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Recent photos of Princess Charlotte have been released, which looks like an old queen and a standard Windsor face

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Recent photos of Princess Charlotte have been released, which looks like an old queen and a standard Windsor face

Taylor Swift held a solo concert tour at Wembley Stadium, attracting many fans. The Prince of Wales, with his two children, also appeared at the concert and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Princess Charlotte wore a pink sequin dress that day, and the rose gold color matching was very gentle, which made people look bright. The twist braids and the signature smile made Charlotte the focus of the audience, and netizens snapped three members of the royal family.

Careful readers find that when Princess Charlotte smiles, she looks like the old Queen Elizabeth. In fact, since Xiao Xia was born, his appearance has been hotly discussed by netizens. Every time he releases a recent photo, he quickly goes on a hot search.

Open the photos of several generations of members of the British royal family, and find that almost all share a face. Princess Charlotte is only nine years old, but her facial features are almost the same as those of the elderly queen. No wonder she is so popular with the public.

In fact, after careful comparison, we will find that Queen Elizabeth's appearance as a child belongs to the sweet and lovely style. Although Charlotte is very similar to her great grandmother, her childhood looks are quite different.

As a child, Princess Charlotte was more like Princess Diana. As she grew up, her facial features became more and more exquisite and three-dimensional. Charlotte was more like her father, and was even known as the female version of Prince William.

Princess Charlotte undoubtedly brought goods to the Queen. Her children's party dress has now been snapped up. Although she is young, Princess Charlotte has a good fashion taste, which must be influenced by Kate.

For Princess Charlotte, she spent a lot of energy and time during her illness. According to foreign media reports, the three treasures of Wales took turns to take care of their mother before. Princess Charlotte was very considerate and even took charge of the kitchen to cook.

Judy James, a body language expert, revealed that Kate and William have been reunited and that the family and the royal family have successfully weathered the crisis. When they boarded the balcony of Buckingham Palace, they looked at each other affectionately and were called sweet and fried by netizens.

Judy James believes that Prince William is considerate and full of love, which not only gives Kate a sense of security, but also actively participates in parent-child activities. It can be seen from many details that the Prince of Wales has changed his mind and put the interests of his family and the royal family first.

This time, the father and son went to see the concert together. Princess Charlotte's face was full of smiles throughout the whole process, which was really gratifying. Because Kate's health is almost good, other royal family members can finally take a long breath and participate in some entertainment activities properly.

Previously, William had always felt that he was the heir, and Kate was a civilian woman, with unequal status in marriage. But after this crisis, Prince William finally realized the importance of Kate, and the positions of the two sides are likely to change.

Careful readers found that after Prince William showed his love on the royal balcony, his body language was awkward, even a sense of bewilderment. It seems that even if the general direction of this royal marriage has been reversed, both parties still need to break through contradictions and accommodate each other.

#Deep Haowen Plan#

For the Princess of Wales, she won a narrow victory in this game with the support of the Three Treasures of Wales and countless British people. No matter how much pain and suffering she has experienced before, I hope Kate can start again, shelter and teach the three cute kids, and become the guardian of the British monarchy.

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