriculture to manufacturing, and then to high-tech industries, China's economic structure has been constantly optimized.

In contrast, Mongolia is excessively dependent on the export of mineral resources, Single economic structure And weak risk resistance. This difference has directly led to a huge gap in the level of economic development between the two countries.

From the perspective of environmental protection In recent years, China has vigorously promoted the construction of ecological civilization and implemented a series of major ecological projects. For example, desertification control in Inner Mongolia has achieved remarkable results.

Mongolia is facing serious desertification The traditional grassland is disappearing, which not only affects the economic development, but also threatens the inheritance of traditional culture.

From the perspective of talent training and employment Through the vigorous development of education, China has cultivated a large number of high-quality talents and provided them with a broad employment arena.

In contrast, Mongolia faces a serious brain drain, A large number of young people choose to work abroad or engage in custom industries This will undoubtedly affect the long-term development of the country.

At the same time, We should also see that Mongolia is trying to seek change They began to attach importance to environmental protection, increase investment in education and try to transform the economic structure.

It is worth mentioning that, China also actively helps its neighbors in the process of development Since 1956, China has established an economic and technical assistance agreement with Mongolia to help Mongolia build infrastructure.

The development comparison between China and Mongolia, Highlight the importance of correct development strategy China's experience shows that only by adhering to sustainable development and focusing on economic structure optimization, environmental protection, talent training and social governance can we achieve long-term development.

« -- [Conclusion] -- »

Recalling the current situation of Mongolia, We have seen the challenges faced by a once brilliant nation From economic difficulties to environmental crises, from social problems to cultural inheritance, every aspect needs deep thinking and change.

Development cannot be at the expense of environment and culture, Sustainable development is the long-term solution It is believed that through unremitting efforts, Mongolia will eventually find its own development path.

After all, every nation has its own pride, and every piece of land deserves to be treated well. Let's look forward to the day when Mongolian grasslands will be revitalized, Mongolian people can regain dignity and self-confidence

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