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Compare Jiang Ping's blackboard writing with Wei Dongyi's, and see if Wei Dongyi has any non-standard writing?

How to explain "Lord=6" in Jiang Ping's blackboard writing

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Compare Jiang Ping's blackboard writing with Wei Dongyi's, and see if Wei Dongyi has any non-standard writing?
In fact, Wei Dongyi also wrote irregularly.

Now, many people question Jiang Ping for several reasons:
1. Mathematics is Jiang Ping's hobby, not her major. It's like an amateur player defeating a professional expert.
2. The technical secondary school is Jiang Ping's actual educational background, while the social propaganda is 985211 colleges and universities. It's like that a person who studies fashion design in the eyes of the world would be incredibly rare!

3. Jiang Ping, a 17-year-old female student, unexpectedly suppressed her appearance in the male dominated field: mathematics.
4. Jiang Ping's family condition is ordinary, without any social background, but she can surpass others.

Strictly speaking, it is not the first tier, but the N-tier. Therefore, some people with backgrounds were jealous of her, and Jiang Ping won over those who could not operate by themselves. This is probably the reason.

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