Spectacular! Intercontinental missiles are lined up in a row, and there are 4000 tanks of a million troops. The United States is worried when it sees them

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Northeast Asia has always been one of the focuses of international political and military attention.

In recent years, with the escalation of friction between the DPRK and the ROK, the Korean Peninsula has become a sensitive area that attracts global attention.

In the north of the peninsula is Korea. Although North Korea has faced serious economic and resource challenges in history, its achievements in the military field in recent years are remarkable.

According to the latest report, North Korea has successfully developed and deployed a series of advanced intercontinental ballistic missiles, whose range is enough to cover long-range targets, posing a new challenge to international security.

In addition to missile technology, North Korea's military strength also includes a huge army and armored forces. It is estimated that North Korea has more than one million troops and thousands of tanks.

Faced with the growing military capabilities of North Korea, the United States and other western countries have to reassess their strategic layout in Asia. At the same time, the rise of North Korea, the heart can not help but straight hair.

The Rise of Korean Military Power

Previously, under the sanctions of western countries, the development of North Korea was seriously affected, especially in the military field.

Even so, the DPRK firmly put forward the development strategy of military priority. After overcoming various difficulties, it has made great progress in the military field.

In particular, progress in the field of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) has become one of the most important international concerns today.

In 2023, North Korea successfully test fired the "Martian Gun-18" intercontinental ballistic missile, which has a range of more than 13000 kilometers, and has the ability to cover all of the United States and most of Europe.

What is more shocking is that the number of North Korean missiles is increasing.

Its strategic rocket force already has thousands of missiles of various types, including an unknown number of Mars 17 and Mars 18 intercontinental missiles. Such military strength makes the security of the US homeland in jeopardy.

In addition to the missile threat, its conventional military strength should not be underestimated. The data shows that at present, North Korea has more than one million army troops, including 4000 tanks and thousands of armored transport vehicles.

Such equipment scale is enough to form a strong impact on the battlefield, which makes any potential opponent feel afraid.

In addition to the army, North Korea's air force and navy also have considerable strength.

The Korean Air Force has thousands of various military aircraft, including fighter planes, bombers and reconnaissance aircraft. The existence of these military aircraft has provided the DPRK with air strike and reconnaissance capabilities.

The Navy has tens of thousands of officers and soldiers and a large number of ships, including submarines, destroyers and frigates. The existence of these ships has enabled North Korea to have a certain combat capability at sea.

North Korea's military strength makes it play an important role in Northeast Asia and even in the world. This increase in military strength has also brought new challenges to regional and even global security.

In the face of North Korea's strong military strength, the United States once felt great pressure.

At the Senate hearing, the commander of the North American Air Defense Command, Guiotte, frankly revealed the current predicament of the United States.

He said frankly that in the face of Iran's previous air strikes against Israel on a similar scale, the existing defense equipment of the United States appears to be stretched to the limit.

This statement undoubtedly exposed the helplessness and inability of the United States in the face of the North Korean missile threat.

If North Korea really launches a missile attack, the security of the US mainland will be in jeopardy. This possibility worries every American.

After all, North Korea's missile technology has been significantly improved, and its range and accuracy are constantly improving. At the same time, the military advantage of the United States is constantly being weakened, which undoubtedly aggravates the security pressure of the United States.

In order to meet this challenge, the United States is also actively seeking various countermeasures. They tried to curb North Korea's provocative behavior by signing the "extended deterrence strategy" agreement and deploying strategic assets in South Korea and other places.

However, whether these measures can really work is also a question worth pondering.

However, it is worth noting that the rise of North Korea's military power has also brought about considerable burdens and risks.

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