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Typhoon 3 has changed! Fujian just measured 41.1 ℃! Thunderstorm and heavy rain are coming

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Hot hot! High temperature quick report!

Fujian thermal power is upgraded again!

40℃+! 40℃+! 40℃+!

Too broken


Fujian just hit the hottest temperature again!

The sun shines, the wind burns your face

Just now, Fuzhou, Fujian

Measured Super 40 ℃ high temperature!

Beyond imagination! Hot!

Data display, within 24 hours

The temperature in the east of Minqingban, Fuzhou is as high as 41.1℃

Fuzhou 4 Ground temperature Reach or exceed 40℃

The temperature distribution map is orange red and extremely hot

Alert! Alert!

High temperature in Fujian Province! The heat is unbearable!

According to the latest release of Fujian Meteorology

Most areas of the province today

The highest temperature in the afternoon is 35℃ about

Local accessibility 37℃

Critical hit! Young friends, take it!

Summer 2024, Fujian

The first wave of hot grilling is coming!

High temperature everywhere

Body feeling stuffy

Please pay attention to heatstroke prevention

Fujian will welcome thunderstorm, moderate rain and heavy rain

Then focus on rain

Latest forecast display

Recently, Fujian is dominated by showers or thunderstorms

Today, the province is dominated by cloudy weather

Locally Shower or thunderstorm

On the 23rd, Fujian was cloudy to overcast

Some in the northwest Shower or thunderstorm

local Moderate to heavy rain

In other areas Shower or thunderstorm

It's cloudy to overcast in the province on the 24th

Most of them have Shower or thunderstorm

Some in the northern region moderate rain

local heavy rain

In other areas moderate rain

Please pay attention to the afternoon thunderstorm

Adverse effects on agricultural production, outdoor activities, etc


The latest forecast is as follows——

Precipitation: From the 22nd to the 24th, Xiamen is mainly sunny and hot, with Local thunderstorm Precipitation is accompanied locally Strong convection weather such as short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorm and strong wind Since the 25th, the subtropical high has weakened. Our city is on the edge of the subtropical high, and the weather is unstable light rain For the most part, remember to prepare rain gear when traveling.

Temperature: Affected by subtropical high Xiamen has a high temperature The highest daytime temperature in the urban area is between 21 and 24 days About 33 ℃ , some towns and streets will appear High temperature weather above 35 ℃ , please do a good job in heatstroke prevention.

newest! Typhoon 3 has changed!

Will login be generated?

Follow the latest news of typhoon again——

According to the medium-term forecast of the Central Meteorological Observatory, tropical disturbances in the northwest Pacific and the South China Sea will become active in the next 10 days; About 23 days ago, there may be a typhoon that will affect the coastal areas of South China

Ouyang Yi, a Chinese weather and meteorological analyst, said that the current situation shows that this tropical system is generated and developed locally in the South China Sea, and the background conditions for its generation and development are not particularly good. It is possible to have a relatively complete circulation 23 days ago or later. Therefore, it is now difficult to say whether it will generate a large number of variables, and whether it will land.

↑ Looking at the cloud picture over the South China Sea yesterday, except for the monsoon water vapor cloud system, it can not be seen for the time being.

From a year-round perspective, the average number of typhoons generated in the northwest Pacific in the first half of the year is more than four, even if the No. 3 typhoon is generated in the future, The number of typhoons generated since this year is still less than that in the same period of the year

For South China, no matter whether this "earth" typhoon in the South China Sea can be generated or not, it cannot escape the influence of heavy rainfall. It is expected that from the 24th to the 26th, there will be heavy rain in Hainan Island, Guangxi, southwest Guangdong, and even southern Yunnan, and there will be heavy rain locally.

Fu Jianren, look!

High temperature protection! Prevent heatstroke!

In hot summer, high temperature, high humidity and strong heat radiation weather can cause a series of physiological changes in body temperature regulation, water and salt metabolism, circulatory system, digestive system, nervous system, urinary system, etc. Once the body cannot adapt, it may cause abnormal temperature rise and fall, cause normal physiological function disorder, and cause heatstroke related symptoms.

Symptoms of heatstroke

Heat stroke refers to an acute disease characterized by central nervous system and/or cardiovascular system disorders caused by heat balance and/or water salt metabolism disorders under high temperature environment. High temperature, high humidity, low wind speed, weakness, maladjustment to heat, excessive labor intensity and time, and excessive fatigue are all prone to induce heatstroke.

The symptoms of heatstroke can be mild to severe. Mild heatstroke can cause dizziness, chest tightness, palpitations, flushing, burning skin, temperature rise, etc. Once severe heatstroke develops, there may be a lot of sweating, decreased blood pressure, syncope, muscle spasm, and even disturbance of consciousness, lethargy, coma, etc.

Heatstroke prevention and precautions

1. Drink plenty of water. In hot weather, increase fluid intake regardless of the amount of exercise. Don't wait until you feel thirsty to drink. For some patients who need to limit their liquid intake, the amount of water to drink at high temperature should follow the doctor's advice.

2. Pay attention to supplement salt and minerals. Alcoholic drinks and high sugar drinks will cause the human body to lose more water, so they are not suitable for drinking at high temperatures. At the same time, avoid drinking too cold frozen drinks to avoid stomach cramps.

3. Eat less food with high oil and fat to reduce heat intake.

4. Wear light, loose and light colored clothes.

5. Try to play indoors. If conditions permit, the air conditioner shall be turned on. If no air conditioner is installed at home, you can take advantage of shopping malls or libraries and other public places to avoid summer heat. Although the use of electric fans can temporarily alleviate the heat sensation, once the temperature rises above 32.2 degrees Celsius (90 degrees Fahrenheit), electric fans will not help reduce the occurrence of heat stroke and other heat related diseases. Taking a cold bath or turning on the air conditioner is more effective for cooling the body.

6. When going out, apply UVA/UVB sunscreen with SPF 15 and above, wear a wide brimmed hat and sunglasses, or use a sunshade.

7. Try not to travel around noon, and try to choose a cool place for outdoor activities.

8. Reduce outdoor exercise in high temperature. If outdoor exercise is necessary, drink 2-4 cups of non-alcoholic cold drinks every hour. Sports drinks can help replenish salts and minerals lost through sweat.

9. If driving in high temperature, do not leave children and pets in the car when leaving the parking lot.

10. Although all kinds of people can be affected by heat stroke, infants, the elderly over 65 years old, people with mental illness, heart disease, hypertension and other chronic diseases are more likely to be at risk, which should be paid special attention. For these high-risk groups, special attention should be paid in hot weather to timely observe whether there are signs of heatstroke.

Comprehensive Fujian Meteorology, China Weather Network, Xiamen Meteorology, Home in Drum Tower

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